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Signs That You May Need Root Canal Therapy

How do you know if you might need a root canal? There are some noticeable signs and symptoms you need to know about. Having root canal therapy can save you from needless pain, and can save your tooth and your smile. Drs. Joseph and Theodore Gargano at Gargano Family Dentistry in North Haven, CT, offer root canal therapy to help you and your smile.

You will need root canal therapy when the innermost layer of your tooth, an area called the pulp, becomes bruised or damaged. The pulp is where the nerves and blood supply to your tooth are located. When this area becomes compromised, inflammation and fluid builds up inside your tooth. The fluid buildup causes tooth pain, which can be severe.

Some of the reasons you may need a root canal include:

Severe tooth decay which has penetrated the pulp of your tooth

Dental trauma from an accident or injury

Repeated tooth stress due to grinding, clenching, or biting hard substances

Repeated dental trauma for any reason

When inflammation of the pulp happens, you may notice signs and symptoms like these:

Pain that increases when you eat or drink hot or cold foods or beverages

Pain that continues even after dental treatment is completed

Pain that radiates to your jaws, face, or head

Sharp pain when you bite down or chew

A white or red bump appearing on your gums next to a tooth root

Blood or pus draining from the bump on your gums

Your tooth becoming darker or grayer compared to the teeth next to it

If you notice these signs or symptoms, it’s important to visit your dentist. Dental x-rays and temperature testing are two important ways your dentist can tell if you need root canal therapy.

If you do need a root canal, it’s easier than you think. Your dentist simply creates a tiny opening in the top of your tooth and removes the diseased tissue through the opening. A sedative filling is placed inside your tooth. This material will eliminate inflammation and pain. After your pain has subsided, the sedative material is removed and replaced with an inert material and your tooth is sealed up with a small filling.

Root canal therapy is the way to eliminate tooth pain and still keep your tooth. Your smile is important, and root canal therapy can save it. 

by Gargano Family Dentistry

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How to Clean Your Tongue Properly

The tongue is an important part of the digestive system. It helps the teeth during mastication (chewing), making sure that everything is ready to pass through the esophagus. However, not everyone is aware that the tongue is susceptible to bacterial infection like the rest of the mouth. There are cases where people do not include the tongue when brushing. Learn how to clean tongue and why brushing it with a tongue brush is necessary.

Should You Brush Your Tongue?

Are you supposed to brush your tongue? It’s a resounding “yes!” Brushing the tongue is necessary to have a clean tongue and prevent the bacteria from causing complications. The human tongue is covered with papilla (hair-like bumps where the taste buds are located) that helps process the taste of the food. In the early days of human evolution, the taste was important to identify which food contained toxic materials. While this evolutionary adaptation is still present, nowadays, the tongue is primarily used to stimulate the body for eating.

When eating, it is normal to have residue on the teeth and the lower areas of the tongue. While this can be resolved by drinking water, there will be particles that will be stuck in the crevices of the teeth and some parts of the tongue. In discussing how to clean the tongue, dentists suggest light brushing along the tongue. Although this can be done using a toothbrush, the bristles of some toothbrushes are too stiff, which can either irritate or wound the upper layer of the tongue.

Tongue brushes and scrapers are developed specifically for the purpose to clean the tongue. These tools have become more popular over the years and are readily available in drug stores and supermarkets. Tongue brushes and scrapers help minimize the bacteria population living in the mouth, similar to brushing does. Cleaning the tongue with a scraper lessens the chances of experiencing bad breath as well.

Tongue brushes and scrapers look like regular toothbrushes with tiny bumps instead of bristles. These bumps are relatively soft to prevent irritating the tiny papillae. Regular tongue brushing can prevent common tongue ailments and other dental infections.

Advantages of Using a Tongue Brush/Scraper

Should you brush your tongue?

While most dental professionals would still say that a toothbrush can work on how to clean the tongue naturally, some dental manufacturers that developed tongue brushes and scrapers. As mentioned, tongue brushes are specifically designed to clean the entire muscle without hurting the sensitive papillae.

