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How to Deal with Wounds or Cuts in Your Mouth

How can something so tiny be so annoying and painful? Cuts inside your mouth can happen to anyone. They can make your lips or cheeks swell, and they burn when you eat citrus fruits or drink hot beverages. Thankfully, because they are so common there are clear and easy tips to help them heal. We'll give you the rundown of why these little injuries can be a real pain and answer your questions about how to treat inner lip or mouth wounds.

Why do mouth wounds happen?

Cuts on the lips, tongue and the inside of the mouth happen to almost everyone. These areas have the softest, thinnest skin on your body, so the smallest bump or scrape can break the skin. You may have gotten wounds from your teeth cutting the inside of your mouth or bruised your lips from accidentally biting down. Some inner lip wounds can be canker sores or cold sores.

Most inner lip or outer lip wounds are minor. Sometimes injuries can be more serious, such as injury to the face in a fall or car accident. In these instances, you should call your dentist to examine the wound.

It may be scary at first to feel or see a wound in your mouth because they tend to bleed more than a cut on another part of your body. Not only is that skin soft and vulnerable, but it's close to blood vessels, increasing the amount of bleeding. It's important to clean this area with good oral hygiene which will help it heal.

How do you treat cuts on your lips?

If the cut or wound is on the outside of the mouth like on your lips, you can easily keep it clean with mild soap, warm water and a clean cloth. Apply pressure with the towel to stop or slow any bleeding.

What should you put on cuts inside your lip or mouth?

You can easily do inner lip wound care at home. Rinse with salt water or a 1:1 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water multiple times a day, like after meals. Salt water rinses have been shown to help your body heal. Don't swallow these solutions, especially not hydrogen peroxide. Don't worry if putting hydrogen peroxide on the lip or mouth wound makes your wound foam up a little, that's normal when peroxide meets skin. Cleaning the wound with these solutions will ensure there's no dirt or debris in the cut and allow your body to heal itself even faster.

The best way to heal a cut in your mouth in 3 steps

Often small wounds in the mouth can heal quickly with good hygiene and time. The American Dental Association (ADA) says minor sores or irritations like these can heal within a week or two. Follow these three steps from the University of Rochester Medical Center:

Do salt water rinses or hydrogen peroxide and water solution rinses after meals to clear bacteria and food debris

Make sure you aren't touching the cut with your tongue or fingers. It's tempting to check on it, but touching it may get the wound dirty and slow down healing. Wash your hands regularly just in case you do touch it.

If your inner lip wound has caused swelling or bruising, you should press gently on the wound with an ice pack or crushed ice wrapped with a clean cloth.

If your at-home care is not helping and you're worried about it, you may need to see the doctor.

When should you call your doctor about a mouth wound?

Here is where it may be scarier than a little cut. Pay attention to your body and if any of the following are true, contact your doctor:

Bleeding does not stop even after putting pressure with a cloth

The cut on your inner lip is deep

The cut extends from your mouth to the face

The cut in the lip is a puncture or hole

You develop any of these signs of infection:

Redness that expands to the surrounding area

Tender and painful

Fever develops

A pimple-like swelling with pus

Swelling increases and bruising of skin or hematoma may occur

If your mouth wound is around a tooth and the tooth is loose or broken, call your dentist. While you are waiting to see your dentist, the ADA suggests cold compresses and rinses in the meantime for sores and mouth injuries.

How do you prevent cuts in your mouth or on your lips?

If you've developed an injury from sports or other physical activities, a mouth guard could prevent your teeth from scraping your cheeks. Mouth guards provide a solid yet soft surface for your teeth. Your teeth can clench down on it instead of the inside of your mouth! They will also prevent you from biting your lips and accidentally breaking the skin. Mouth guards can be found in stores or customized for you by your dentist.

