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Your dentist has referred you to an endodontist because he or she understands that you will benefit from the specialized training and experience that a root canal specialist can offer. An endodontist is a dentist with special training in diagnosing and treating problems associated with the soft tissue inside of the tooth. To become an endodontist a dentist must complete an ADA certified, two-year, full-time program of advanced training in endodontics. We will work with you and your dentist to hold on to your natural dentition.


There is nothing as good as your natural tooth! Your dentist has recommended a root canal because saving your teeth is the natural choice. There are many new ways to replace a missing tooth, but not even the most advanced implants or bridges can in fact replace your natural tooth. Not all teeth can be saved, but whenever possible saving your tooth should be your first choice it’s the natural choice!


Root canal treatment doesn’t cause pain it relieves it! A toothache is most often caused by infection or other damage to the soft tissue inside the tooth. Root canal treatment removes this damaged tissue from the tooth, thereby relieving the pain. Occasionally the healing can be delayed by pre-existing conditions such as infection and inflammation but in most cases conditions start improving after a few days.


Yes! Root canal treatment is a safe and effective procedure. Starting in the 1930s and continuing until today, research has shown that people with root canal fillings are no more likely to be ill than people without them. There is no relationship between the presence of endodontically treated teeth and the presence of illness.


Recently a few very vocal dentists and physicians have been claiming that teeth that have received root canal treatment contribute to the occurrence of illness and disease in the body. This claim is based on the now obsolete studies performed by Dr. Weston Price from 1910-1930. Dr. Price believed that bacteria trapped in the teeth during root canal treatment can cause almost any type of disease, including arthritis, heart disease, kidney disease, and others. Although he and others meant well, their claims resulted in many millions of unnecessary extractions and mutilated mouths. Back then, many people in their 30’s and 40’s had all their teeth extracted for nothing and had to wear dentures for the rest of their lives. Sound like anyone you met?


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