Here are other perks on learning how to clean tongue and using a tongue brush/scraper after brushing your teeth.

1. Decreases Bacteria Population

The microbiome inside the mouth is always active, and bacteria constantly stick to the tongue. These bacteria eat the remains of any food particle that sticks on the tongue. Using a tongue scraper and learning how to clean the tongue remove the bacteria colony and maintain their population to prevent them from causing trouble for the teeth.

2. Avoid Bad Breath

Should you brush your tongue? Yes, you should because it inhibits bad breath.

Bacterial activity is the cause of bad breath. When the mouth becomes dry due to the lack of saliva production, the environment becomes suitable for bacteria to multiply. Prevent bad breath from happening by spending a couple of minutes cleaning the tongue after brushing the teeth.

An unhealthy tongue encourages bacteria build-up, leading to halitosis or extreme bad breath.

How To Clean Your Tongue

The tongue is an important part of the mouth and the digestive system. The next time you brush your teeth, take a minute or two to clean your tongue.

Tongue brushes are a helpful tool in maintaining the cleanliness of and scraping off the harmful bacteria that may colonize the tongue. Grab your tongue brush or scraper and follow these steps on how to clean tongue properly.

1. Stick out the tongue.

How to properly clean your tongue?

Make sure to relax your tongue while scraping/brushing it off. To reach all the tongue areas, stick it out and let it stretch. This method of how to brush your tongue also helps the tongue scraper clean the tongue efficiently.

2. Place the tongue scraper at the back of the tongue.

The proper direction of your tongue brush/scraper should be from the most inner part near the tonsils until the tip. This prepares your tongue for the correct method on how to scrape your tongue.

3. Press the scraper from the back to the front.

Carefully move the brush or the scraper from the back end of the tongue. Be careful not to rush the scraper because it may irritate the papillae in the tongue. Rinse and repeat.

Sunrise Dentistry Helps With Bacterial Infection and Tongue-Related Problems

by Sunrise Dentistry.

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Pit And Fissure Cavity: How To Prevent

Have you noticed black lines in the pits of your molars? Are you experiencing tooth sensitivity in your back teeth? This could be because a prime location for tooth decay to occur is in the pits and fissures of your teeth. Whether you think you might have a cavity or want to know more about preventing tooth decay, here's a guide for what you need to know about pit and fissure cavities.

What Are Pits and Fissures?

Pits and fissures are the deep grooves that make up the chewing surfaces of your teeth. These grooves are on both your premolars and molars, but a pit and fissure cavity is usually deeper on the molars than on the premolars.

How Do Pits and Fissures Form?

Although pits and fissures help you to chew, food can still get stuck in these grooves. Plaque, a bacterial film that forms on your teeth, can also accumulate here if not cleaned regularly. It's difficult to reach these areas with your toothbrush, so food and plaque can remain in place and often lead to cavity formation.

When the bacteria in your plaque feed on sugars from foods and drinks, it produces acids that attack your protective tooth enamel. Over time, your enamel wears down, and tooth decay can set in.

How Do You Prevent Pits and Fissures?

Pit and fissure cavity prevention starts at home. Make sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day for at least two minutes, especially after large or otherwise sugary meals. When you brush, pay attention to the surfaces of every tooth, including the chewing surfaces of your back teeth, where pits and fissures are most prevalent.

Your dental professional can also help you prevent pit and fissure cavities by curbing the initial decay. Alongside basic scaling when they scrape plaque and tartar off your teeth, your dentist or dental hygienist might also apply protective material known as a dental sealant to your premolars and molars. A dental sealant is a white or clear plastic coating that fills in your pits and fissures and prevents plaque and food from getting inside. This product is usually applied to children's teeth as soon as their permanent teeth erupt – between the ages of six and 12 – but it can also be used on adult teeth if your dentist determines that you need it.

How Do You Treat Pits and Fissures?

If the cavity reaches the dentin, your dentist will use dental restorations like fillings, composites, or crowns to repair the decay. Fillings and composites are used for smaller and medium decay areas, whereas crowns are used to repair more considerable tooth decay, compromising the tooth's structure itself.

