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Five Reasons You Might Need Tooth Removal


Beyond regular teeth cleaning, dental care may occasionally include getting a tooth or teeth pulled. While not exactly fun, it’s also nothing to be afraid of. Think of it as a means of ending chronic pain and risk of infection — while laying the foundation for a better-looking and healthier smile.

Top 5 Reasons for Tooth Extraction

There are many reasons why a tooth extraction may be required for dental health (which, let’s face it, also impacts general health), but here are the top few:

Severe tooth decay can render a tooth unviable and cause infection. Depending on where it is located, the safest solution may be to extract it.

Advanced periodontal disease (gum disease) can compromise your health and further imperil your dentition. Again depending on the circumstances, the best solution may be extracting one or several teeth.

Broken teeth due to injury cannot always be repaired. If the integrity of the tooth and its root are destroyed, extraction may be necessary.

Impacted wisdom teeth, causing damage to adjacent teeth or pain.

In preparation for orthodontic treatment, when there is severe crowding and not enough room to align teeth properly.

How Is Tooth Extraction Performed?

Anesthetic via injection will numb the area surrounding the tooth and make the actual extraction procedure fairly painless. 

Once numb, the tooth will be loosened and gently removed. Depending on the complexity of the extraction, sutures may be necessary.

Once the anesthetic wears off, a persistent dull ache may require pain medication, but how much will vary from patient to patient. 

Dental implants or other tooth restoration options usually follow tooth extractions to preserve your smile and the functionality of your teeth.

What Is Recovery From Tooth Extraction Like?

Depending on the location of the tooth extracted or how many are removed, there may be some post-procedure downtime required. Patients often follow a liquid or soft food diet following dental work, but your oral surgeon will outline in detail what post-operative protocols to follow for both health and comfort. 

by Afshin Samalati DDS

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