Be patient and let your cut heal

By keeping your wound clean, you are letting your body focus on healing the wound. If you are still concerned about the pain or swelling, call your doctor or dentist, and they can assess if you need further treatment. Until then, rinse with salt water or a mix of hydrogen peroxide and water, stop yourself from touching it and use cold compresses to help with any swelling or bruising. With these tips, the injury is on its way to healing.

by Colgate

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Nine Things Your Dentist Wishes You Would Stop Doing

Sure, you know that taking care of your teeth is important, but be honest—how often do you really floss? Yep, that’s what we thought. And your dentist knows it, too. Here, nine things your dentist would really (really) like you to stop doing.

1. Lying About Your Flossing Habits

“We pay a lot of money to go to school and assess the health of your gingiva (i.e., gums),” a New York City dentist tells us. “So, when you tell us that you floss every day, but really you mean every day for the last three days…we can tell.” Oops, guilty as charged. You’re better off being honest, the doctor tells us. “If you don’t floss or don’t know the proper way, we are here to teach you,” she adds.

2. Using At-home Whitening Kits

“DIY whitening kits are generally useless,” says Beverly Hills dentist Dr. Matt Nejad. “The only one I would use is Crest Whitestrips, but even that has limitations, such as difficulty whitening between the teeth, which can result in dark stains remaining in that area.” Not only that, but going the DIY route could also do some serious damage. “Bleaching your teeth with over-the-counter products can lead to thinning enamel, gum irritation and recession, and sensitive teeth,” Dr. Steven Davidowitz (who you can find on RealSelf) tells us. For a mouth full of pearly whites, make an appointment with your dentist instead.

3. Infusing Your Water With Lemon And Lime

We get it—plain old H20 is boring. But that extra twist of lemon or lime contains acid—a big no-no when it comes to oral health. “Acidic mouths lead to tooth decay, gum disease, enamel (aka the outer protective layer of your tooth) damage and bad breath,” says Dr. Davidowitz. To keep your teeth (and dentist) happy, stick to plain water instead.

4. Brushing With A Hard Bristle Toothbrush

A hard brush combined with too much pressure is bad news. (Think recession and potentially brushing off the enamel.) Always stick to soft bristles to keep your gums and teeth healthy.

5. Or Manual Ones

“An electric toothbrush allows for a more consistent and purposeful brushing,” says Dr. Davidowitz. “With manual toothbrushes, you’re more inclined to over brush certain areas and completely miss other areas. In addition, electronic toothbrushes have a two-minute timer built right in so that you are able to give every tooth the TLC it needs,” he adds.

6. Chewing On Hard Objects

That includes acrylic fingernails, pens and ice. And never, ever use your teeth to open things.

7. Freaking Your Kids Out

“I see many children that are doing well in the dental chair, only to lose it when they see their parent getting nervous or telling them to get ready for pain,” a Brooklyn-based dentist tells us. “I feel like I need to be in charge of that setting and parents sometimes get in the way of that.” Got that, Mom?

8. Replacing Good Old-fashioned Toothpaste With Weird Fads

Looking at you, oil pulling (“not scientifically proven to do anything to your teeth,” says one doc) and charcoal powder (“not well regulated and therefore too abrasive, which can strip tooth enamel,” says another).

9. Not Taking Prescription Antibiotics As Directed

A typical prescription might require you to take a tablet every six to eight hours for a certain number of days. What irks your dentist is when you take antibiotics until you feel better and don’t complete the full course. It’s actually a dangerous move, one dentist tells us, because while you may have suppressed the infection, you haven’t actually completely eliminated the bacteria. Stick to your dentist’s order next time, OK?

by Pure Wow

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Should I Rinse My Mouth Out With Water?

Your oral hygiene routine is your smile’s first line of defense when it comes to protecting your teeth from the harmful effects of gum disease and tooth decay. While rinsing your mouth out with water can sometimes be good for your dental health, in some cases, patients should avoid rinsing. 


If you’ve recently undergone an invasive dental procedure, saltwater rinses may be an essential part of your aftercare instructions. A saltwater rinse is when patients are instructed to make a homemade solution combining 1/2 teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water. Once the salt is fully dissolved, patients should gently swish the rinse around in their mouths, avoiding swallowing it. Saltwater rinses are usually recommended to keep any incision sites or soft tissue abrasions clean while they heal. Because the affected area may be tender for a few days following the procedure, saltwater rinses are a good alternative to brushing or flossing.