Pit and fissure cavities may be harder to reach, but they are preventable with a good oral hygiene routine and the help of your dentist at six month cleaning appointments and check-ups.

by Colgate

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Dental Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Routine dental appointments are important, however, there are some conditions that occur in between dental check-ups that should you should never ignore.

Many diseases, such as diabetes, leukemia, oral cancer, pancreatic cancer, heart disease and kidney disease, can cause symptoms in your mouth. Your dentist is on the frontline for spotting these serious health conditions before they are evident to you. This is just one of the reasons it’s so important to see your dentist at least twice a year with Dr. Shane S. Porter of Premier Dentistry of Eagle, for dental cleanings and checkups.

When caring for your teeth and gums at home, it’s also important for you to watch for any changes in your mouth, then call Dr. Porter! 

Some of the symptoms to watch for follow below.

Mouth and Jaw Pain

Mouth pain could be caused by a cavity, gum disease, an abscess or impacted tooth, all of which need dental treatment as soon as possible.

Experiencing pain in your teeth when you drink hot or cold beverages could indicate tooth decay, fractured teeth, worn fillings, gum disease, worn tooth enamel, or an exposed tooth root due to gum recession.

Jaw and mouth pain can also be a sign of stress, especially if you clench your jaw (Bruxism). Bruxism can be the result of misaligned teeth, which can cause pain in the face, neck, and upper or lower jaw.

Pain or discomfort in the jaw can be an indication that you are having a heart attack. Don’t ignore this!

Bleeding and Sore Gums

Bleeding or sore gums could simply be caused by brushing too hard or overzealous flossing; however, this could also be the early signs of periodontal disease .

Plaque under the gum line attacks the soft tissue, and only a dental professional can remove it. The damage will continue to worsen if not treated.

Gum disease is often more severe in people with underlying conditions such as diabetes, which reduces the body’s resistance to infection. This puts your gums at risk for inflammation due to the bacteria that live in plaque.

If you notice blood while brushing your teeth, contact Dr. Porter at (208) 546-0655 to make an appointment.

Loose Teeth

Teeth that move or fall out unexpectedly are a sign of advanced gum disease. Tooth loss affects approximately one-third of adults ages 65 and older.

 Tooth loss can also be an early sign of osteoporosis, which decreases bone density and weakens your bones.

Women with osteoporosis are three times more likely to experience tooth loss than those who do not have the disease. By seeing Dr. Porter regularly, eating a well-balanced diet, and getting regular physical activity, you can get the jump on being diagnosed and treated before any serious injuries occur.

Recurring Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Bad breath can be an indication of poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, gum disease, or side effects from certain medications. If you brush your teeth and tongue twice a day and floss daily, but still experience chronic bad breath, consult Dr. Porter to rule out an underlying medical condition.

Gum disease and gingivitis can also contribute to ongoing bad breath.

Beyond your teeth and gums, bad breath that persists can result from certain underlying health problems. These conditions include:

Sinus infections

Chronic lung infection

Liver or kidney disease

Gastrointestinal problems


Mouth Sores, Patches, or Lumps

Mouth sores can indicate an infection, virus, fungus, or simply an irritation from dentures or a sharp edge of a broken tooth or filling. Consult Dr. Porter if you’ve had a mouth sore for longer than one week.

Sores and unusual patches in your mouth can be a sign of something such as a canker sore or abrasion from eating certain foods.

Oral cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the United States. It often starts as a small white or red spot or sore in the mouth and occurs most often in smokers or people who use any other forms of tobacco or alcohol. Signs that you may have oral cancer include:

Bleeding sores that don’t easily heal

Hard or rough spots

Discolored tissue

Changes in the way teeth fit together


Lumps or irregular tissue in the mouth, cheeks, neck, or head

Oral cancer is not something you should try to diagnose at home. If you see any of these symptoms in your mouth, be sure to see Dr. Porter right away. Have him check out any of these indicators to see if you have an oral fungal infection or something more serious.

