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Can a Toothache Be a Dental Emergency?

There’s never been a good toothache. They’re all painful. Most toothaches cause a dull, nagging discomfort and should be treated promptly by a dentist but are likely not cause for worry. Approximately 92% of healthy people will get at least one cavity that causes a toothache at some point in their lives.

That said, it’s worth pointing out that if a run-of-the-mill toothache is left untreated, the pain can get worse. And damage to the permanent tooth can grow to the point of destroying the tooth, causing an abscess, or leading to gum disease.

So, if you have a dull toothache, don’t panic. But do get it treated by a dentist.

However, if the pain in a tooth is intense or new, it may be a serious issue or lead to other serious problems if not treated, and you should see a dentist right away. 

What causes toothache?

Pain in a tooth happens when the very sensitive nerves inside or around a tooth get irritated, which is generally caused by cavities, infection, gum disease, impact trauma (such as from a blow to the face or sports injury),or grinding.

In some (rare) cases, pain in a tooth is actually coming from the jaw. Your dentist will need to determine exactly where the pain is coming from, what’s causing it, and what your treatment options are. Please note: If you believe your pain originates in your jaw, it could be a sign of a serious condition, potentially a fractured bone or even cancer. Please make an appointment with us if you have jaw pain that radiates into your teeth.

Most toothaches can be prevented by regular – and thorough – brushing and flossing, which is why your friendly neighborhood dentist (and mom) keeps reminding you to do that.

7 Signs That a Toothache Needs an Emergency Dentist Right Away

It can be difficult knowing when a toothache warrants emergency dental care. Here are seven signs you should get emergency dental care right away:

The pain is intense, to the point where you cannot chew food or sleep or focus on normal life activities.

The pain lasts more than one or two days or gets progressively worse.

You have a fever and tooth pain together.

One or more teeth becomes loose. (You should see a dentist for any loose teeth, but especially if the looseness is new and also accompanied by new pain.)

The painful tooth is also broken or chipped.

Your gum or jaw is swollen near the painful tooth.

You have trouble breathing or swallowing.

We Are the Toothache Experts in Anchorage

South Anchorage Dental Center is home to a welcoming, calming atmosphere. Our devoted and highly trained dental experts take exceptional care of our patients, whether you’re having a dental emergency or a routine cleaning. When it comes to toothache, we have state-of-the-art dental technology to treat your pain right away and provide a long-lasting solution here in our office, including imaging and extraction equipment. We also offer a dental savings plan that can save you up to 20% off your treatment.

Doctor Brimhall is committed to utilizing the latest techniques and most-effective procedures, giving you confidence that you and your loved ones will always get the best dental care available in Alaska. Our entire team is devoted to your care, and here, your family will always be treated like our family.

by South Anchorage Dental

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