The rinse will keep the area clean, helping patients avoid infection. Once the affected area is healed, you may return to your regular at-home oral hygiene routine.


While patients should brush and floss twice a day to maintain their dental health, these activities are not always convenient when you are outside of your house. If you spend most of the day outside of your home, working, or at school, consider rinsing your mouth out with water following midday meals or snacks.

This will help prevent dry mouth as well as wash away food residue left behind on your teeth. Chewing sugar-free gum may also help dislodge any food particles stuck between your teeth. The goal is to keep your breath fresh and your smile free of food residue to avoid plaque and tartar buildup and dental discoloration while on the go. Once you return home, you should brush and floss as usual.


Many patients utilize kinds of toothpaste or mouthwashes that contain active ingredients that combat plaque and tartar buildup, tooth discoloration, and dental sensitivity. These ingredients are essential for these products to perform as intended. When you rinse your mouth out with water immediately following brushing or using mouthwash, these ingredients get washed away as well.

Because these ingredients are meant to remain on your teeth, this may impact your overall dental health. Patients are advised to avoid rinsing their mouth out with water immediately following brushing or using mouthwash.


by Coastal Dentistry

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Three Unusual Ways Brushing Your Teeth Keeps You Healthy

We’ve all been told time and time again, since the time our first milk teeth were popping out, to brush our teeth twice a day. Dentists recommend brushing twice a day for at least two minutes for optimal dental health for good reason. Now apart from the obvious benefits of keeping your breath fresh, keeping harmful bacteria from building up and preventing gum infections, good oral hygiene can have positive health benefits for you beyond just your mouth.

Here are three unusual ways brushing your teeth can help you stay healthy!

It Can Prevent Heart Disease

Having good oral hygiene by regularly brushing your teeth keeps bacteria from building in your mouth. Should you for some reason wake up one morning and decide to stop brushing your teeth altogether, the bacteria that slowly begins to build up can travel down to your bloodstream and increase the likelihood of cholesterol build up in your arteries. This can lead to an increased chance of heart attacks.

It Can Help You Deliver a Healthier Baby

Yes, you read that right. Brushing your teeth can actually help your soon-to-be-born-baby! Gum disease can increase the chance of premature, low weight babies. The build-up of bacteria in your mouth not just puts your health at risk, it can risk your baby’s too. If that isn’t convincing enough, then might we mention that poor dental hygiene is also linked to delayed conception and impotence?

It Can Prevent Chances of Dementia

Studies have shown that the chances of developing dementia increase 30-40% in individuals who have poor gum health.

Want To Take Better Care of Your Teeth?

If you want to start paying more attention to your teeth, here are a few tips;

Brush your teeth every day for at least two minutes.

If you can, try to brush after meals.

Use a fluoride toothpaste

Don’t forget to brush your tongue to get rid of any extra bacteria and keep your breath fresh!

Floss every day; preferably, before bed.

But while taking the measures above may improve the overall quality of your health and dental hygiene, it is still strongly advisable to visit your dentist regularly or at least twice a year to get checkups and get a deeper cleaning done.

by Smile Esthetics

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Binge Eating Disorder and Your Oral Health

Surprisingly, more than 10 million Americans alone are currently affected by severe eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia, and binge eating. According to the National Eating Disorders Association, eating disorders affect many and need immediate attention.

While anyone can suffer from an eating disorder, they are prevalent in young adult women and even teenagers. In addition to having a negative impact on your health and quality of life, eating disorders affect your self-image. 

The disorder can also affect your social life, like your relationships with friends and families and your performance in school or at work. If you suffer from an eating disorder, it is essential to talk to your dentist. 

Eating disorders can also severely affect your oral health. Keep reading to find out more about how eating disorders can affect your oral health. 

