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What Could Happen if You Ignore a Dental Emergency?

Time can slip away from you when life gets so busy. When that happens, it’s easy to skip appointments, like the dentist! But, it’s important to go to the dentist every six months to ensure the best dental health. If you’re ignoring going to the dentist you could also be ignoring a dental emergency.

If you’re ignoring a dental emergency you may be making the problem worse. A dental emergency can include a toothache, a rotting tooth, losing a tooth, chipping a tooth, and everything in between!

Dental Emergencies Not Worth Ignoring

If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, it is important to call your dentist. In severe cases, you might need to take a trip to the emergency room. Dental pain can be a sign of a cavity or deep infection. If either goes untreated, it can spread to the center of the tooth, infecting the pulp and causing the nerves of the tooth to become inflamed. Along with that, you wouldn’t want to ignore the following dental emergencies:

Bleeding from the mouth may not seem like a an emergency but your mouth has lots of bacteria to keep this from happening. If your mouth is bleeding, that’s a red flag. Minor bleeding from the mouth during flossing and brushing is a warning sign of gum disease. If you are bleeding severely through the mouth or non-stop due to a cut, you may need stitches. Cuts may occur from a result of breaking a tooth. If you notice blood in your saliva, this could be something more serious, like advanced gum disease or cancer.

A cracked or loose tooth is a high risk that bacteria can reach the inside of the tooth, called the pulp. If a tooth breaks, the pulp is exposed, and if infection leads to pulp, you can lose your tooth. It can also spread into your mouth and throughout your body the network of blood vessels in the tooth.

We get oral sores often. We usually chalk this up to weather changes or stress. But if they last longer than a week without any relief, it’s time to go see the dentist. Canker sores affect the inner parts of the lips and gums. If the sore is deeper it may take longer to heal, making you more susceptible to infection. See your dentist if the sore is frequently recurring, over the counter medicine does not help with pain, you are experiencing difficulty eating, or it causes swelling or fever.

If there is a bump in your mouth this can be a sign or oral cancer. It is best to go to the dentist immediately so they can classify the bump and provide treatment.

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

Don’t let the issue progress from waiting until it’s too late! If you’re experiencing any of the dental emergencies listed above, please contact to your Dentist for an emergency appointment.

by My Dentist

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