Loss of Crowns or Fillings

When a crown or filling comes off, it’s important to get it repaired as soon as possible. Crowns and fillings help keep the teeth healthy and also protects the root of the tooth.

Broken Tooth

Occasionally teeth get broken or knocked out, especially with active teenagers and young children. Depending on the severity of the damage, there may be considerable pain and loss of function for the ailing tooth. Dr. Porter can help with pain relief and also begin the restoration process so that you can begin healing, regain function and normal appearance.

by Premier Dentistry of Eagle.

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The Truth About Root Canal Pain

The mere mention of the term "root canal" can make many people squirm nervously in their seats. The procedure has been vilified in movies and situation comedies, and most people have probably heard alarming stories of the pain associated with it from at least one friend or family member.

But is all of this fear truly warranted? Is this procedure as painful as people seem to think? According to experts, the popular conception of root canal pain may no longer be based in fact.

What Causes the Pain?

The first thing to understand is that a root canal treatment itself is not the actual source of the pain experienced by most patients. According to the American Association of Endodontists, root canals are intended to relieve pain, not cause it. In fact, with today's advances in anesthesia and surgical techniques, the discomfort generally experienced during a root canal is no greater than that felt when having a tooth filled.

On the contrary, tooth pain is usually caused by damaged, infected tissue, such as the pulp; root canals remove this troublesome tissue and clean the area, stopping the infection and relieving the pain. Although the tooth and surrounding area might be sore for a few days, your dentist can prescribe medication to help alleviate the symptoms and allow you to get back to work almost immediately.

Isn't It Better to Just Pull the Tooth?

The majority of dentists agree that keeping your natural tooth is preferable to removing it and replacing it with a bridge or implant. Root canals are one of the methods used to preserve a tooth, removing the damaged pulp rather than resorting to a costly and irreversible extraction that can cause much more stress to the body.

Now that you know the truth about root canal pain, don't be afraid to go to your dentist if you are experiencing tooth discomfort. Root canals have a high success rate and can help you keep the tooth in question for the rest of your life.

by Colgate

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Psst! You Might Only Be Cleaning 60% of Your Teeth! Here’s How to Clean the Rest

If you were to bathe yet only wash from your feet to the bottom of your rib cage, would you say that you were clean? Of course not.

Yet many people think they’re doing just fine by only cleaning 60% of their teeth’s total surfaces. They may brush twice daily, but that still leaves 40% covered with the sticky biofilm we call plaque. To clean that, you’ve got to floss. Every day. Most Americans don’t.

Unsurprisingly, about half of all Americans struggle with gum disease, a condition that raises your risk of many systemic health problems: heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cognitive decline, cancer, and more.

But those who regularly clean between their teeth have better oral health: less gum disease, fewer cavities, and fewer missing teeth. Flossing, you may be happy to know, isn’t the only way of going about it.

For Those Who Hate Flossing, You’ve Got Alternatives

Don’t get us wrong: Flossing is fantastic – when done with the proper technique (which looks like this). It’s not hard; it’s just easy to rush and wind up doing a less-than-stellar job.

Fortunately, there are other tools that can make it easier to ensure that your whole mouth gets clean each and every day. Two of these in particular have good evidence supporting their use as either floss alternatives or additions to flossing that have the power to take your oral health to a higher level: interdental brushes and oral irrigators.

Interdental brushes are small round or conical brushes designed to slip into the space between teeth so you can brush their sides, as well as the top of the sulcus. That’s the clinical name for the natural space between the tooth and gum – a space that can deepen into a periodontal pocket as gum disease progresses, a great hideout for harmful bacteria.

Small and flexible, most patients find interdental brushes – sometimes called soft picks or proxy brushes – much easier to handle and more comfortable than floss. This is likely why people tend to clean better and more thoroughly with them. One of the most recent reviews of studies comparing different cleaning tools found that interdental brushes are “at least as good if not superior to floss in reducing plaque and gingivitis.”

