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Five Reasons Why Your Gums Are Bleeding

Are your gums bleeding? Even though this is not an uncommon situation, it’s smart to determine the reason for your bleeding gums. It could be something easily fixed, or you may need to see your dentist for bleeding gums treatment. Let’s look at some common bleeding gums causes.

You might be using the wrong toothbrush. The American Dental Association recommends using a soft bristled toothbrush to brush twice a day. If you’re using a toothbrush with medium or firm bristles, you could be causing your gums to bleed. Contrary to what you may think, a soft brush will get your teeth just as clean as a firmer one. In fact, soft bristles do a better job of cleaning just below the gumline.

You could be using the right toothbrush, but in the wrong way. Just as some people choose a toothbrush that’s too firm because they think they need to do that to get their teeth really clean, sometimes people brush too hard in the interest of good oral hygiene. In fact, brushing too hard isn’t just a bleeding gums reason, but can also be the cause of pain and worn enamel. If you’re experiencing bleeding gums when brushing, try this: instead of scrubbing your teeth, think of brushing them as giving them a massage.

Smoking can make your gums bleed. If you’re a smoker, you’re likely to experience bleeding gums. Along with all the other negative consequences of smoking, it increases your risk for gum disease and your tooth sensitivity. If you’re a smoker and your gums won’t stop bleeding, talk to your doctor about quitting.

Sometimes the reason your gums won’t stop bleeding is gingivitis. One of the most common reasons for bleeding gums is gingivitis, the early stage of periodontal disease (gum disease). When plaque and bacteria build up along your gumline, they can cause swelling and infection that causes gums to bleed. Don’t ignore gingivitis, because it will progress, and the late stages of periodontal disease involve tooth loss, gum decay, receding gums, and bone loss. Pregnant women are at risk for developing gingivitis, so if you’re pregnant it’s important to pay special care to your oral hygiene.

Poor oral hygiene can cause gums to bleed. Brushing twice a day for a full two minutes and flossing once a day will help reduce the buildup of tartar and plaque, reducing your risk of gingivitis and bleeding gums.

by Lifetime Smiles

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