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Dental issues from cigarettes, coffee and alcohol

Coffee, alcohol, and tobacco can wreak havoc on your teeth and mouth. Everyday use of these products can lead to tooth staining and loss, and in some scenarios, gum disease and cancer.

Each time you inhale, the toxins in the smoke will stain the enamel and weaken your teeth. Excessive smoking can lead to gum disease and different forms of cancer. This includes the effects of smoking marijuana as well as tobacco.

Smokeless tobacco products are even worse for your teeth and gums because of the direct contact the tobacco has with the teeth and gums and inner lips.

Coffee and alcohol products are acidic and will weaken and stain your teeth. Coffee, especially, will stain your teeth a brownish color. The darker you drink your coffee; the more prominent the staining will be on your teeth.

Reversing These Side Effects

Of course, the best way to treat the side effects of these products is to limit or discontinue use. However, since this may not always be feasible, proper care of your teeth is mandatory to help reduce the effects these products will have.

You should use toothpaste that is geared towards removing stains. Add a mouthwash that cleans your teeth and removes stains to the mix. Finalize the treatment plan with thorough flossing each day.

Follow this cleaning plan with routine dental checkups. Your dentist will be able to professionally clean your teeth to help them stay white and remain healthy. In addition, if the staining is severe, the dentist can professionally whiten your teeth.

It is very important that you have routine checkups when you use these products regularly. Your dentist can check for signs of different mouth cancers or gum disease during the checkup. By having these exams regularly, if there is a problem it will be caught early and much easier to treat.

Other Tips And Tricks

Of course, the best dental resolutions you can make is to quit or cut back on these habits. However, if you are going to continue to use any of these products, there are a few things that you can do that may lessen the staining side effects.

Using a creamer in your coffee can help reduce the staining effects of this drink, but it will not eliminate it altogether. Mixing alcohol with other beverages generally does not reduce the effects alcohol has on teeth because juices and soda are generally high in sugar or acids. If you consume alcohol, you should rinse our mouth out with water when you are done to reduce the amount of beverage left on your teeth. The only tips or trick to reduce the effects tobacco has on your teeth or moth is to avoid the product altogether.

Home whitening products vary greatly from product to product. Most dentists will tell you that each of these products come with some type of risk, and many times the results that are promised are never achieved. If you want to have your teeth whitened, the best thing that you can do is make an appointment with your dentist. Your dentist will have the professional materials and the knowledge on how to whiten your teeth effectively.

by Absolute Dental

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