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How to Take Care of Your Teeth When Sick

When you are sick, it’s easy to forget about your oral health. Your body is fighting off illness and germs, and taking care of your teeth seems like it would be a waste of time. But this is when you need to take the most care with your teeth. When you can’t eat or drink generally because of the sickness, brushing your teeth at least once daily will help keep bacteria from attacking your mouth and throat by removing plaque that might form on the teeth. Ideally, it would help if you brushed your teeth after every meal and after swallowing your last drink. Brushing becomes even more critical when you’re sick as bacteria causes plaque to form on the teeth. Sore throats can also make it hard to brush.


Brushing is not just for seeing if any food particles are stuck between your teeth or for the look of your smile. It’s asking you to take care of yourself by removing those bacteria from the surface of your teeth and gums that can cause bad breath and tooth decay. After brushing, you should use fluoride toothpaste because it helps strengthen healthy tooth enamel. Even though you are sick, it’s essential to do your best to keep your teeth as clean and healthy as possible. It can help prevent tooth decay and cavities from forming on the surface of your teeth, making you more likely to have healthier teeth in the future. You can help keep your teeth healthy by brushing with fluoride toothpaste after every meal and after drinking fluids. If a refill is needed, talk with your parents about refilling your prescription at the pharmacy. When you don’t have any problems but brush twice a day, it’s even better for you because plaque is permanently removed. Keep your toothbrush in a hard case and clean it regularly. Avoid sharing toothbrushes with anyone else.

Before brushing, take a warm washcloth and wet it under running water. If you have braces or retainers, wrap them around your finger and gently massage your teeth with side-to-side motions until all of the plaque is removed.

Use fluoride toothpaste designed especially for kids or adults with sensitive teeth. Brush vigorously to remove bacteria from the surface of spaced teeth, followed by small back and forth motions to clean between teeth. Floss daily to help remove plaque that remains on hard-to-reach areas.

Use a soft toothbrush and small bristles, so you are not pressing too hard on your gums. Keep your toothbrush at least six feet from the sink, and do not place it on the counter.

Avoid Sugary Foods

Sugar is not suitable for most people, and you should avoid sugary foods if you are sick. It includes candy, pastries, sweets, soda pop, and fruit juices. Remember to brush your teeth after eating these foods and before going to bed so that when you wake up the following day, they don’t have time to stick to your teeth overnight. Avoid sugary drinks because they can cause tooth decay, just like a piece of candy would.

Stick with Water

When taking care of teeth when sick, stick with fluids such as water, juice, soup, and broth. Drink six to eight glasses of fluids a day. If you cannot drink fluids, try using mouthwash to help keep oral bacteria from attaching.

Look for Alternatives to Soda Pop

Another important factor when you are sick is avoiding sugary sodas. Plain soda pop usually has too much sugar, which makes your body have a craving for more. It can lead to tooth decay and cavities. In addition, traditional soda contains phosphoric acid, which is not suitable for your teeth. Try to drink plenty of water, juice, and soup.

Know When You Need Help

If your mouth is sore or bleeding, you might have a condition such as a dry socket or abrasion. See a dentist immediately to ensure you are not at risk for an infection. If you experience any fever, heavy pain when opening your mouth, swollen gums, or an unusual odor coming from your mouth, seek medical attention without delay. While being sick isn’t the best situation for your teeth, it’s essential to do what you can to keep them healthy and robust so that they continue to protect the health of your entire body throughout life.

Know The Best Medicines to Use When Experiencing Pain In Teeth

The best medicines to use when experiencing pain in the teeth are prescription only. These medications will help minimize the pain and swelling caused by infection. Once the infection has been treated, you can brush your teeth and perform regular mouth care to get them as clean as possible.

How to Brush Your Teeth Without Causing Pain and Swelling

Two parts of your dental routine are a clean toothbrush and toothpaste. The top and bottom of the toothbrush are designed with small bristles on each end that can gently clean between teeth without causing pain or bleeding.


Both regular and electric toothbrushes should be replaced every three months due to bacteria growth and the development of cavities. These bacteria can cause gum disease and other oral illnesses.


Toothpaste comes in various flavors to provide you with variety and pleasure. These flavors are designed to help you improve the way you feel about brushing your teeth. The taste is not as intense as with sugary food or drinks. This toothpaste also provides you with fluoride, which helps protect your teeth from decay and cavities.

Tips for Regular Dental Care and a Healthy Mouth

To care for yourself when having a cold or flu, there are several ways that you can do so to ensure that the process is quick and painless. The first way to do so is to drink plenty of water. It will help flush your system of any bacteria and will also help moisturize your mouth, ensuring that you have a healthy mouth and are less susceptible to infection. If you are experiencing a sore throat, you should gargle with salt water to soothe and reduce swelling and pain.

If possible, avoid sugary drinking when you are ill, as this can cause tooth decay. Lastly, it is essential to avoid smoking due to the damage it causes to your teeth and gums when combined with an illness. You should also make sure that you brush twice a day if possible, once in the morning and once at night before going to bed. It will ensure that your mouth and teeth are as clean as possible.

Tooth decay is a significant issue that can affect anyone at any time. Many people brush their teeth the wrong way and drink sucrose-laden beverages, which can lead to tooth decay. Having cavities on the surface of your teeth can be painful, especially when you are sick. A dental cleaning is the only way to remove them from the back of your mouth.

by Atlantic Dental Group

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