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What is Perio Breath?

Many of us have had those days where we may eat something and our breath pays the price for it. But, sometimes bad breath could be caused by something more serious than your most recent meal.

Oral issues such as gum disease may play a role in causing bad odors within the mouth, described as perio breath. Poor oral hygiene is the typical main player in gum disease, and can affect anyone no matter what age. In addition to bad breath, some other indicators of gum disease can include swollen, tender, or bleeding gums, tooth sensitivity, mobile teeth, gum recession, and pain when chewing.

Gum disease is a progressive disease, starting off in the early stages as gingivitis. Gingivitis can lead to periodontitis, a more serious form of gum disease, which can cause irreversible damage to your gums, teeth, and the bone surrounding your teeth. Not to mention, since the oral cavity is the window to the rest of the body, periodontal disease has also been linked to other systemic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease.

So, what exactly is causing the bad odor? Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a result of the bacteria within the mouth that produce volatile sulfur compounds --the source of the bad smell! These sulfur compounds can be exacerbated by oral infections and gum disease. According to research published in the Journal of International

Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry, approximately 80% of patients with some degree of gum disease also experienced continuous bad breath.

On the bright side, your dentist can help you manage bad breath depending on the underlying cause. Other conditions that can contribute to bad breath include dry mouth, tobacco use, certain food diets, and other systemic diseases.

Treating periodontitis sometimes can involve a deep cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing. This involves the removal of bacteria both above and below the gumline. In some more severe cases gum surgery may be needed.

Keep up with brushing and flossing habits, in addition to brushing your tongue to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Good oral hygiene habits will help lower your risk of both gum disease and halitosis.

by Wellesley Dental Group

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