Saudi Endodontic Society

King Saud University
Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 12372

The Saudi Endodontic Society: is dedicated to advancing the art and science of endodontics and to promoting the highest standards of patient care. The SES’s success is driven by the exceptional work of its volunteer leaders and diverse membership.


To be the leading professional body for endodontists to elevate the standard of endodontic care, public awareness and safety.


Promote excellence in patient care through evidence-based endodontic practice among dental professionals, and supporting public and legislative advocacy.


To develop and promote educational activities for health workers in renal care.

To participate in spreading public health awareness and to provide support for renal patients. To develop professional and scientific practice of the Society members.

To ease the exchange of research outcomes and scientific ideas between local and international agencies and institutes concerned.

To participate in formulating plans related to renal diseases and transplantation. To promote the highest quality of care for patients with renal diseases.

The SES was established In 2010, and since that time it has continued to become a well known Society, this will not happen without the support and cooperation of everyone, and we as board members of this Society, will work hard to fulfill our promise to you, for further development and expansion for the advancement of the profession of endodontics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Map of Saudi Endodontic Society King Saud University, Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 12372

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