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The Five Biggest Dental Issues You Face In Your 60s

Word on the street is you’ll keep your teeth longer as you enter old age, but with this good news comes an alarming warning that there are more problems likely to arise with your chompers and so you need to maintain those visits to your dentist.

In your 60s there are five common dental issues you’re bound to face and fortunately the remedies are pretty straight forward.

1. Tooth decayEven if you’re in your 60s you can get cavities. You’ll get them on the surface of your teeth, which might not have been a problem before, and you can also get them around old fillings and at the root of your teeth.

Here’s the fix — fluoride. It’s not just for kids. Dental health has improved since water fluoridation began in the 1950s, however if you don’t have fluorinated water you should add a daily rinse to your brushing habit according to United States spokesperson on elder care for the American Dental Association Judith Ann Jones.

2. Dry mouthIf you don’t produce enough saliva your teth could be at risk. There is calcium and phosphate present in saliva and this prevents demineralisation of your teeth. You’ll know if you have dry mouth because you’ll have a sticky feeling in your mouth, you have trouble swallowing, you might have a dry throat and you could have dry, cracked lips. You might even notice a metallic taste in your mouth or you could have persistent bad breath.

Often the condition is caused by medication, and as you get older chances are you’ll be taking more medication. But dry mouth can also be a result of smoking or a blow to the head that has had an impact on your salivary glands.

Here’s the fix — sip water all day or chew a sugar-free gum to help stimulate saliva production. Your dentist might also prescribe you with a saliva substitute for you to try.

3. Gum diseaseIf you have swollen, red or bleeding gums you could have a condition called ‘gingivitis’, which is an early form of gum disease. If you don’t do anything about it the condition can be dangerous; you could develop a disease called ‘periodontitis’ and this is where your gum pulls away from the tooth and creates a pocket that can become infected. Worse, if you don’t take action you could lose teeth or bones in your jaw.


Here’s the fix — see your dentist regularly. Your dentist will check and treat the condition and give your teeth a good clean in the process.

4. Oral cancerOral cancer represents between 3 and 4 per cent of all cancers diagnosed in Australia each year. Your chances of developing this cancer increases as you get older and is most often linked to smoking or alcohol use.

Here’s the fix — Ensure your dentist does an oral cancer exam when you visit as your best chance of survival is if the disease is detected early. The test involves checking the soft tissue in your mouth as well as your throat and jaw. If they don’t do the test, request it or consider switching to a dentist that does. It could save your life!

5. Tooth crowdingAs you get older your teeth move around and this creates an opportunity for them to overlap one another. The reason this is problematic is not just because you’ll look different when you smile, but because it makes home maintenance on your teeth all the more difficult. When your teeth are misaligned you can develop teeth erosion or you can damage the supporting tissue and bone, and when you add this to your risk of periodontal disease you also risk losing your teeth at a faster rate.

Here’s the fix — Talk to your dentist about the shifts and see if they will refer you to an orthodontist. You might need braces or a retainer or even a spacer. Don’t think that because you’re in your 60s that you’re too old for such action either.

by Starts at 60

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Granulation Tissue and Healing Oral Wounds

Wounds can occur in the mouth for many reasons — from accidents to surgical procedures. Whatever the cause, your body has everything it needs to heal the wound. Granulation tissue plays an important role in this healing process. Learn more about how oral wounds heal and why you might notice white tissue around the injury site.

What Is the Wound Healing Process?

Wounds inside the mouth heal essentially the same way as wounds on any other part of the body. This healing process includes four main stages:

Hemostasis. The first stage of healing stops the bleeding by forming a blood clot, also known as a thrombus. Blood vessels constrict to restrict blood flow, and platelets stick together to seal the wound. Finally, threads of fibrin reinforce the seal through a process called coagulation.

Inflammation. During the second stage, the injured blood vessels discharge a fluid that causes the wound to swell, and the repair process starts by removing damaged cells and bacteria. Inflammation helps stop further bleeding and ward off infection, and it only becomes problematic if prolonged or excessive.

