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The Link Between Your Oral Health And Alzheimer’s: Everything You Need To Know

The human body is wired in a manner that even the slightest of imbalances or changes can start a long chain of events. This may sometimes prove to be good for us, but in most cases, this can cause a number of issues that you may have never wanted in your life. For example, diabetes is known to cause high blood sugar levels that often end up clogging the main arteries of the heart, leading to cardiovascular diseases.

However, while that may be a correlation that is perceivable, did you know that there is a connection between your oral health and your chances of getting Alzheimer’s? Here is a quick look at this correlation between your oral health and Alzheimer’s.

How Are Alzheimer’s and Oral Health Related?

According to a study published in the year 2019, there is a deep-set relation between your oral health and your chances of getting Alzheimer's. Due to poor oral hygiene and improper care, gum diseases like Gingivitis begins to take shape in your mouth. What starts as a film of plaque begins to take over your gums, causing swelling, tenderness, and sometimes bleeding of the gums.

However, while gingivitis is a non-destructive disease in itself, if left untreated, it can become periodontists, an advanced gum disease that can cause tooth loss. But according to the 2019 research study, it is least of your worries. The bacterium that causes gingivitis, Porphyromonas gingivalis, is the point of concern here. The bacteria were observed to move from the mouth, directly into the brain.

Once inside the brain, the bacterium begins to release an enzyme called gingipains, which has the potential to destroy nerve cells. This triggers memory loss and eventually becomes the onset of Alzheimer's. The study noticed an increase in the presence of gingipain in the brains of deceased patients of Alzheimer’s, with almost a 100% success rate of the study. It was also noticed that the amount of gingipain increased with time, which meant that there was generally a point where a patient first began to notice the signs of dementia.

While the situation may seem without a ray of hope, the current efforts of scientists and dentist around the world are dedicated to stopping this enzyme from having the kind of effect that it does. For the time being, you can concentrate on taking care of your teeth and gums with the best dentist near you. Visit Nanda Dental Care, a well-equipped dental clinic with professional services to help you with all your dental needs. Book your appointment now.


by Nanda Dental Care

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