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Adult with baby teeth: causes and treatments

What are adult baby teeth?

Adult baby teeth, also known as retained baby teeth, are fairly common.

In people who have adult baby teeth, the second molar is most likely to stay retained. This is because it often doesn’t have a permanent one growing behind it.

StudiesTrusted Source found that if second molars are retained until age 20, they’re much less likely to cause dental complications in the future. However, the opposite is true for retention of the incisors and first molars, as they may require more treatment.

The main risk of leaving adult baby teeth untreated is complications in tooth development, such as:

Infraocclusion. Baby teeth remain in a fixed position while the teeth next to them continue to erupt.

Occlusal trauma. Teeth don’t line up when you close your mouth.

Diastema. There are gaps or spaces between your teeth.

Why baby teeth can remain

The most common reason for retaining baby teeth as an adult is a lack of permanent teeth to replace them.

Some conditions involving tooth development can result in adult baby teeth, such as:

Hyperdontia. You have extra teeth, and there’s not enough room for permanent teeth to erupt.

Hypodontia. One to five permanent teeth are missing.

Oligodontia. Six or more permanent teeth are missing.

Anodontia. The majority of or all permanent teeth are missing.

But even if a permanent tooth exists, it may not grow in. A number of factors can result in this, including:

ankylosis, a rare disorder that fuses teeth to the bone, preventing any movement

genetics, such as a family history of incomplete tooth penetration

other conditions associated with tooth development, such as ectodermal dysplasia and endocrine disorders

mouth trauma or infection

What can I do if I have baby teeth as an adult?

There are times when retaining the tooth may actually be the best option for your health. This is particularly the case when the tooth and root are still structurally, functionally, and aesthetically sound.

Minimal maintenance is needed for this approach, but it may result in too much or too little space for a replacement in the future.

Orthodontics and surgery

Modification may be needed to prevent infraocclusion, even if the root and crown are in good condition.

The simplest type of modification is to add a molded cap to the top of the baby tooth. This gives it the appearance of an adult tooth while maintaining the integrity of the tooth’s base.


Some cases may require extraction, such as:

Space closure

If crowding is severe enough, the baby tooth may need to be removed in order to straighten the teeth. However, removal without a permanent replacement can lead to further complications in the future, especially with dental implants.


If the baby tooth has significant weaknesses, such as root resorption or decay, replacement may be necessary.

Implants tend to be the preferred replacement method. However, implants aren’t recommended for use until after the late teenage years, as the skeletal structure is still forming.

Partial dentures are also a popular solution if there are large amounts of missing teeth or problems with mouth tissues.

by Health Line

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