Proliferation. Granulation tissue forms in the third stage of healing. The wound contracts as these new tissues are built, and the body constructs a network of blood vessels to supply the tissue with oxygen to help it grow. Cells from the edges of the wound move across the opening to close the wound in a process called epithelialization.

Maturation. Also known as the remodeling stage, maturation occurs when collagen is remodeled and the wound fully closes. Any cells used to repair the wound that are no longer needed are removed by a process called apoptosis.

The healing process might sound complex, but taking care of your oral wounds can accelerate each stage and restore the health of your mouth.

What Is the White Tissue In Your Mouth?

If you have experienced an oral wound, you might notice white, pink, or red tissue forming around the injury. This tissue — known as granulation tissue — plays a key role in repairing the injury and protecting it from further damage. When you undergo oral surgery like a tooth extraction or gum grafting, granulation tissue forms after about one week to protect the site until the new bone or gum tissue can form.

What if the white stuff near your wound doesn't look like tissue? Make a quick call to your dentist if you have any concerns about the healing process, especially if you experience pain. The "white stuff" you see could also be one of the following:

Surgical gauze. If you received treatment for the wound, it's possible a small piece of gauze stuck to the wound. Call your dental professional to get the gauze removed and prevent infection.

Food debris. Large wounds like those left by tooth extractions could attract food debris. While they aren't inherently dangerous, they could dislodge your blood clot and disrupt healing. Twenty-four hours after surgery, you can rinse your mouth with saltwater to dislodge the food particles. If that doesn't work, talk to your dental professional.

Infection. Any white or yellow pus around the wound could be a sign of infection and is probably accompanied by swelling and pain. Call your dental professional right away to confirm the infection and prescribe an antibiotic.

Is Your Oral Wound Healing Properly?

Wounds inside the mouth tend to heal more quickly than wounds elsewhere on the body. Still, oral wounds can sometimes heal improperly. Look out for these issues:

Excessive bleeding. If the blood clot is disturbed or fails to form, you might experience excessive bleeding.

Infection. If you notice any white or yellow pus, continued swelling, worsening pain, or a bad taste in your mouth, your oral wound might be infected.

Dry socket. If the white granulation tissue falls out after a tooth extraction, you might have dry socket. Dry socket occurs when the repair material falls out and exposes your bone and nerves. The exposed nerves can cause severe pain.

Be on the lookout for persistent inflammation, unpleasant smells, white or yellow pus, a reopened wound, or dead tissue. If you experience any of the conditions listed above, contact your dentist immediately for treatment.

Wounds inside the mouth might feel uncomfortable, but with the right care, they will heal quickly. Follow your dental professional's instructions for cleaning and protecting your oral wound if you receive an injury or undergo an operation. The formation of granulation tissue — with the absence of pain — is a great sign that the wound is healing properly.

by Colgate

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Ten Dental Hygiene Tips for a More Thorough Clean

Brushing your teeth every morning and night doesn't guarantee you're giving your mouth all the attention it needs. Even a regular oral hygiene routine could be leaving gaps if you engage in a few not-so-great habits during your time at the sink. By understanding proper brushing technique and ensuring you have the right tools in your cabinet, you can make sure you have all of your bases covered when pursuing a more thorough clean. Consider the following dental hygiene tips to help you take your care routine to the next level.

Use Proper Brushing Technique

A quick wash of your bristles isn't enough to banish leftover food particles and polish your teeth. Instead, use a technique echoed by the South African Dental Association (SADA): Start with your brush at a 45-degree angle to your gums and use short back-and-forth strokes across the sides and tops of your teeth. Then, hold the brush vertically and use several shorter strokes to focus on the backs of the front anterior teeth where plaque builds up often.

Brush Enough

Many people brush regularly, but simply don't brush enough for their teeth to stay clean. The SADA recommends brushing for at least two minutes, twice daily. Having trouble gauging your routine for this duration? Try listening to a short song, cue up a two-minute YouTube video or set a timer on your phone to give yourself the time you need to thoroughly clean your teeth.

