My BEST Dentists Journal


There are 15 dentists in the Skelley family and many are Dugoni School of Dentistry alumni

The Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry is a family. The community on campus and beyond is tight-knit and cooperative. But did you know that every graduating class is filled with family members of previous graduates? Recently, 10 to 20 students in each class at the dental school have Dugoni School of Dentistry graduates and practicing dentists in their families.

“We have several families at the Dugoni School of Dentistry who can boast three generations of graduates—the Dugoni and Hovden families to name a few,” shared Dr. William van Dyk ’73, past president of the Alumni Association, at the 2016 Annual Alumni Recognition Luncheon. Another such three-generation legacy family is the Skelley family of San Francisco.

The Skelley family has a long history in dentistry and in San Francisco. Their dental dynasty started with Dr. Fred Skelley, P&S Class of 1915. He grew up in San Francisco and met his wife of Finnish decent, Ingrid Arvonen, while attending Glen Park Grammar School. He and his family were long-time inhabitants of San Francisco and all survived the 1906 Earthquake.

Fred began his practice in San Francisco when he opened his dental office on Mission Street near 29th Street shortly after graduating from the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Now, 100 years later, the family includes 15 dentists, many of whom are Dugoni School of Dentistry alumni.

Photo: Drs. Lila Marie Skelley ’74, Eugene Skelley ’54 and Jocelyn Yvonne Skelley ’90 at the 117th Annual Alumni Meeting


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