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What happens when you ignore an infected tooth?

Your tooth feels sore but you decide to ignore it since the pain comes and goes anyway. Do you often see yourself in this situation? Should you ignore the discomfort?

Don’t wait until your tooth keeps you up at night. If you’re seeing dental pus on your tooth, it’s most likely due to bacterial infection. An abscess or infection can occur due to various reasons. It can be caused by a severe cavity, previous dental work, or injury. 

Your dentist will drain the pus and treat the infection. Depending on the severity of the issue, your tooth may still be saved. Otherwise, you may require an extraction. 

How would you know if you have an infected tooth?

If you feel pain on your teeth that keeps coming back or worsens over time, that may be a sign of an infected tooth. Here are other symptoms to look out for:

Increased sensitivity

Bad breath that doesn’t go away even after brushing


Swelling in the area

Breathing difficulties

Unpleasant taste in the mouth

If you’re having trouble breathing or swallowing, be sure to contact your dentist right away or go to the emergency room. These symptoms may be life-threatening. 

It’s best to get the affected tooth examined as early as possible. This way, you can keep the infection from worsening and prevent the need for comprehensive treatments.

Why you shouldn’t ignore a tooth infection

An abscessed tooth won’t heal on its own. Even if the pus drains naturally, you’ll still need to see your dentist. A severe tooth infection can be potentially life-threatening. 

Here are possible complications when you leave an infected tooth untreated.

Tooth loss. An infected tooth may still be saved with root canal therapy or crown. If the problem persists and you don’t receive proper treatment, the affected tooth will continue to weaken. You may need dental implants to restore tooth function but this option warrants sufficient jawbone. 

Bone infection. The infection can spread to the facial bones, which can then lead to surgical bone removal. Removing the infected bone can help contain the infection. If surgery isn’t necessary, the bone structures may still weaken. This can eventually lead to tooth loss as the jaw struggles to support the teeth. 

Sinus infection. Since the sinuses are connected to the roots of several upper teeth, an infection involving any of these teeth can also affect your sinuses. As the infection spreads, you may experience headaches, eye immobility, or drooping eyelids, among many others. 

Bloodstream infection. If the infection spreads to the entire bloodstream, it can lead to septicemia. The body fights infection by increasing antibodies and supplying more blood to the area. If the infection from the dental abscess spills and reaches the bloodstream, it can circulate throughout the body. This condition is life-threatening and often requires long-term hospitalization. 

Death is the worst possible effect of a tooth infection, but this can be prevented. Even if you’re unsure if your toothache is considered a dental emergency, still get in touch with your dentist. Don’t ignore an infected tooth. Early diagnosis and treatment can be life-saving.

by Centennial Smiles Dental

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