Universite de Montreal Faculty of Dentistry

Faculty of Dentistry
2900, Blvd. Edouard-Montpetit
Montreal QC H3T 1J4

The Dental Clinic of Université de Montréal is first and foremost a place for teaching and learning. Its mission is to train competent dentists, to contribute to the knowledge and practice of dentistry, as well as to promote oral health in the population of Quebec, as per national and international competency standards.

Attending the Dental Clinic of Université de Montréal is a way to invest in the life of the university and in the training of the dentists of tomorrow.


The Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Montreal is the largest French-speaking faculty in North America in this field. Forming more than 50% of dentists in Quebec, it is the largest in the country in terms of number of students. It is one of the leaders in French speaking countries in oral research.

The faculty in figures 500 students and residents 50 professors and researchers 160 general practitioners and specialists 70 support and administrative staff 5,000 graduates 2,500 professionals receiving continuing education annually An exclusive clinic-focused undergraduate program The new Doctorate program in dentistry, implemented in the fall of 2016.

Characterized by:

Implementing a continuous improvement program approach, which includes skills development and assessment, within a single 5-year program;

The most sustained integration of the basic sciences with the clinical sciences; The explicit integration of the stages of clinical reasoning in the activities of care and service in association with the patient and his family, while promoting interprofessional collaboration;

Optimization of the sequence of lessons and learning situations; The addition of learning situations at certain key stages to facilitate the progression of clinical skills;

The incorporation of courses dedicated to advanced technologies;

The increase in clinical experience resulting in an early start of activities in the first quarter of the 1st year and continuing continuously until the end of the last quarter of the 5th year;

The agility of the clinical studies program, especially during the 5th year, which allows adaptation to the needs of the population, to new technologies, with the development of our clinics and to the requirements of the Canadian Dental Accreditation Commission.

Our teaching clinic: The first concern of our dental teaching clinic is to guarantee the training of students while allowing professional services to be offered to the population. Supervised by experienced dentists, students provide oral health services to more than 7,500 patients per year.

Our graduate programs:

The College of Dentistry offers a variety of clinically-oriented graduate programs, including residency certificates and professional masters, and others in basic science, including a master's degree in oral science. Students who want to continue their education at the graduate level also have the opportunity to enroll in excellent science-oriented programs.

Map of Universite de Montreal Faculty of Dentistry Faculty of Dentistry, 2900, Blvd. Edouard-Montpetit, Montreal QC H3T 1J4

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