Pick the Right Brush

Always look for a brush whose head and bristles are small enough to reach into the crevices of your molars, where food debris can hide after you eat. Most adults require a small or medium-sized toothbrush for this purpose.

Floss Properly

Like brushing, flossing must be done properly so that, when you reach between teeth, you actually get to the germs that are stuck there. Ideally, use a piece of floss up to 18 inches in length, allowing you to use a fresh area of floss every few teeth without reinserting the germs you just removed. Keep in mind that the floss should rub against the teeth in a motion that creates a forward or backward 'C' shape, wrapping the floss around each tooth.

Use a Mouthwash

Effective mouthwash can go where toothbrushes and floss are unable to reach, helping to rid your mouth of the debris that irritate the gumline and cause gum problems. Add this mouthwash to your oral care regimen to get the most thorough clean possible, even when you're on the go.

Clean Your Brush

You don't need special equipment or covers to keep the brush itself clean. In fact, SADA warns that covering your toothbrush can actually breed new germs and introduce them into your mouth. Instead, just rinse your brush after each use and allow it to air dry. You should also avoid sharing brushes with others, even your children.

Change Your Brush

Bristles deteriorate with time and usage, so if you're using the same toothbrush beyond a few months, you may not be getting the best clean anymore. Rather, make a point of getting a new brush every three to four months, or at your semiannual dental check-up.

Use a Tongue Scraper

Some toothbrushes now come with a ridged tooth-scraper on the back of the brush. After brushing, germs can remain on the tongue, so be sure to brush or scrape your tongue as part of your daily routine. Not only will it banish germs, but cleaning your tongue can also help freshen your breath.

Stop Snacking

Hungry for a midnight snack? Brushing well may clear your teeth of germs and food particles, but if you eat a snack afterward, you'll need to brush again before bed. Having a snack before sleep (without brushing) can allow food particles and sugar to remain on your teeth for too long, providing fuel for germs that feed on it.

Oral hygiene should be part of any overall health routine. By following these dental hygiene tips, you can choose the best products, improve your technique and ensure you're doing everything in your power to keep your mouth cavity-free.

by Colgate

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Ten Signs That You Need to Visit the Dentist

Wondering if your particular oral health circumstances warrant a trip to the dentist? We believe it is always better to be safe than sorry! However, if you meet any of these following ten criteria, it is very important to schedule an appointment as soon as you can.

1. Eating cold or hot foods hurts your teeth.

In many cases, having dental sensitivity is a warning sign of dental decay. This is because, once your tooth enamel has worn down, it exposes the dentin layer beneath. This layer has tiny microscopic tubules that provide access from the nerve to the enamel, so it can make your tooth hypersensitive once exposed. You’ll want to make sure the tooth is fixed before this decay progresses too far, so head to the dentist right away!

2. Your gums are bleeding when you floss.

Bleeding gums is an early symptom of gingivitis—an infection in the gums that can ultimately lead to gum disease. This stage of periodontal disease is the easiest to treat, so be sure to go into the dentist before it impacts your gums any further.

3. You’re embarrassed about your smile.

You don’t have to live with a smile that you’re not proud of. Whether you’re hoping to fix tough stains, a crooked bite, malformed teeth, or more, Manus Dental has the cosmetic and restorative services to help!

4. You have bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth that just won’t go away.

Halitosis (or bad breath) can be symptomatic of any number of oral health issues. For example, it can mean you’re suffering from dry mouth, gum disease, stomach issues, or even tonsillitis. If you’re struggling with chronic bad breath, it is absolutely a good idea to have it checked out.

5. You’re pregnant.

Taking care of your health is of the upmost importance during pregnancy, so it is no surprise that this includes your oral health as well! Pregnancy can often have a big impact on your teeth and gums. For example, morning sickness can lead to erosion of the dental enamel. Dry mouth is also more common during pregnancy. You’ll also want to be certain that you don’t have periodontal issues, as gum disease can cause premature birth.

6. You have jaw pain or popping when you first wake up or when you’re chewing.

You do not have to suffer through TMJ (temporomandibular joint) problems. Your dentist can help you to uncover the root cause of the issue—such as misaligned teeth, teeth grinding, injury, and more—and begin treatment!

