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Should Kids Take a Toothbrush to School?

As a parent, you care about your child’s oral health habits. But you may be wondering if they need to go so far as to take a toothbrush to school. Here, we’ll discuss a few tips to promote superb oral health for your child this school year.

Teach Them to Care for Their Teeth at Home

If your kids properly care for their teeth every day while at home, there is no need for them to bring a toothbrush to school. Teach them that they should brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste for two minutes every day in the morning before school. Then at night before going to bed, they again need to brush their teeth for two minutes and to floss between their teeth, moving the floss in a C-motion to reach under the gums and scrape around each tooth.

Provide Your Kids with a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet will not just benefit your child’s overall health, but their dental health too. Limit foods and drinks that are high in sugar and carbohydrates, like candy, white bread, cookies, crackers, and potato chips, which all contribute to an increased risk of tooth decay. Sugar feeds the bad bacteria in your child’s mouth. In turn, the bacteria accumulate into a sticky film of plaque and produce acids that destroy tooth enamel, causing decay. Instead of packing their lunchbox with prepackaged treats, pack nutritious foods that are good for their teeth, like string cheese, whole grains, lean protein, fruits, and vegetables. Additionally, send them to school with a refillable water bottle so they can stay hydrated throughout the day. Sufficient water allows for a healthy flow of saliva, which will help clean and remineralize your child’s teeth, and prevent bad breath and mouth dryness.

Bring Your Kids to Helotes Family Dentistry for Routine Dental Visits

Another vital part of your child’s oral care routine is bringing them in for regular dental cleanings and checkups. We recommend your child’s first trip to the dentist to happen around their first birthday, followed by visits every six months. Adhering to this schedule allows us to track your child’s oral development, and to make sure their mouth and teeth stay clean and healthy.

by Helotes Family Dentistry

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