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Oral Health Foundation is delighted to announce the first bamboo toothbrush to gain accreditation from its expert panel

The charity has given its seal of approval to the Bambooth series of toothbrushes, which help aid good oral health and provide an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic brushes.  

The toothbrush handles are made from muso bamboo, the world’s fastest-growing renewable resource, which is also completely biodegradable.  The brush also has a thinner neck for better handling in the mouth.

Dr Ben Atkins, President of the Oral Health Foundation, believes that this marks a great moment for the charity’s accreditation programme.

Dr Atkins says: “Most of us are looking for more ways to be kinder to the environment by ditching plastic and moving to natural and sustainable alternatives.  This has traditionally been very difficult in oral care as single use plastics are extremely common.  That’s why it is a terrific feeling to be able to accredit our first bamboo toothbrush.

“Bambooth is a great option for both adults and children who are looking for an eco-friendly toothbrush.  We are extremely proud to place it alongside more than 1,000 products that have passed through our accreditation programme over the last 30 years.”

The Oral Health Foundation’s accreditation programme examines product claims to make sure they are reliable and can be supported by scientific evidence.

Each product that passes through the charity’s expert panel is awarded with a kite mark to show that its claims have been rigorously checked and effectively verified.

Latest figures show one in three people in the UK use a manual toothbrush.

With recommendations advising that brushes are changed every three months, it means the average person uses up to 324 toothbrushes throughout their lifetime.

Co-Founder of Bambooth, Niamh McGill, is delighted by the Oral Health Foundation’s accreditation and explains why more people should consider making the switch to environmentally friendly brushes.

Ms McGill says: “More than 3.5 billion plastic toothbrushes are made every year and many of these end up in oceans and landfill.  This causes pollution, harms wildlife and effects the food chain. 

“It may seem like a relatively small action but by moving to a bamboo toothbrush, you can make a big difference.  The Oral Health Foundation’s seal of approval shows that it is possible to look after your oral health while also giving a helping hand to the environment.”

by Oral Health Foundation

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