7. Your mouth feels dry a lot.

Dry mouth, or xerostomia, affects about 10% of people, and it can make it difficult to speak, eat, and swallow. It can also lead to tooth decay, infections, bad breath, and more. While treatments can vary depending on the patient, your dentist can absolutely provide you relief of this illness.

8. Your family has a history of gum disease.

Gum disease often goes unnoticed for quite some time, as it is usually painless. However, this disease can have a major impact on your overall health, causing tooth loss, heart disease, respiratory illness, stroke, and more! Therefore, if you know your family has a history of periodontal disease, make sure you always make it in for your regular check-ups with the dentist.

9. You have ongoing medical issues.

If you suffer from serious medical conditions, such as diabetes, eating disorders, cardiovascular disease, or are undergoing medical treatment, we want to be a part of improving your health! We’ll help you to prevent infection and other issues that may be exasperated by these illnesses.

10. You haven’t seen a dentist in six months.

It is highly recommended that you see your dentist at least twice a year in order to prevent decay, gingivitis, and other oral health issues. We’ll also perform a professional cleaning to remove tartar buildup and keep your mouth in good health!

by Manus Dental

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Four Causes Likely To Be At The Root Of Your Toothache

Most of us have felt the pain of a toothache at least once in our lives. Ouch! With National Toothache Day observed on February 9th, the Surf City Dental team is taking a moment to talk about this all too familiar – and painful – subject.

Toothaches occur when the nerves in the root of a tooth become inflamed or irritated. They can be caused by a number of different issues and even the type of discomfort felt varies from case to case. Some may experience sharp, searing pain while others feel a dull throbbing sensation.

Identifying the underlying reason for this pain is difficult without the assistance of a dental professional. However, certain causes are more likely than others to be the culprit. Let’s talk about four leading sources of tooth pain.

1. Cavities & Tooth Decay

It’s hardly a surprise that cavities take the top spot on this list. According to the CDC, approximately 90% of adults over the age of 20 have had at least one.

Tooth decay, which leads to the formation of cavities, may be the result of not cleaning teeth properly, eating an abundance of sugary or starchy foods, or a buildup of acid on the teeth. When cavities form, they create a small hole in the tooth that exposes the root and gets bigger and bigger over time if left untreated.

What’s the best way to catch a cavity before it becomes a major problem?Never miss a regular cleaning with your Surf City dentist! Routine dental check-ups help catch cavities and decay in the early stages, making them easier to treat and less likely to result in major issues.

2. Abscessed Tooth

Abscessed teeth are typically caused by a bacterial dental infection. These can occur in different areas around the tooth, depending on where the infection begins. For example:

An untreated cavity may lead to a bacterial infection in the pulp chamber, or the central portion of the tooth. This central chamber is filled with nerve endings that are extremely sensitive and painful when exposed.

Gum disease may cause an infection in the bone and tissues that support the tooth.

Injuries like broken, chipped, or cracked teeth leave the inside of the tooth vulnerable to dental infection.

3. Gum Disease

A buildup of plaque contributes to gum disease and can result in the dreaded toothache as well. Redness and swelling of the gums are both symptoms of this condition and, as with cavities, these symptoms will likely advance into a more serious condition if left unaddressed. If this happens, the gums separate from the tooth, leaving pockets where food collects and bacteria grows.

4. Bruxism

Grinding or clenching your teeth is also known as bruxism and can lead to discomfort because of the stress put on your mouth and jaw. Consistent grinding also wears down the enamel on teeth, exposing the sensitive layer of dentin underneath.

Toothache Prevention & Treatment

The best way to prevent toothaches is to practice proper dental hygiene. Surf City Dental recommends brushing twice a day with an American Dental Association approved toothpaste and flossing before bedtime. Visiting your dentist twice a year for regular dental cleanings is an essential piece of the puzzle as well.

