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What Can You Do To Prevent Mouth Problems

Most of us tend to be too focused on our outer appearance. But, we often cease to forget our mouth problems. It is an essential part of our overall health and well-being. Maintaining oral hygiene is a key component of our health, well-being, and even our personality. However, if you’re negligent towards oral and dental hygiene, then you may get yourself in serious trouble.

Most Common Mouth Problems

Here are some of the most common mouth problems

1. Bad Breath

Bad breath is a very prevalent mouth problem and could be straightaway embarrassing.  Persistent bad breath is usually caused by the smelly gases released by the bacteria that coat your teeth, gums, and tongue. Also, bits of food that get stuck between the teeth and on the tongue, may rot cause an unpleasant smell. Strong foods like coffee, garlic, and onion can contribute to bad breath.

Additionally, other habits like smoking and alcohol may lead to bad breaths. Smoking causes straining, loss of taste, and irritation of gums. If you are suffering from bad breath, then there’s high time that you establish a proper oral hygiene routine. 

Basic steps like Brushing twice a day and flossing regularly can help you get rid of bad breath. Your dentist will clean all the plaque in your teeth and would also teach you the appropriate ways of cleaning your mouth and tongue. 

2. Tooth Decay

Tooth decay, also known as cavities, is a very prevalent dental problem. Tooth decay occurs when plaque, the thin film that forms on the teeth, combines with the sugars and/or starches of the food you eat. This combination produces acids that attack tooth enamel. You can get cavities at any age — they aren’t just for children. As you age, you can develop cavities and your tooth enamel starts eroding. 

Eating healthy foods and avoiding snacks and drinks that are high in sugar are also ways to prevent decay. Your dentist can recommend further treatments that may help reduce your risk. If you need a recommendation, you can check out dental care like dental implants in Maywood.

3. Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease or gingivitis, is an infection that happens when the gums surrounding the teeth become red and swollen. It is also one of the major mouth problems. 

The root of all gum disease is plaque. Plaque is a thin film of bacteria that forms on the surface of our teeth every day. That’s why everyone is at risk for gum diseases. Smoking is one of the most significant risk factors. Diabetes and dry mouth can also increase your risk. Other notable symptoms include bad breath, red, swollen, tender, or bleeding gums, sensitive teeth, and trouble chewing.

4. Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a serious oral problem and deadly disease that affects millions of people globally.  The Oral Cancer Foundation estimates that someone in the United States dies every hour from oral cancer, but it is often curable if diagnosed and treated in the early stages. It is most often seen in people over the age of 40, particularly men. The most common risk factors are cigarette smoking and alcohol use, including chewing tobacco. Oral cancer is also linked to  HPV — a sexually transmitted wart virus. 

Oral cancer can often be detected in the early stages by regular dental visits.  You may ask your dentist whether an oral cancer exam is part of their usual checkup. Some of the most common symptoms include trouble in chewing, swallowing, or moving your tongue or jaw. If diagnosed early, there are good chances of treating and curing it. 

5. Mouth Sores

A cold sore is a small, painful, raised area of small, fluid-filled blisters. There are several types of mouth sores and they can be quite painful and bothersome. Unless a mouth sore lasts more than two weeks, there is usually nothing to worry about and will disappear on its own.

Common mouth sores occur inside the mouth and not on the lips. They are most often not contagious and can be triggered by many different causes. They are only a concern if they don’t even go away after two weeks.

Mouth sores or cold sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex virus and occur as lesions on the edge of our lips. They are contagious and will come and go but are not completely treatable. 

6. Dental Erosion

Dental erosion or tooth erosion is the loss of tooth structure caused by an acid attack. The acidity may be caused by acidic foods and drinks like soda, fizzy drinks, and citrus fruit. The symptoms of tooth erosion can range from sensitivity to more severe problems such as the wearing away of the tooth surface. Tooth erosion is more common than people might think, but it can also be easily treated.

With regular check-ups and follow up with your dentist, you can prevent the problem from getting any worse and the erosion from escalating any further.

7. Sensitive Teeth 

Do you also feel a slight tinge when eating ice cream? There are high chances you are suffering from a sensitive tooth. 

Tooth sensitivity is a common mouth problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Sensitivity may involve anything from a mild twinge to severe discomfort that can persist for a significant time. The experiencing pain or discomfort in your teeth can result from sweets, cold air, hot drinks, cold drinks, or ice cream. Some people with sensitive teeth even experience discomfort from brushing and flossing. But, the good news is that sensitivity can be easily treated. 

8. Dry Mouth

You need saliva in your mouth to be able to function properly. Saliva keeps your mouth moist, breaking down your food, and helping you swallow.

There are several symptoms that indicate a dry mouth. Of which, the most noticeable one is a dry mouth. Some people say their saliva is getting thick and sticky, making it hard to talk or swallow. Quite often, dry mouth results as a side effect of some specific medications like blood pressure, heart and depression tablets

You may consult your dentist but there’s actually no foolproof treatment for dry mouth. Though, you may certainly take steps to prevent it.

by The Voice Of Woman

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