The other nice thing about interdental brushes is that you can simultaneously use them to apply natural antimicrobials to your teeth and gums – ozonated oil, for instance, or botanical products such as the Dental Herb Company’s Tooth & Gum Tonic, an herbal mouthwash.

Like interdental brushes, an oral irrigator such as a Waterpik or Hydrofloss unit, is much easier to use than floss. You simply aim the streaming water between your teeth and into the sulcus.

In addition to cleaning, an oral irrigator also stimulates the gum tissue. This helps strengthen it and increase blood flow to it. More blood means more oxygen, and most oral pathogens hate that. They thrive in low-oxygen environments, like those periodontal pockets we mentioned before, which is one reason why bacteria love to colonize there.

An irrigator actually allows you to flush those pockets, clearing out the bad bugs and their acidic waste. For even more cleaning power, use ozonated water or add herbal antimicrobials to fluoride-free water (diluted blends, NOT pure essential oils).

For the Best Oral Health Outcomes…

According to a 2023 study in the Journal of Periodontology, both interdental brushes and oral irrigators proved effective at improving gum health and reducing inflammatory markers associated with periodontal disease.

But truly and ultimately, the specific tools you use are less important than the fact that you use them correctly and every day. Toothbrushing alone just isn’t going to cut it. As the authors of one 2019 paper put it, the evidence suggests that indeed, it does.

interdental cleaning aids are augmented in their effectiveness by the addition of a toothbrush; conversely a toothbrush has less effect on reducing plaque and inflammation levels when used alone. A combination of the brushing and interdental cleaning improves oral health outcomes.

by Holistic Dental Center New Jersey

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Why Do My Teeth Hurt When I Eat Sugar?

What’s that sharp pain you feel in your teeth when you indulge in your favourite candy or dessert? You may be experiencing tooth sensitivity, a common dental issue that affects many people. Tooth sensitivity can range from mild discomfort to severe pain and can make eating or drinking certain foods and beverages difficult.

Your teeth may be sensitive to sugar because of cavities, erosion of your enamel, or receding gums. You can manage tooth sensitivity with positive dental hygiene habits and dental visits for a cleaning every 6 months.

You can indulge in your favourite sweets without permanently damaging your teeth by staying on top of your dental health, but when you do notice sensitivity or other signs of issues like cavities, it’s important to pay attention to them and visit your dentist to address them with treatment.

Sugar & Tooth Decay

One of the main reasons why your teeth may hurt when you eat sugar is due to tooth decay. The bacteria in your mouth feed on sugar, producing acids that attack your enamel, the protective layer of your teeth. Over time, this can lead to cavities, which can cause pain and sensitivity in your teeth.

Practicing good oral hygiene is essential for preventing tooth decay, including brushing twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste, flossing daily, and seeing your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings.

Enamel Erosion

Enamel is the hard outer layer of your teeth that protects the sensitive dentin and pulp underneath. As enamel erodes, the sensitive layers of your teeth can be exposed, leading to tenderness when you eat sweets.

Acidic foods and drinks, such as soda, citrus fruits, and vinegar, can erode your enamel, exposing the underlying dentin and causing tooth sensitivity. Limiting your intake of acidic foods and drinks is vital for preventing enamel erosion. You should also rinse your mouth with water after consuming them and wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth to allow your enamel to reharden.

Receding Gums (Gum Disease)

Gum recession often occurs as a result of gum disease. When gingivitis and other issues affecting your gum line go untreated, your gums can pull back from your teeth, exposing the roots, which are more sensitive because they lack enamel. 

Sugar can aggravate teeth affected by receding gums, causing pain and sensitivity when it comes into contact with the exposed root. To prevent receding gums, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing and flossing gently and avoiding tobacco products.

How To Manage Tooth Sensitivity

Sensitive teeth can affect anyone and can be caused by various factors, such as aggressive brushing, gum disease, and a high-sugar diet. Fortunately, there are methods that can help manage and reduce tooth sensitivity.