While some home remedies provide temporary relief for minor toothaches, if pain persists for more than one or two days, get in touch with your dentist. As you’ve likely gathered, ignoring a toothache only leads to more damage and discomfort.

by Surf City Dental

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What would happen if you didn’t brush your teeth for a year?

What would happen if you tossed your toothbrush for a year?

"Probably nothing good," said Matthew Messina, dentist and American Dental Association spokesman.

Most people who stop brushing their teeth will develop cavities (tooth decay) and/or periodontal disease (gum disease). Both can be painful and both can cause teeth to fall out.

When bacteria in the mouth isn't brushed away, it can also push immune systems into overdrive and cause a host of problems in other parts of the body. Bacteria under the gum line with access to the blood line can be particularly dangerous, Messina said. A dirty mouth has been linked to respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, heart attacks and even MRSA in the case of dentures. MRSA or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, is a bacteria resistant to a variety of medications that can infect the bloodstream and lining of the heart.

Everyone's health is different. So, someone could go without brushing for a year and get gum disease and no cavities. Others might have it the other way around. Some could come down with serious health problems. In rare cases, people with healthy diets and good genes could go without cavities, gum disease and health problems, Messina said.

But, even for those who would escape major problems, their teeth would be covered in plaque.

"It's not a lovely feeling," Messina said.

Food particles would stick around. Meaning, the taste of salmon from Saturday dinner would mingle with Sunday brunch.

Morning breath would be a constant, and smell worse every day without brushing.

"It’s not going to be good for relationships with other people," Messina said. "You aren’t going to have a lot of friends."

The ADA recommends brushing teeth twice daily and flossing once daily. Toothbrushes should be changed when frayed, about every four months.

by Ashley May

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What Causes a Gray Tongue?

You're used to a healthy pink tongue, only noticing it when you brush your teeth or inspect your smile in the mirror from time to time. It's probably not the part of your oral cavity you think about most, as you're more concerned with cleaning your teeth to prevent cavities. So when you notice your tongue has a strange discolorment, such as a grayish tint, you probably have some concerns.

Some common questions that may first come to mind probably include why is my tongue gray? What causes a gray tongue? And should I worry? Let's go over the common causes of a grayish colored tongue, your risk factors, and treatments for each condition.


Leukoplakia is an oral condition that can cause white or grayish patches to appear inside your mouth. These patches can sometimes appear on the tongue, though they're often found on the cheeks or gums. It's not usually painful and may go unnoticed for a while if you don't keep up with your regular dental appointments. A sign that you have leukoplakia is that you can't gently scrape off these white or grayish patches on your own.

If you're a heavy smoker, chew tobacco, or consume alcohol in excessive amounts, you're more at risk for this condition. While leukoplakia usually isn't dangerous, it's not something you should ignore. It can be a precancerous condition, which means there's a chance that it could develop into oral cancer if left untreated.

Oral Lichen Planus

Lichen planus is an inflammatory disease that can affect different parts of your body and appear as reddish-purple rashes or bumps. When it forms inside your mouth, it can result in oral lesions that look gray and lacy, according to the Mayo Clinic. These patches that develop inside your mouth aren't itchy or painful, though some people develop ulcers, tender sores, or a burning sensation because of the oral lichen planus patches.

In most cases, you won't be able to determine the cause of oral lichen planus. But it usually occurs when your body has an abnormal immune response to something. In conjunction with a weakened immune system, oral lichen planus has a few primary triggers:

Hepatitis C

Flu vaccine

Some metals and chemicals (like an amalgam filling used in dental work)

Certain pain relievers, such as ibuprofen and medications for arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure

Oral lichen planus isn't generally harmful. The Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine reports that only one percent of cases are associated with oral cancer.

Oral Thrush

Oral thrush is an infection that's caused by the Candida fungus, also known as yeast. This fungus is naturally present in our mouths but can sometimes become overgrown, most usually in babies or older adults who have developing or weakened immune systems. Oral thrush appears as white, cottage cheese-like patches inside the mouth, including on the tongue. These patches aren't easily removed, and if you remove a patch, you will most likely find the area underneath as red and bleeding. Like leukoplakia, we do not recommend you attempt to remove oral thrush on your own.

