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How To Ease Mouth Pain If You Cannot Make It To The Dentist Right Away

A toothache can sometimes come out of the blue and cause immense pain and discomfort. Unfortunately, they often intensify quite rapidly, which means you may have to deal with the pain for a few hours or even overnight before you can get in to see a dentist.

When you find yourself in this situation and are looking for some quick pain relief, there are some home remedies you might try that can make a difference. Here are some of the most commonly used methods to ease mouth pain:


Clove oil contains the chemical eugenol, which has both anesthetic and antibacterial properties. At one point, the FDA actually approved clove oil as a treatment for tooth pain, although it no longer does today. Still, some dentists will suggest using it as a temporary solution for pain. Simply soak a cotton ball in 3 drops of clove oil and a one-fourth of a teaspoon of olive oil. Then put the cotton ball near or on the tooth that is causing pain and bite down. You should feel some relief after a few minutes.


If you are experiencing major pain from a toothache try using over the counter pain medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen. These can be used to reduce inflammation and address the pain. Often, pain will begin to spread through the jaw and into the head. Use pain medications to help manage that pain. Some people have suggested using a combination of both pain relievers by rotating when they take them.


Many cough drops on the market contain some amount of menthol or even benzocaine, which are types of anesthetic. Even though it is a very small amount of anesthetic, it can still work to relieve minor tooth pain. When you are in pain, try popping a couple of cough drops in your mouth and suck on them. Be sure not to chew them as this may just cause more pain.


More often than not, small bits of food trapped in between your teeth are what cause the pain. You can try flushing that food out with warm salt water or mouthwash to get relief. If flushes do not work, try flossing or using an interdental brush to remove food in between teeth.

Even if you find a solution that works to relieve a minor toothache, you will still want to give Smile Concepts a call as soon as possible to set up an appointment. It is important to have the issue looked at to see if there are other issues at work, such as a cavity or gum disease. 

by Smiles Concepts

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