My BEST Dentists Journal


Creating Smiles with Ceiling Tiles at Dr McNerney office

The paintings you see below are ceiling tiles in our McNerney & Wenzon Dental offices. These tiles have been painted by our patients over the last 25 years. The original painting was painted by a patient referred to our office by “Turning Point,” a domestic violence agency. As she was in a tough spot, she offered to provide paintings in exchange for dental care for her two boys. So she would bring a wooden frame which I would cut to fit the ceiling. She would then stretch canvas and paint a scene, over time creating three pieces. During that time, she got cochlear implants and learned to hear. She also earned a Masters and then a Doctorate in order to be a counselor for other women going through what she had. Her little boys have grown to be wonderful men.

When patients saw her paintings they asked if they could paint ceiling tiles. Instead of canvas, they simply used the actual ceiling tiles. Our office now has tiles being painted by children of parents, who had painted a tile when they were younger. And it is so much nicer to have paintings to look at while you are having a dental visit.

McNerney & Wenzon Dental prides ourselves in delivering a high level of dental care to every person, always considering their individual desires and situations.

Our services range from simple dental maintenance to advanced reconstruction, delivered in a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere. We are committed to continuing professional education and use of state of the art techniques and materials. This makes possible innovations such as conscious sedation, dental implants, and extreme makeovers.

Whatever your aspirations may be, we look forward to creating a long-standing relationship to provide and maintain your family’s dental well-being.


by William E McNerney DDS

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