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How To Maintain Fresh Breath Throughout The Day

As someone who’s always on the go — smartphone in one hand, coffee in the other — you’re often so busy you forget to take care of the things you can’t see (or smell). Your breath is just as important as the look of your teeth, and just because you hit the ground running every morning doesn't mean there's no time to maintain it. Here are some tips on how to keep your breath fresh during the day:

Live the 'Have Brush, Will Travel' Life

Brushing your teeth shouldn't be something you only do at home in the morning and before settling down at night. Ample opportunities exist throughout the day specifically to freshen your breath. Keep a toothbrush and tube of toothpaste with you at work so you can brush after lunch or a cup of coffee.

Remember that Water Works Wonders

Carrying around coffee can become routine when it doesn't have to be. Instead of toting java everywhere every day, load up your travel mug with water, which is often enough to wake the body up in the morning. Drinking lots of water prevents dehydration, and a lack of saliva in the mouth makes it a haven for bacteria and particles that can produce bad breath, according to Mayo Clinic. Be sure to drink water before, during and after exercise to provide fluids when you lose them the most.

Make Smart Food Choices

Eating out is popular because it’s so easy, especially with no food in the house. For others, eating on the go is a way of life. If you do either, choose your meals wisely. Strong, odorous foods like garlic and onions won't make you very popular after you're finished. Once you have consumed something that leaves your breath less than pleasant, chew on the parsley garnish from your meal. The parsley will help negate any foul smells emanating from your mouth.

Don't Forget the Oral Care

The above tips are great ways to keep your breath fresh when you’re away from home, but they aren’t substitutes for the basic dental care you should practice all the time. See your dentist twice a year for regular check-ups and cleanings. He or she can help you develop the right oral care plan for when odour-causing conditions crop up that you can't detect yourself.

Above all, your own plan should involve brushing two to three times a day and flossing once daily. Rinsing with a quality moutwash helps too. Doing so every morning and night will make this plan second nature when you're out of the house.

Everyone deals with bad breath at some point, but it doesn't have to be a chronic problem just because you lead a busy routine. Practice these tips when learning how to keep your breath fresh, and you'll be solely focused on making memories when special occasions roll around.

by Colgate

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