Types of Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are dangerous psychological conditions in which a person’s negative feelings, often about their food or body, affect their eating behavior. An individual with an eating disorder might eat too little food or have sessions where they overeat and then eliminate what has been eaten. 

At other times, some individuals with eating disorders may overeat. All of these abnormal eating behaviors can create a host of severe health problems, including oral problems. Indeed, the state of the mouth might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the term eating disorder. But people must be aware of the risks.

1 Anorexia 

This anorexia disorder typically involves an extreme fear of gaining weight or a person’s dread of becoming fat. Even though these people may be very thin or even extremely underweight, they see themselves as fat.

These people may even attempt to reach or maintain what they think is their perfect body weight. They can even achieve this by literally starving themselves. You might also find these people exercise excessively. 

Others might eat excessive amounts of food in one sitting. Such people may even attempt to get rid of the calories from their bodies by forcing themselves to “throw up” or by the misuse of enemas or laxatives. It is a very extreme case and you might need to consult a doctor immediately. 

2 Binge Eating or Compulsive Overeating

This may affect anyone, men as women. Such people are sometimes described as ‘food addicts’. These people overeat or binge eat but do not regularly try to get rid of the food immediately. They do not try throwing up or misuse laxatives or enemas. Feelings of guilt may make it easier for the person to overeat again.

3 Bulimia

Like anorexia, bulimia is also a disorder that includes the fears of being overweight. But this condition also includes hidden periods of overeating quite similar to binge eating. Overeating may occur several times a week or even several times a day. 

When overeating, individuals often may feel entirely out of control. They may gulp down hundreds of calories, often high in fat and carbohydrates. The amount of food they eat would be greater than what an average person would eat in a meal. 

After they overeat, they are guilty and try to “undo” that they ate too much. They quickly force themselves to “throw up” or try using drugs like laxatives or enemas. This is often called – binging and purging.

Why is Binge Eating Disorder Harmful?

Binge eating is quite similar to bulimia nervosa. It involves the compulsive eating of large quantities of food in a short period but without subsequent purging. The disorder involves periods of excess food intake followed by feelings of shame, guilt, and depression. This negative feeling leads to further binge eating.

Such people actively seek methods to rid themselves of the excess calories eaten during binge eating episodes. If not treated, the process can lead to a gain in weight despite frequent dieting. Finally, the person will become clinically obese.

Moreover, binge eating disorders can also affect your self-image, relationships with family members and friends. If you suffer from this disorder, talking to your dentist in detail is essential. Binge eating can lead to dental health problems. 

Binge eaters were previously classified as food addicts. Such people usually take in large quantities of food or beverages without feeling like they are in control of what they are consuming. These binges are most of the time planned ahead when the person buys “special” foods to binge on, or they could also be spontaneous.

Multiple studies have proved that binge eating disorders can have an adverse effect on oral health. Hence Oral Health Foundation is supporting Eating Disorders Awareness in its mission.

One important aspect is that binge eaters do not “overindulge” in foods. Or they do not simply just have large portions of food items. These are not enjoyable experiences. Instead, they often cause a lot of embarrassment and distress to the eater.

Another noticeable characteristic of binge eating episodes includes eating faster than usual. The disorder also includes eating until feeling uncomfortably full. Moreover, binge eaters eat alone and feel embarrassed at the amount they eat. They also have a feeling of shame, disgust, or guilt after the binge.

Binge Eating Disorders Lead to Dental Problems 

The disorder includes conditions when the binge eater eats large amounts of food when not feeling hungry. Without the proper nutrition, your gums and other soft tissue inside the mouth might start to bleed easily. The glands producing saliva might swell, and individuals might experience chronic dry mouth. 

If you throw up frequently, it can affect teeth too. That is because when strong stomach acid repeatedly flows over teeth, your tooth’s enamel can be lost. You might also notice a change in shape, color, and length.  The condition is know as as acid reflux. The edges of teeth can become thin and break off easily. Eating hot or cold food or drink might become uncomfortable.

