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Signs That You May Need Root Canal Therapy

How do you know if you might need a root canal? There are some noticeable signs and symptoms you need to know about. Having root canal therapy can save you from needless pain, and can save your tooth and your smile. Drs. Joseph and Theodore Gargano at Gargano Family Dentistry in North Haven, CT, offer root canal therapy to help you and your smile.

You will need root canal therapy when the innermost layer of your tooth, an area called the pulp, becomes bruised or damaged. The pulp is where the nerves and blood supply to your tooth are located. When this area becomes compromised, inflammation and fluid builds up inside your tooth. The fluid buildup causes tooth pain, which can be severe.

Some of the reasons you may need a root canal include:

Severe tooth decay which has penetrated the pulp of your tooth

Dental trauma from an accident or injury

Repeated tooth stress due to grinding, clenching, or biting hard substances

Repeated dental trauma for any reason

When inflammation of the pulp happens, you may notice signs and symptoms like these:

Pain that increases when you eat or drink hot or cold foods or beverages

Pain that continues even after dental treatment is completed

Pain that radiates to your jaws, face, or head

Sharp pain when you bite down or chew

A white or red bump appearing on your gums next to a tooth root

Blood or pus draining from the bump on your gums

Your tooth becoming darker or grayer compared to the teeth next to it

If you notice these signs or symptoms, it’s important to visit your dentist. Dental x-rays and temperature testing are two important ways your dentist can tell if you need root canal therapy.

If you do need a root canal, it’s easier than you think. Your dentist simply creates a tiny opening in the top of your tooth and removes the diseased tissue through the opening. A sedative filling is placed inside your tooth. This material will eliminate inflammation and pain. After your pain has subsided, the sedative material is removed and replaced with an inert material and your tooth is sealed up with a small filling.

Root canal therapy is the way to eliminate tooth pain and still keep your tooth. Your smile is important, and root canal therapy can save it. 

by Gargano Family Dentistry

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