There are many possible causes of this opportunistic oral infection, and it spreads more easily in people with a weakened or suppressed immune system, like people with diabetes or cancer. It may also develop after an antibiotic treatment since antibiotics can kill off the mouth bacteria that usually keep yeast in balance.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Sometimes something as simple as a poor oral care routine can cause a white or gray coating on your tongue. The Mayo Clinic explains that the small projections on your tongue, known as papillae, can become inflamed on the tongue's surface due to poor oral hygiene. Bacteria and dead cells get trapped in these inflamed projections and give the tongue a white coating appearance. This coating isn't just a cosmetic issue. A coated tongue caused by inadequate oral hygiene often goes hand in hand with bad breath. So that's one more reason to keep up with a rigorous at-home oral care routine!

Treatments for a Gray Tongue

If you notice your tongue has turned gray, make an appointment to see your dental professional. Your dentist and dental hygienist can examine your tongue and determine the cause of its discoloration. Your prescribed treatment, and its length, will all depend on your diagnosis. Let's go over each:

In cases where leukoplakia is responsible, surveillance is the primary treatment. This means that your dental professional will want to keep an eye on it to make sure it does not progress into cancer. It's also recommended to quit lifestyle habits that make you more susceptible to leukoplakia. So if there's ever been a time to quit smoking, chewing tobacco, or drinking an excessive amount of alcohol, it's now.

You can also treat oral lichen planus with surveillance, and the condition can go away on its own. If the lesions are uncomfortable or painful, some treatments, such as corticosteroid mouthwashes and gels, can provide symptom relief.

When oral thrush is the cause of your grayish tongue, antifungal medications are the best course of action. You may get a prescription for antifungal mouthrinses or lozenges for a mild case. If your case is more severe, a prescription for an oral antifungal medication should do the trick.

If you've been forgetting to brush or floss as often as you should, try to get back in the habit of brushing twice per day and cleaning between your teeth with floss, a water flosser, or another interdental cleaning tool once per day. Follow up your oral care routine with a mouthwash to rinse away any remaining bacteria. When you brush your teeth, remember to use a soft-bristled brush and take the time to gently clean your tongue, too.

A gray coating on your tongue can be alarming at first, so it's normal to feel an initial shock of panic! We understand this reaction. But remember that most causes of tongue discoloration are relatively harmless, especially if treated right away. Your main priority should be to see a dental professional for diagnosis, who will discuss with you a planned course of treatment if needed.

It's important to be gentle when flossing. We do not recommend scraping at oral lesions or brushing them too hard, as some will need medication for removal. If you're worried about your tongue, see your dental professional as soon as possible, as they will help put your mind at ease and get you back on track to feeling confident about your smile!

by Colgate

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What You Should Know About Blood Blisters in the Mouth


A blister is a fluid-filled sac that occurs when an upper layer of skin is injured. The fluid, which is generally clear, comes from the injured tissue. When the fluid pools, a blister forms and acts as a barrier, protecting the damaged skin from any additional harm.

In some cases, blood vessels below the injured skin will rupture and blood will fill the blister “bubble,” creating what is known as a blood blister. Like clear blisters, most blood blisters appear where there is friction. For example, you may develop a blood blister on your feet when you wear ill-fitting shoes. Or, you may develop a blister on your hands after gripping a rake or oar for a long period of time. Blood blisters can also appear inside the mouth.


Many oral blood blisters are big enough that you can see them in your mouth or feel them with your tongue. They can occur anywhere in the mouth, but they are often seen on soft surfaces, such as your cheek, tongue, or on the underside of the lips. You may develop only one or several at a time.

Blood blisters in the mouth range in color from dark red to purple, and are typically painful until they pop. Oral blood blisters can make it uncomfortable for you to chew or brush your teeth.

Blood blister vs. other mouth sores

Blood blisters, canker sores, and fever blisters can all appear in the mouth, and they are typically red in color. There are differences, however.

Canker sores

Canker sores usually begin as reddish ulcers instead of the dark red to purple coloring of a blood blister. Canker sores are covered by a white or yellowish film.

