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What Happens If You Use Someone Else’s Toothbrush

What happens if you use someone else’s toothbrush? Well, you may exchange some germs, bacteria, and viruses with the toothbrush owner. 

Using someone else’s toothbrush may not be the first thing on your mind. But, when sleepy, you may accidentally use a toothbrush that’s not yours. 

However, if you are doing it intentionally, you must stop! It’s vital to have your toothbrush. In fact, everyone in the house must possess their toothbrush and not share it with others for various reasons. 

Read on for more information. 

5 Reasons for Not Using Someone Else’s Toothbrush 

First, using someone else’s toothbrush can gross you out. It’s not pleasant, and what’s the point of sharing the toothbrush if you can easily buy one from the market? Nowadays, it’s easier to find toothbrushes online. Some people go to the extent of eco-friendly toothbrushes. 

You can always consult your dentist for oral health concerns. There is information available online, but your dentist is the best and most reliable source of information. 

Consider the following: 

#1. You Can Catch A Cold And Flu

If the toothbrush owner is your partner or a family member has a cold or flu, using their toothbrush can give you the cold or flu. It’s wise not to share the toothbrushes, and it’s best if you can keep your toothbrush in a separate container if you use the same container; then be sure to buy the toothbrushes with distinct features so that you don’t make these mistakes! 

#2. You Get The Germs 

You never know what the other person’s oral hygiene is like, which means you can get germs. There could be many germs and bacteria living on the toothbrush bristles. In addition, the person may not be cleaning the toothbrush correctly. When you don’t want to get the germs, avoiding this mistake is best. When you share the same container for toothbrushes, the mistake of using the toothbrush is possible, so use a different container. 

#3. You Feel Gross 

Using the other person’s toothbrush can make you feel gross. You will not like the feeling, and it lingers. So it’s best to tell the other person you mistakenly used their toothbrush. The same goes for the toothbrush owner. If you use someone’s toothbrush, they will not like it! Let the person know so they can toss the toothbrush in the garbage once and for all. 

#4. There Could Be Health Issues 

Sharing a toothbrush also means you could be inviting health issues. If you are deliberately sharing the toothbrush, it’s not ideal. For example, if your partner has COVID-19 and uses the same toothbrush, it won’t be suitable for your health. Similarly, there could be other health concerns, so it’s best to use separate toothbrushes and not share the same one. Also, avoid the chances of a mistake, and it’s possible by using different containers or keeping the toothbrush with yourself! Whatever is easy for you. 

#5. The Other Person Will Catch Your Germs 

You are not alone here! If you are using a toothbrush by mistake, you could be putting the other person at risk. Likewise, if you have bad oral hygiene, you can put someone at risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease. Always talk to the other person about the importance of oral health. If people are okay with sharing the toothbrush or if they don’t mind the mistake, it’s best to educate politely on how passing the germs or getting germs from the other person can affect health. 

Tips to Keep In Mind for Toothbrush Use 

You are taking care of your oral health counts. There are several ways you are taking care of yourself and your oral health; for example, you floss and brush your teeth, visit the dentist, go for professional cleaning, and buy suitable toothbrushes. But, there is more that you should do, such as: 

Buy your toothbrush. You can buy the one you prefer the most. For example, some would opt for the electric ones while others would like the bamboo ones. It’s your choice, but make sure you have a separate toothbrush and don’t share the toothbrush with anyone else in the family. 

You can use a separate container for your toothbrush or keep your toothbrush in a different location. If you are using the same bathroom as everyone else in the family, then make a habit of keeping your toothbrush away from the rest of the family members, especially if you mistakenly pick up others’ toothbrushes in the morning. 

Let the other person know if you have been using their toothbrush accidentally or on purpose. You don’t want to put other people at risk. Also, if someone else is using your toothbrush, ask them why not get their own. Or you can gift a toothbrush to this person and buy yourself another to avoid the hassle. 

It’s best if you don’t opt for similar toothbrushes. It would be risky even if the toothbrushes appear the same and have different colors. Go for a unique design so that you can easily remember your toothbrush, and others will remember theirs too. 

You have to be extra cautious if someone has bleeding gums, health issues, or poor oral hygiene. It may seem trivial, but it’s not, as it can risk your health. So, why take the chance and be cautious from the beginning?  

Visit your dentist regularly, and never take a chance on your oral health. If you have more questions or concerns, it’s always better to talk to your dentist, as they have the expertise and experience to guide you in the right direction about your health. 

by Dr Perfect Oral Care

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