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Seven Signs You Need to Make an Appointment With Your Dentist Fast

Have you been putting off making that dentist appointment for awhile? Maybe you’ve got a nagging suspicion that you’ve got a cavity, and don’t want to deal with it.

That’s not a good idea. Your tooth decay will only get worse, leading to a more painful root canal down the line.

You also might be experiencing symptoms, without even knowing it, that should land you right in that dentist’s chair straight away.

Want to make sure your teeth are as healthy as can be?

Read on to make sure you’re not avoiding dental issues (accidentally or otherwise) that should be taken care of now!

Set A Dentist Appointment For Bleeding Gums

This is probably a familiar scene to you: you’re feeling the self-love today, so after brushing your teeth, you decide to take a whack at flossing. You guiltily pick the plastic floss container and tear a piece off, knowing you don’t do it as often as you should.

As you start flossing in between your teeth, the floss comes back red with blood.

Should you be worried? Have you ever wondered why your gums bleed when you floss?

It may seem like it’s not a big deal, but bleeding gums can actually be a sign that you need to make a dentist appointment, pronto.

Remnants of the food you eat eventually decomposes into bacteria in your mouth. That bacteria can get stuck in between your teeth. It’s incredibly irritating to your gums, making them sensitive to pressure.

Flossing provides just enough pressure to bother those inflamed gums. If you don’t floss twice a day, or your gums bleed when you floss, you may be at risk for gingivitis. This can lead to periodontitis or tooth loss down the road, so it’s best to make that dentist appointment now.

Translucent Teeth

Take a look in the mirror, and flash those pearly whites. Do you notice that they’re a little translucent around the edges?

If so, you might be suffering from bruxism without even knowing it. Bruxism is the medical term for grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw. Frequently, this happens at night while you’re fast asleep.

That’s why it can take awhile to get diagnosed. If you don’t realize you’re doing it and don’t know what to look for, how could you ever know there’s a problem?

Translucent teeth are a result of grinding your enamel down from bruxism. If this sounds like you, you should see a dentist ASAP.

Bad Breath

Dealing with bad breath can be annoying and embarrassing. Do you brush regularly, but your breath still reeks? Does it seem like minty gum just does nothing for you?

There might be something more going on. Bad breath can be a sign of tooth decay, tooth infection, or gum disease.

If you’re growing more and more frustrated with chronic bad breath, head to a dentist. They may be able to find out what’s really going on, and help you find a long-term solution. No more gum!

Pain in the Jaw

If you’re experiencing pain in your jaw, especially when you wake up in the morning, you might need to see a dentist. Pain in your jaw can be a sign of temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ. TMJ is easily treatable, though, if you seek medical attention at the first sign of symptoms.

Jaw pain can also mean that you’re grinding your teeth at night. It can be a sign of an abscessed tooth that will need to be removed. It can even be a sign of a misaligned bite.

All of these things are treatable! Don’t wait to take care of them.


Let’s face it: insecurity over your teeth can sometimes affect your mental health pretty drastically. It doesn’t have to be this way.

If you’re insecure about crooked teeth, there’s a solution. Try Invisalign to straighten them out. You don’t have to be an adult with braces!

You can also have your teeth professionally whitened by your dentist if they’re starting to yellow. It’s that, or give up coffee! And who can give up coffee?

Professional whitening is also safer than at-home whitening treatments. At-home treatments can sometimes mask dark spots that a dentist might need for a potential diagnosis. They can also cause tooth sensitivity that can be painful!

Plaque Buildup

You’ve probably heard that you should be going to the dentist twice a year for cleaning. You’ve also probably blown it off at least a couple of times.

The reality is that it’s as important as ever to get your bi-annual cleanings. Plaque and tartar buildup can lead to gum disease and tooth infection.

It’s also important to get checked up by your dentist at least this frequently to maintain your oral health. At your cleaning appointment, your dentist can check for cavities. They can also keep their eye out for early signs of disease to head it off before it becomes a problem.

Wisdom Teeth

If you’re a teenager or young adult and your wisdom teeth are growing in, make a dentist appointment to assess whether or not they’ll need to be pulled.

If you let them grow in without this advice, there might not be room in your mouth for all your new teeth. That can lead to an impacted wisdom tooth, which can lead to a really painful infection called pericoronitis.

If your wisdom teeth have already grown in, check them out in the mirror to see if your gums are beginning to grow over them. Sometimes, a gum flap will develop. This is the leading sign of pericoronitis.

If you see these signs and symptoms around your wisdom teeth, make a dentist appointment soon to avoid infection!

by Dee Kay Dental

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