Fever blisters

Fever blisters often start with a tingling feeling where the blister will form. Blood blisters, on the other hand, often appear suddenly and without warning. A fever blister may appear along with a fever and swollen lymph nodes. Fever blisters often form on the lips and under the nose instead of inside the mouth.


Several things can lead to the development of an oral blood blister, including:


allergies to foods high in acidity

low platelet count, which is known as thrombocytopenia

angina bullosa hemorrhagica, a rare disorder

Chemotherapy drugs and radiation also can also cause blood blisters in the mouth.


Most oral blood blisters develop following trauma to the mouth, such as biting your cheek, burning your mouth with hot food, or puncturing soft tissue with sharp food, like a chip. In the case of trauma, a blood blister usually develops quickly after the damage takes place.


Certain foods and medicines can irritate the lining of your mouth and lead to the development of blood blisters. You may be more likely to develop blood blisters from allergies to:

acidic foods, like citrus fruits

cinnamon flavoring

astringents, such as those used in mouthwash and toothpaste


Platelets are blood cells that help the blood clot. You can develop a low platelet count for a variety of reasons, including during pregnancy or when taking some medications, such as certain antibiotics and anticonvulsants. It can also occur when the immune system destroys platelets.

Thrombocytopenia can cause blood blisters in the mouth. About 30,000 new cases are diagnosed every year in the United States and 70 percent of them occur in women.

Angina bullosa hemorrhagica

Angina bullosa hemorrhagica is a rare disorder that causes painful blood blisters to suddenly erupt on the soft tissues of the mouth. The blisters last only a few minutes, then spontaneously rupture.

One study estimates that about 0.5 percent of the population have these types of blood blisters. The blisters differ from other blood blisters in that they are not related to any systemic disorder, like thrombocytopenia, and often no cause can be found.


Most blood blisters come and go quickly, and require no medical treatment. Here are some tips for managing them:

You can reduce pain with over-the-counter pain relievers and ice packs applied to the injured area.

Avoid foods that can irritate the blister, such as hot, salty, or spicy foods.

Do not attempt to pop the blister. This increases your risk of infection and delays healing. The blister will pop naturally on its own.

See your doctor if:

The blister is so large it’s interfering with swallowing or breathing.

It takes more than a week or two to fully heal.

It’s so painful it’s interfering with your daily functioning. Your doctor may prescribe a soothing mouthwash that can speed healing.

The blisters are recurrent.

The blister seems infected. Signs of infection include being warm to the touch, pus draining out of it, and red tissue around the blister.


Blood blisters in the mouth can occur for various reasons. They are generally benign. Most blood blisters are due to trauma and quickly resolve without medical intervention. Being mindful of how and what you eat can help keep them at bay.

by healthline

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Rinsing and Brushing Teeth with Salt: Three Factors to Consider in Your Oral Care

Alternative dental products containing natural ingredients, such as salt, have been a trend in recent years – and it's no surprise why. From adding flavour to food to providing important health benefits, salt has many advantages, including improving your dental health.

If you're considering adding salt to your oral care routine, keep these three factors in mind to do it safely – and to enjoy a more natural lifestyle!

1. Saltwater Rinses

Rinsing your mouth with saltwater is beneficial in many situations, including:

After tooth extractions: A study in Evidence-Based Dentistry, published on behalf of the British Dental Association, found that using a warm saline mouthwash at least twice daily significantly reduces the occurrence of dry socket – the persistent, throbbing pain and exposure of the bare alveolar bone (which contains the tooth sockets) that usually occurs within 48 to 72 hours of a tooth extraction.

Oral thrush: The United States Mayo Clinic recommends using a warm saltwater rinse during an oral thrush outbreak.

Canker sores: By removing some germs and decreasing tenderness, salt rinses can help relieve canker sore pain.

2. Brushing Teeth with Salt

Salt toothpaste has become more popular, but how effective is it? And does it improve your dental health? A study in the open-access journal Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry found that the addition of sea salt to traditional abrasives in toothpaste can cause highly abrasive dentin wear – without providing any additional dental benefits. Consult a dentist if you still want to use natural toothpaste.