Binge eating disorder can badly affect your oral health. Sensitive teeth, tooth erosion, and bad breath are just a few of the signs that your dentists might notice when you are suffering from an eating disorder.

Here are a few of the problems that might arise.

1 Tooth Decay

Binge eaters intake sugary foods or carbonated beverages. As a result, their teeth and gums are exposed to increased acid and plaque, resulting in tooth cavity and tooth decay.

2 Tooth Erosion

Binge eaters tend to have symptoms like the thinning of the enamel on the front teeth due to tooth erosion. When you purge, the stomach acid travels through the mouth. This acid erodes the backside of your front teeth heavily. 

3 Tooth Sensitivity

The high acid levels in the mouth can wear away the tooth enamel leading to tooth sensitivity. This sensitive teeth issues will makes your teeth more sensitive when exposed to hot or cold drinks.

4 Insufficient Calcium

Calcium plays a role in building strong and healthy teeth. Lack of calcium causes teeth to loosen up and possibly fall out. If you do not get enough calcium from a nutritious diet, your body will draw calcium from your teeth and bones, making them weak. 

Recommended Treatment – Binge Eating Disorders

Your dentist is the right person to recognize any early warning signs of binge eating disorders. During your dental examination, they generally carry out checks on the soft and hard tissues of your mouth. 

They also look for signs of tooth decay and tooth erosion and any possible injuries to your mouth. Mouth injuries might have been caused by forcing food into the mouth to make yourself vomit.

Your dentist can also detect any tooth erosion through stomach acid. They can also identify tooth decay from excessive sugar consumption and signs of nutrient deficiencies, if any.

If your dentist suspects that you are suffering from a binge eating disorder, they will talk to you calmly. Your dentist will prescribe a high fluoride toothpaste or varnish to protect your teeth from further decay.

One of the most helpful things your dentist can do is offer detailed instructions about proper oral hygiene. Additionally, your dentist can provide a customized treatment plan for your existing oral problems related arisen due to binge eating disorders.

by Shankari Das

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Why do some people have dental problems during the summer season?

Summer season is synonymous with warm weather, vacations, endless fun time for kids along with illnesses like heat stroke. Everyone aware of the impacts hot weather can have on our bodies. Do you know that the heatwave will hurt your teeth and gums? Apart from chickenpox, measles, sunburn, and other summer diseases, various annoying dental problems also arise during the summertime.

With little precautionary actions, you can overcome dental irregularities like summer-related seasonal toothache, teeth sensitivity, and so on.

In this article, our dental doctors and oral hygienists have described how the sunny season causes teeth problems.

1) Dehydration

Dehydration often occurs in summers because of the increased body temperature due to heat. Hydrating yourself with fluid consumption is the best way to balance the depletion of water in your body and its side effects like dizziness, dry skin, fever, etc.

Such chronic dehydration reflects in your oral health also with many devastating effects. The reduced moistness in the body affects the salivary glands which in turn, lessens the salivary flow. Low salivation levels will make your teeth, gums dried out to make the oral tissues a breeding ground for bacteria to thrive and tend to various dental diseases.

2) Acids present in soft drinks

Many people prefer soft drinks like soda, fruit juices, sparkling water for hydration. Despite reducing the body heat and helps in moisturizing ourselves, these fluids contain excessive sugary and acidic components that are detrimental to teeth. This is because the acids and sugars in foods we take feed bacteria to corrode the teeth.

In simply, if you take carbonated drinks for hydration, it means you are providing a way for microbes to breed in your mouth. It will eventually lead to dental illnesses like cavities, toothache, etc.

3) Heat

Your tooth will react to extreme heat temperature if it has underlying problems. For instance, the bacteria present in a decayed tooth take advantage of the warm weather and is followed by chronic inflammations in tissues around the tooth. It will trigger a severe toothache.

To be precise, the hot weather activates the untreated infections in a tooth and increases the pain in the tooth to a greater extent.

4) Increased risk of Micro injuries in teeth

The micro injuries that happen while playing or doing some physical activities will become worsen with the warm weather.

