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Five Oral Health Tips For When You’re Sick

When you are feeling under the weather, caring for your oral health might slip your mind, which is completely normal as even the smallest task may seem daunting when you aren’t feeling well. But, it is important to maintain your brushing and flossing routine as illness can often impact your oral health. Our Gainesville dental clinic has outlined some oral health tips for you to follow when you are feeling sick or unwell.

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Use Sugar-Free Medicine

While over-the-counter medicines can help provide you some relief from any coughing that comes with being sick, many of them have ingredients that can be harmful to your oral health. We recommend reading the label to check for any citric acid or high-fructose corn syrup, as these can increase your risk of tooth decay.

Stay Hydrated

The common cold and various other illnesses can lead to dry mouth, which can greatly impact your oral health. Not only is dry mouth uncomfortable, but it can also promote cavity development as saliva is the main way that your body washes away any food or bacteria in your mouth. We recommend sipping water throughout the day and staying away from excessively consuming drinks with high amounts of sugar, such as sports drinks or ginger ale.

Rinse Your Mouth With Water After Vomiting

Vomiting is often a common symptom with many illnesses and often leaves you with a disgusting taste in your mouth. As tempting as it is to brush your teeth right after vomiting, this can rub any residual stomach acid into your teeth and gums, which can damage the enamel of your teeth. We recommend rinsing your mouth with water or mouthwash rather than immediately brushing your teeth after vomiting.

Don’t Cancel Your Dentistry Appointment

We understand that the last thing you would want to do when sick is to go to a scheduled dental appointment, but skipping your appointment could leave you feeling sick longer. If your illness is related to a dental issue, such as sinusitis, a dentist might be able to help provide you relief and get you on the path to recovery. Even when sick, make sure you are maintaining your oral hygiene routine of brushing twice a day and flossing once a day.

Get A New Toothbrush

Keeping a toothbrush too long, especially after being sick, can allow bacteria to grow and can result in perpetually reinfecting yourself with the same illness. Cold viruses can live on your toothbrush for up to 24 hours, and the flu virus can live for up to 48 hours, so it’s important to swap out your toothbrush after you’ve recovered from being sick.

by Comprehensive Dental Care

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