Going the DIY route and using salt directly on your teeth to eliminate stains is also highly inadvisable, as salt's abrasive nature could cause permanent damage to them.

3. Salt is Not a Replacement for Fluoride

If you’re looking to incorporate salt as an ingredient in your toothpaste, ensure that fluoride is still in the mix, as per the South African Dental Association's recommendation. This naturally occurring mineral helps prevent cavities in adults and children by making the teeth's outer surface more resistant to acid attacks. Your dentist can help guide you here as well!

Salt is a versatile ingredient with many benefits – so don't hesitate to consult with your dentist while exploring natural solutions for your teeth. Together, you can brainstorm to keep them healthy and bright for years to come!

by Colgate

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What Causes Bad Breath from Stomach?

Halitosis, generally known as bad breath, can be unpleasant and, in extreme situations, even make people anxious. It's understandable why store shelves are brimming with gum and mints to freshen the breath. But because they don't deal with the root of the issue, many of these products are merely band aid fixes. Hence, it becomes important to address the underlying issues that are causing bad breath. Among the factors contributing to foul breath are particular foods, medical conditions, and behaviors.

Depending on the source or underlying cause, different people have different bad breath smells. While some people have little to no mouth odor and worry excessively about it, others have foul breath but are unaware of it.

What to Do for Bad Breath?

Review your oral hygiene routines if you suspect that you have bad breath. Consider adopting lifestyle adjustments including drinking plenty of water, using dental floss, and brushing your teeth and tongue after meals. Also, include mouthwash as an essential component of your dental care routine. Consult your dentist if your bad breath still exists after making these changes. Your dentist could suggest that you see a doctor to identify the source of the odor if they think that your bad breath is the result of a more serious condition.

Your stomach may be the source of your poor breath rather than your oral health. In fact, because it might be more difficult to recognize, isolate, and treat, stomach-related bad breath can be even more confounding than regular bad breath. However, knowing the many causes of stomach-related halitosis might help you determine whether the source of your foul breath is simply because of something you ate or something more serious.

What Causes Bad Breath from Stomach?

There are numerous reasons why the digestive system can cause bad breath. Below are some of the causes of bad breath from the stomach:

H. Pylori

One of the most often occurring reasons of digestive system bad breath is H. Pylori. It’s a sort of bacteria that often coexists with the other bacteria in your gut microbiome, but when things go awry, it can cause major damage. About two thirds of stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers may be brought on by it. Patients with stomach cancer frequently have it found in the lining of their stomachs.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Your digestive tract may be the cause of your foul breath if you frequently get heartburn or reflux after eating particular meals, such as dairy and spicy cuisine. These acids may smell sour, which causes gaseous odors to impact your breath.

Kidney Disease

Chronic renal disease may occasionally be indicated by poor breath that smells fishy or strongly like ammonia.

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

SIBO may be the source of your bad breath if you have gas, bloating, and burping. The large intestine, where digesting occurs in the digestive tract, is home to trillions of bacteria. Although the small intestine contains a much less amount of microbiota and is intended for nutrition absorption, bacterial overgrowth can occasionally occur there. Following a stomach infection, SIBO might occur in certain people. Patients with lactose intolerance or fructose malabsorption may also have issues with their gut flora. After consuming fiber, symptoms frequently get worse.

Crohn’s Disease and Celiac Disease

Food malabsorption is a primary contributor to bad breath. Due to impaired digestion brought on by Crohn's and celiac disease, more food remains that sulfur-reducing bacteria can break down. This produces more hydrogen sulfide, which can lead to odorous burps and occasionally foul breath.

In conclusion, determining the source of stomach-related foul breath is the first step in treating it. Talk to your doctor about the possible causes of your halitosis so that you may develop a treatment strategy together that will address your particular problem. In the meantime, avoid any triggers that might seem to make your breath bad and keep a healthy mouth and continue following a proper dental care routine.

by Listerine

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