As it is vacation time, kids are interested in playing. Whether it is indoor or outdoor, they might fall and injure themselves. When they get micro injuries in teeth like chips, cracks over the teeth surface, it will not cause serious aftereffects in most cases.

In contrast, the repeated micro injuries over the teeth surfaces accompanied by hot temperatures will trigger problems like sensitive teeth.

Bottom line

In most cases, the summertime weather does not hurt our teeth directly but what you put your teeth in the increased heat temperature will increase the risk of such seasonal dental discomforts.

Keeping your teeth healthy in summer is also possible with activities like dehydrating yourselves with natural drinks instead of sugary drinks, keeping your teeth and gums clean, neglecting acidic foods along getting a mid-summer dental checkup.

by Lakshme Dental

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Four Foods to Avoid If You Have Sensitive Teeth

Tooth sensitivity is a common problem described as sharp, shooting pain in the teeth, usually experienced while consuming cold food and beverages. Tooth sensitivity occurs when the middle layer of the teeth (known as dentin) gets exposed due to wear, tear, and erosion. The dentin carries nerve endings and is protected by a strong calcified layer (enamel).

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

People develop sensitivity due to thinning or wearing of the enamel. The reasons may include:

Consumption of foods that create acid in the mouth

Vigorous brushing of teeth

An injury that may have caused chipping or cracking of the teeth

Grinding teeth at night (bruxism)

Which Foods Can Increase Tooth Sensitivity?

Acidic foods: Regular consumption of foods with high acids, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, pickles and tea, can cause enamel erosion and result in tooth sensitivity.

Cold drinks: Carbonated beverages such as colas and sodas are loaded with sugar and some acids such as phosphoric and citric acids, which can gradually wear away the enamel of the teeth. Excessive consumption of cold drinks can also increase the risk of sensitivity and cavities.

Sticky candies: The mouth is home to millions of bacteria. Candies such as refined sugar candies, lollipops, and caramel chocolates stick on the surface of the teeth, and the bacteria present in the mouth use this sugar to form acids, which destroy the enamel resulting in cavities. 

Alcoholic and sugary beverages: Cocktails are alcoholic drinks mixed with sugar syrups, soda, and fruit juices. Excessive consumption of cocktails allows the oral bacteria to grow and form acid, thereby increasing the risk of enamel erosion. Moreover, the consumption of alcohol reduces the flow of saliva, which is needed to prevent bacterial buildup on the surface of the teeth.

How to Deal with Tooth Sensitivity?

Avoiding the consumption of acidic foods and carbonated beverages is a necessary first step, as they can expedite enamel depletion. Meanwhile, measures that can help deal with tooth sensitivity include:

Visiting a dentist: A dentist can refill the damaged part of the enamel with tooth fillings to treat sensitivity and prevent further damage to the tooth.

Maintaining oral hygiene: Brushing twice daily using fluoridated toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush will help prevent the growth of bacteria on the surface of the teeth.

Adding fibrous foods to the diet: Fibrous foods such as cucumber, celery, and apples involve rigorous chewing, which increases the flow of saliva.

How is the consumption of carbonated or acidic drinks related to tooth sensitivity?

Dr Vipul Goel, a dentist associated with Apollo 24|7, states that “Consumption of carbonated or acidic drinks can erode the enamel (the outer layer of the tooth) and expose the dentine (the part of the tooth with nerve sensations), increasing the risk of dental caries or sensitivity.”


Continuous use of carbonated beverages and acidic foods can cause irreversible damage to the teeth. Therefore, to reduce sensitivity and avoid cavities one must follow proper oral hygiene measures such as brushing, flossing, and tongue cleaning regularly. Furthermore, regular visits to the dentist can help keep sensitivity in check and prevent further damage to the tooth.


by Apollo Pharmacy

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Four Longitudinal Fracture Issues And How They're Treated

Cracked teeth can happen due to a variety of circumstances: trauma due to an accident, chewing on hard food, a weak tooth structure. Sometimes, those cracks result in a type of damage called longitudinal fractures. While these fractures don’t always cause symptoms, they can cause pain and grow bacteria, which can lead to irritation and infection. Luckily, dental professionals can treat longitudinal tooth fractures, and the process to recovery will depend on the type of fracture. Here are the four types to be aware of.

