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The importance to clean your tongue properly

The tongue has the most amount of bacteria as compared to the other parts of your mouth. However, most people do not take the time to clean their tongue. Cleaning your tongue will help you avoid tooth decay, bad breath, and much more.

Why Is It Important to Clean Your Tongue Regularly?

Over time, dead cells, bacteria, and debris can build up on your tongue and cause bad breath. Keeping your tongue clean is important, as it.-

1. Improves the Appearance of Your Tongue:

When there is a build up of excess debris, your tongue might start having a white appearance. When you clean it daily, this coating can be removed.

2. Improves Your Taste:

Cleaning your tongue can improve your sense of taste. Your tongue will be able to distinguish different sensations better.

3. Removes Bacteria:

Cleaning your tongue every day reduces the mutans streptococci and lactobacilli bacteria which are known for causing dental decay and bad breath.

4. Reduces Bad Breath:

Effective tongue-scraping can remove odour-causing bacteria.

5. Improves Overall Health:

Removing bacteria can help prevent gum disease, cavities, and other conditions of the mouth.

What Do You Need to Clean Your Tongue?

There are many different types of tools to choose from to clean your tongue. The most common tool people use is tongue-scrapers. Many also use tongue brushes though they are relatively new. Tongue cleaners are tools that have small ridges and this help to pull it across your tongue. Scraper-brush combinations are also available. Using this tool, you scrape while you brush. Tongue brushing and scraping are equally effective to prevent the chances of plaque. After cleaning, you could rinse your mouth with mouthwash.

1. Cleaning Tongue Using a Brush:

After brushing properly, turn your attention to your tongue. You can simply use the bristles of the toothbrush to clean your tongue.

You could also use toothbrushes that have tongue cleaners on the lower surface.

The bacteria- and odour-build up can be removed by dabbing your toothbrush and carefully brushing the tongue on the top.

Start from cleaning the back of your tongue and work forward towards the beginning of the mouth.

Brush the top area of the tongue entirely on soft pressure and finish the process off by rinsing with some mouthwash or water.

2. Cleaning Your Tongue Using a Scraper:

After brushing, stick your tongue out. Place the rounded end of the scraper gently at the back of the tongue.

If you find gagging to be a problem, then you can start in the middle of the tongue.

Start from the back gradually as you get used to this habit.

Place the scraper gently on the tongue and slowly pull it forward in the direction to the tip of the tongue. Always go from the back to the tip and never do it the other way around.

After scraping, use a tissue or a washcloth to remove the debris collected on the scraper.

Repeat this process until the entire tongue surface is scraped. Usually, scraping once or twice in an area is sufficient.

Wash the cleaner with some soap and water, dry, and store it in a clean area.

by Vaishnavi Nagaraj

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