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Why Are My Teeth Sensitive To Cold/Hot Foods

What Causes Hot/Cold Sensitivity in My Teeth?

There are many different causes but generally temperature sensitivity is caused by issues with enamel. Enamel is the outside of layer of teeth that protects them from tooth decay caused by bacteria leftover by food. Underneath the layer of enamel are tiny microscopic tubes. If these tubes are exposed you can feel a sharp pain after ingesting something hot or cold. Even cold air could cause pain in your teeth.

How To Prevent Tooth Sensitivity

To prevent tooth sensitivity from occurring you should consider how to keep your enamel intact. Enamel is often eroded because of a lack of brushing and flossing. Additionally if your gums recede over time due to poor dental health the newly exposed areas of the tooth may have weakened enamel. Enamel does not regenerate so taking care of it is important. Aside from brushing twice and flossing once daily, you should be going to the dentist every six months. Your dentist can help correct dental problems as they arise as well as provide dental sealants that can protect your molars and your enamel.

What Can I Do About Temperature Sensitivity?

There are a variety of things you can do if you experience dental sensitivity. First, you should consider speaking to your dentist about the problem and getting specific recommendations from them. Because dental sensitivity is linked to enamel loss, it could be a warning sign of tooth decay or gum disease. Many dentists recommend the following advice for patients dealing with temperature sensitivity.

Change Your Toothpaste: Another cause of sensitivity is the brand of toothpaste you are using. Many toothpastes that are designed to whiten teeth and remove stains can also increase sensitivity. There are toothpastes designed for individuals with sensitive teeth. If you have sensitive teeth consider using this toothpaste to see if it helps. Generally it takes over a month of active daily use before you will start to notice the effects of the toothpaste.

Brush Properly: Aside from tooth decay, another harmful factor to your teeth is how you brush. While it is important to brush daily and brush often, it is also important to do it correctly. Brushing with too much force or with hard-bristled tooth brushes that don’t have give can lead to damaging your enamel.

Avoid Acidic Foods: You should also moderate how much acidic and sugary foods you eat. Even healthy organic foods such as tomatoes, oranges, and lemons can be unhealthy for your teeth. Lots of tomato sauce or orange juice can cause damage to your teeth over time, so make sure to limit your interaction with highly acidic foods.

by All Sytar Dental

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