My BEST Dentists Journal


Looking at IV Sedation

By offering sedation dentistry, it is our goal at our office to make our patients relaxed by reducing their anxiety and fears about dental treatment. Patients generally cannot recall the procedure, thus making the dental experience more pleasant and pain-free.

In general, it is safer for a patient's cardiovascular system, in that they are more relaxed and can avoid high stress levels.

Dr. Martone is trained and certified in IV Sedation. At Westfield Dental Associates, sedation is available for all dental procedures. For those patients who opt for IV conscious sedation, we require that you have someone drive you home after your procedure.    

Some of the most common dental fears that  sedation dentistry can relieve are:

Fear of embarrassment about the condition of teeth

Fear of gagging

Fear of injections

Fear of not becoming numb when injected with Novocain

Fear of pain

Fear of drills 

What are the five main advantages of IV sedation?

1. IV sedation tends to be the method of choice if you don't want to be aware of the procedure - you "don't want to know". The alternative in the use of oral sedation using Halcion, but oral sedation is not as reliably effective as IV sedation.

2. The onset of action is very rapid, and drug dosage and level of sedation can be tailored to meet the individual's needs. This is a huge advantage compared to oral sedation, where the effects can be very unreliable. IV sedation, on the other hand, is both highly effective and higly reliable.

3. The maximum level of sedation which can be reached with IV is deeper than with oral or inhalation sedation(nitrous oxide).

4. Can be ideal for those with a phobia of dental injections.

5.  Unlike General Anaesthesia or Deep Sedation, conscious IV sedation doesn't really introduce any compromises per se in terms of carrying out the actual procedures, because people are conscious and they can cooperate with instructions, and there is no airway tube involved.

Is it safe?

Dr. Martone does full cardiac monitoring during IV Sedation. This means that your pulse rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, breathing rate, and carbon dioxide level are always being watched. Our office is fully supported with the required emergency equipment and with office personnel who are trained in its use.  

by Dr Jane Martone

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