Types of Longitudinal Fractures

1. Craze Lines:

While craze lines are considered a fracture, they’re not considered a dental emergency and generally do not need treatment. That’s because these lines only affect the tooth enamel and do not cause pain. Teeth grinding, nail-biting, or changing temperatures in the mouth may cause these types of fractures. While these cracks should not cause concern, some adults seek out cosmetic fixes like teeth whitening.

2. Fractured Cusp:

Fractured cusps occur when a piece of a tooth’s chewing surface breaks off, typically near a filling. This type of fracture usually does affect your pulp or cause pain and typically can be repaired through a filling or crown.

According to a report in the Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research, fractured cusps are the most common type of longitudinal fracture. A number of conditions may cause them:

Teeth weakened by restorations

Large cavities


Traumatic injuries

Abnormal biting habits, such as teeth grinding

If you do have a fractured cusp and experience pain or sensitivity to cold fluids, reach out to your dental professional for immediate attention.

3. Cracked Tooth:

A cracked tooth is when a crack extends from the crown of the tooth toward the root, though the tooth is not split into pieces. This fracture is more extensive than a fractured cusp and, therefore, more likely to affect the nerve of the tooth. There are several possible causes for a cracked tooth, including:

Teeth grinding

Dental work that weakened the tooth

Trauma to the tooth

Treatment will vary based on the location and extent of the crack, which your dentist may need to investigate. If the nerve of the tooth is affected, an endodontist might perform a root canal treatment. If the crack extends down below the gumline, the tooth may need to be extracted.

4. Split Tooth:

A split tooth is a complete fracture from the crown that extends below the gumline through the middle of the tooth. This is usually the result of an untreated cracked tooth, as the fracture extends over time, it can happen either suddenly or due to the long-term growth of the crack. The tooth may require extraction, but in some cases, an endodontist may save a portion of the tooth and complete a restoration to make the tooth functional.

Who Treats a Longitudinal Fracture?

Depending on what causes a longitudinal fracture and what kind you have, different specialists may be required to diagnose and treat your problem. For example, endodontists have additional training in finding the cause of tooth pain and performing procedures on the interior of the tooth, according to the AAE. They may diagnose a longitudinal fracture or perform root canal treatment.

Alternately, prosthodontists work on tooth restoration to maintain its health, function, comfort, and appearance. They do so by saving and restoring natural teeth or replacing missing teeth with crowns, veneers, bridges, or dentures. When it comes to longitudinal fractures, they would be involved in restoring the tooth with a filling or crown.

Longitudinal Fracture Treatment

If your dentist diagnoses you with one of these longitudinal fractures, rest assured that treatment options are available to help make your mouth healthy again. While more severe cases might call for a root canal procedure or extraction, smaller fractures might be solved by a filling. If you experience any sudden pain in a tooth, see your dental professional as soon as possible for a diagnosis.

Longitudinal fractures might seem frightening or unfamiliar, but don’t worry—the sooner you contact your dental professional, the sooner you can get examined and start treatment. While longitudinal fracture causes aren’t always preventable, maintaining excellent oral health in the meantime can help prevent decay and enamel weakening. That includes brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and soft-bristle toothbrush and cleaning between your teeth daily with floss or another interdental device. Also, be sure to visit your dental professional every six months for regular checkups. The more you maintain your teeth’s health, the more long-lasting strength and sparkle they’ll have!

by Colgate

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Do you Brush Your Teeth Twice A Day and Still Need Fillings?

A build up of plaque in hard to reach areas may be your problem.

Tooth decay causing bacteria that accumulate in these areas produce acid, demineralising the tooth enamel. This is the first stage of tooth decay and without further action, may lead to a hole in your tooth. We recommend daily flossing along with brushing your teeth twice a day as an excellent preventative measure.

