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Seven Things You Wish You Knew About Your Teeth Much Earlier

1. Your oral hygiene is linked to your overall health

When the mouth is directly connected to several vital organs, how there can’t be a link between oral hygiene and overall health? Several studies have proved that poor oral hygiene can cause several diseases such as:

Alzheimer’s disease


Cardiovascular diseases

Diabetes complications


Kidney diseases

Respiratory diseases

With good dental hygiene, one can reduce the risk of all serious diseases and enhance overall health. Sometimes, a good quality toothbrush and toothpaste are all it takes to nip a majority of the serious diseases in the bud.

2. What you eat, shapes your teeth

Just like your diet plays a massive role in your overall health, what you eat has a huge effect on your teeth. A healthy diet makes your teeth stronger and enhances their life, while an unhealthy diet weakens your teeth and creates caries and cavities. Let’s start with the former. Calcium-rich food such as milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, black beans, and green and leafy vegetables such as cabbage, kale, and spinach are excellent for your teeth.

In contrast, acidic and sugary foods can create plaque and tartar and harm your tooth and gum line in the long run. Snacking between meals is one of the biggest causes of dental cavities and decay. Alcohol and tobacco are also harmful to your teeth and so are tea and coffee when taken in large quantities. For stronger and everlasting teeth, take a nutrition-rich balanced diet and avoid snacking on acidic and sugary foods.

3. Select the right toothbrush and toothpaste

When it comes to exceptional dental hygiene, the right toothbrush and toothpaste play a huge role from the word go. The toothbrush you choose should have soft bristles and the toothpaste should have the recommended amount of fluoride, which is tremendously beneficial for your teeth as it enhances remineralization and reduces demineralization, bacterial growth, and acid production. Expert dentists recommend toothpaste with 1,350 to 1,500ppm fluoride.

Now, coming to your toothbrush, apart from ensuring that it has soft bristles you must replace it regularly. A good rule of thumb is to replace your toothbrush after every three months. However, if you brush more than twice a day then you should replace your toothbrush once the bristles have frayed and worn out. Usually, it’s between nine weeks and twelve weeks.

4. Know the right way to brush and floss

Brushing and flossing the right way is both an art and a science. It’s an art because you may have a unique style. Every morning when you hold the toothbrush, you are no less than an artist. You can do magic with it and give an alluring shine to your teeth. But there is a science to effective brushing. Some techniques are extremely effective and get maximum results with minimum effort.

Tilting the toothbrush to a 45-degree angle and moving it gently back and forth is extremely beneficial to the teeth. Brushing in a small circular motion is also helpful. Make sure that you don’t brush aggressively as over-brushing is more dangerous than under-brushing. Likewise, flossing has its techniques. Using a gentle rubbing motion between the teeth is the best way to floss. Take the utmost care not to snap the flossing thread when it touches the gum line.

5. Visit your dentist twice a year

As per American Dental Association, an average person should go for a dental checkup and cleaning at least twice a year. For an average person, the prestigious professional organization means that a young healthy person, who takes good care of their teeth and has no history of tooth problems, illness, or unhealthy habits such as drinking and smoking. This is the best preventive and protective measure.

For elderly people and people with dental problems and habits, the frequency of regular dental checkups is higher. Even though a majority of people know this, some follow while others don’t. Even if you brush your teeth twice or thrice daily and floss every night before going to bed, you must visit your dentist twice a year.

6. There are good bacteria and there are bad

Various studies have found that an average human mouth is a host to 250 to 300 types of bacteria. Among them, a majority can cause diseases when they enter the respiratory tract or the bloodstream. But some of them are good bacteria, also known as probiotics, which keep you healthy by facilitating digestion as well as fighting dental problems and gum diseases.

Now that you know that your mouth is home to both good and bad bacteria, it’s time to know how to increase the former and reduce the latter. You can increase the good bacteria by taking probiotics and foods such as yogurt. When it comes to bad bacteria, the pH level of your mouth plays a huge role. When the pH level drops, bad bacteria proliferate. Likewise, frequent snacking can reduce the pH level and cause bad bacteria to thrive. When the mouth becomes dry, bad bacteria get a conducive environment to multiply.

7. Some dental complications aren’t normal

Dental complications come in different sizes and severity. While some may be common and can go on their own without needing any treatment, others may be serious and need emergency care. Such complications, which qualify for dental emergencies, range from dental injuries, broken teeth, cavities that have invaded the dentin, bleeding gums, tooth abscesses, and infections.

by Tru Care Dentistry

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