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Don’t Like Dentures? Go for Dental Implants Instead!

Tooth loss can be a nightmare, and while there are many tooth replacement options available, some are not usually the best. Dentures, for instance, are only temporary and have to be removed when you have to eat. If you are looking for a more permanent tooth replacement solution, you may consider a dental implant procedure.

What is a dental implant procedure?   

A dental implant procedure is a dental surgery/ operation whereby a metal implant is embedded into your jawbone to replace a missing tooth. It is a more permanent solution to tooth loss as compared to dentures or bridges.

Types of dental implants

Single-tooth implant

A single tooth implant is usually recommended for the replacement of front teeth because the implant does not interfere with the adjacent teeth, like in dental bridges.

Multiple dental implants

For the replacement of several adjacent teeth, multiple dental implants are recommended. In most cases, two implants are installed so that no adjacent teeth are drilled to attach the dental bridge.

Full mouth dental implants

Full mouth dental implants are for people who have lost most of their teeth to give them an entirely brand new smile. These types of implants can be permanent or removable and are usually mounted on four implants or two implants, depending on how the replacement is going to be done.

What to expect during a dental implant procedure

A dental implant procedure usually happens in stages over a certain period of time, depending on your diagnosis. To have your dental implants installed at Springvale Dental Clinic, our dentist will have to do an examination before recommending the most appropriate type of dental implants for you. The process usually begins with a series of scans and/or x-rays to enable the dentist to determine the most appropriate position for your tooth replacement.

Since this is a minor surgery, the first step usually involves administering local anaesthesia to alleviate the pain during the operation. The dentist will then lodge a metal implant called a fixture into your jawbone using special instruments. You may have to wait a few months for the bone to grow around the fixture. This is to help secure the implant into your jawbone without a chance of being unstable. A foundation called an abutment is then screwed or cemented onto the implant. This will act as the connection between the dental fixture and the crown or bridge. The dentist will take a mould of your teeth to create an artificial replacement of your tooth. This is often only applicable for single tooth replacement. For replacement of more than one tooth, a dental bridge may be applied. The crown is the only part of the implant that will remain visible after the whole procedure is complete, so the dentist has to make sure that the mould resembles your natural tooth because the gums will grow around the new implant.

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