There are several characteristics of the oral environment that, when imbalanced, can lead to an increased risk of tooth decay. Saliva is your most important protective factor. Adequate production, consistency and buffering capacity of saliva is essential for the prevention of tooth decay.

Next time you visit your dentist you should ask to check your saliva’s characteristics. If you need to improve your saliva’s quality simple methods like chewing sugar-free gum are great ways to stimulate salivary flow and maintain the saliva’s pH.

A look into your daily diet to identify excessive intake of sugary or acidic foods and beverages is also important. Consuming a healthy diet is important to your oral health. Your dentist can provide you with further advice you on this.

If you are prone to tooth decay, regular dental visits are advised to detect and restore small problems before they become too large and treatment becomes complicated. The best treatment we can provide is prevention.

by Braddon Dental

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Can Poor Oral Health Cause Acne?

If you are struggling with stubborn acne on your face, poor oral health may be to blame. New studies show a relationship between your oral health and the formation of acne. This is due to the presence of propionibacterium in your mouth and throat, which is a bacteria commonly found in pimples. When bad bacteria from cavities, gingivitis, and infected teeth transfer to your face, new pimples can form. Therefore, it’s important to take proactive steps to improve your dental hygiene and minimize the transfer of bacteria to your face.

How Infected Teeth, Periodontitis, and Gingivitis Exacerbate Acne

Acne that is resistant to basic treatment may be caused by an infection in your mouth. The buildup of harmful plaque and tartar in your mouth can also trigger an inflammatory response and exacerbate inflammation, skin irritation, and acne breakouts around your lips, chin, and lower cheeks. Some patients report that their acne improves once their dentist removes an infected tooth. A basic dental exam will allow your dentist to see if your teeth show any signs of infection.

The Link Between Periodontal Disease and Other Skin Diseases

Poor oral hygiene not only impacts the health of your mouth, but also the health of your skin. Periodontal disease has an impact on many skin diseases, including dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. In one study, 30 percent of patients with dermatitis showed skin improvement once their tooth infection was treated. Another study of children ages 0 to 17 years old found a strong correlation between bleeding gums and eczema. Lastly, a large study of women showed that risk of psoriasis was greater in patients with periodontal bone loss. To protect your skin from potential skin diseases, practice good oral hygiene and schedule regular appointments with your dentist.

Oral Hygiene Tips to Reduce Your Acne

Maintaining healthy teeth is essential to protecting your skin from bacterial infections and breakouts. With these five simple steps, you can be proactive about achieving a healthy smile and clearer skin.

Brush twice a dayIt’s important to brush your teeth regularly to prevent gum disease and tooth decay. According to a study by Delta Dental, 31% of Americans fail to brush their teeth at least twice a day. Brushing your teeth helps remove food and plaque that contain harmful bacteria.

Floss once a dayKeep your teeth and gums healthy by flossing once a day before bedtime. Flossing helps clean out food or debris that is stuck between your teeth and prevents bacteria from accumulating under your gum line. It also makes it less likely for you to get gum disease or cavities from bacteria buildup.

Use fluoridated mouthwashFluoridated mouthwash helps prevent and reverse early signs of tooth decay by protecting your teeth from acids produced by bacteria. It also allows your teeth to remineralize, making your teeth more resistant to future decay.

Remove toothpaste residueToothpaste can burn and irritate your skin. To prevent oral bacteria from getting on your face, make sure to wash your face after you brush your teeth to remove acne-causing particles.

Schedule regular dental visitsDuring your dental visit, your dentist will be able to spot potential dental concerns early on before they worsen into more serious problems. Your dental professional will also give you a dental cleaning to remove any plaque and tartar buildup.

Final Word

If you are wondering if your acne is linked to your oral health, schedule an appointment with your dentist who will be able to evaluate the overall health of your mouth, detect if you have gum disease, cavities, or a tooth infection, and recommend appropriate treatments to get your oral hygiene back on track. I

by Gentle Dental

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