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How many teeth should a person have!

Teeth are essential. They help people talk, chew, and swallow food. Adults typically have 32 teeth, four of which are wisdom teeth.

According to a 2019 article, a full set of adult teeth typically numbers 32, including four wisdom teeth.

Each row of teeth includes:

1. four incisors, in the middle of the row at the front of the mouth

2. two canine teeth, one on either side of the incisors

3. two premolars and three molars at the back, with five on each side

However, not everyone has third molars, or wisdom teeth, in their jaw. If an adult has wisdom teeth, they tend to start to emerge when a person is around 18 years old. They may not emerge at all.

If a wisdom tooth does not emerge properly or becomes infected, a dentist may have to remove it.

While teeth help people talk, their primary function is to chew.

The teeth cut and grind food into little chunks, which allows a person to swallow and digest it easily.

However, different kinds of teeth have different functions.

A person can learn more about teeth names, types, and functions here.

There are four types of teeth:

1. Incisors

The incisors are what some people call the ‘front teeth.’

Adults typically have eight of these, with four along the top row and four along the bottom row.

Incisors cut food up into smaller pieces, which the teeth and tongue then move to the back of the mouth.

2. Canines

The canine teeth are the teeth that are slightly more pointed than the others. Some people may call these ‘fang teeth.’

As well as cutting up and tearing food, these teeth make sure that the upper and lower rows of teeth do not clash.

The shape of the canines allows them to guide the rows of teeth so that they smoothly slide off each other when the jaw moves.

3. Premolars

Most adults have eight premolars.

These are the larger teeth that sit behind the canines. Humans have four along the top gums, and four along the bottom, two on each side.

The primary function of premolars is to begin grinding up the food.

4. Molars

There are three types of molars:

1. first molars

2. second molars

3. third molars, or wisdom teeth

These sit toward the back of the mouth, and most adults typically have eight molars, with a first and second molar on each side of the mouth.

Third molars, or wisdom teeth, sit right at the back of the mouth. Some people do not develop wisdom teeth.

The function of the molars is to grind up the food into smaller pieces to help people swallow easily.

However, wisdom teeth do not typically have a function.

If adults have their wisdom teeth, they will have 12 molars.

by Veronica Zambon

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