Identify the Cause

The first step in managing tooth sensitivity is to identify the root cause. A visit to your dentist can help you determine the underlying issue causing your tooth sensitivity. If sugar is the primary reason for tooth discomfort, your dentist can provide advice on maintaining good oral health and may recommend you limit your intake of sugary foods.

Use Desensitizing Toothpaste

Sensitive teeth can benefit from desensitizing toothpaste, which can help relieve pain and discomfort by blocking the tiny channels in your teeth that lead to the nerves beneath the enamel.

While desensitizing toothpaste can't undo existing damage, it may help prevent future oral health issues. 

Desensitizing toothpaste shouldn’t be considered a substitute for oral care. It’s important to discuss toothpaste options and other treatments for sensitive teeth with your dentist to get personalized recommendations based on your unique needs.

Be Mindful of Your Diet

Eating a healthy and balanced diet can be good for your overall wellness and oral health. If you have sensitive teeth, you should avoid acidic foods such as tomatoes and oranges and limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks, which can erode your tooth enamel.

Be sure to drink plenty of water to keep your mouth hydrated and flush out any excess food particles stuck to your teeth. This is especially important if you won't be able to brush for several hours. Rinsing your mouth can flush away the sugary acids bacteria need to thrive.

Consider Dental Treatments

If you are dealing with severe tooth sensitivity, your dentist may recommend various treatments like fluoride varnish, bonding, or a dental crown. Fluoride treatments can help strengthen enamel and reduce tooth sensitivity.

Scheduling a dental cleaning every 6 months is also essential for keeping plaque and tartar from eating away at your enamel and causing cavities or tooth sensitivity. A visit to the dentist can help you address specific concerns about sensitive teeth and determine whether dental procedures are necessary to reduce sensitivity and support your oral health.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene Habits

Maintaining good oral hygiene habits, including brushing twice a day and flossing once a day, is a critical way to prevent tooth sensitivity. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid brushing too aggressively. Be sure to replace your toothbrush every 3 months or earlier if the bristles become frayed, and use a fluoride mouthwash to protect against cavities and reduce tooth sensitivity.

Protect Your Teeth From Sugar Damage

You don't have to give up sugar entirely if you have a sweet tooth. Eating sugar in moderation, practicing good oral hygiene, and protecting your enamel can help reduce sensitivity from your favourite sweets.

by Shine Dental

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All You Need To Know About Dental Abscess

dental abscess is a pocket of pus that grows inside the teeth or gums. The abscess naturally occurs from a bacterial infection and usually, has collected in the soft pulp of the tooth. The abscess can emerge at several regions of the tooth for numerous reasons. 


Severe, continuous toothache that can radiate to the jawbone, neck, or ear

Teeth become sensitive to hot and cold food/beverages

Feeling pain during chewing or biting

Gums can bleed



Face or cheek becomes swollen

Swollen and soft lymph nodes under your jaw or neck

The dirty smell from your mouth

Problem while breathing or swallowing


Generally, there are three types of dental abscess:

Gingival abscess: This type of abscess is just in the gum tissue and does not attack the tooth.

Periodontal abscess: This abscess begins in the supporting bone tissue structures of your teeth.

Periapical abscess: The abscess starts in the soft pulp of the tooth.


Poor oral health- Bacteria makes entry through a dental cavity or cracks in the tooth and reaches the root. This causes swelling and inflammation and gives birth to an abscess.

Intake of sugar items too often- Frequently having foods/drinks rich in sugar can cause tooth abscess.

Dry mouth- A dry mouth can raise your chance of tooth decay and gradually develop an abscess.

Dental surgery- Complications during dental surgery can even be a major cause.

Dental trauma- This oftentimes can result in a dental abscess.

Brushing and flossing vigorously- Doing these both repeatedly can also result in a dental abscess. 


If you experience any symptoms of a dental abscess, you should visit a dentist without any delay. Treatments may include:

Incision: The dentist makes a small cut in the abscess to drain the pus, which includes bacteria. 

Treating a Periapical abscess: Root canal treatment is used to remove the abscess. 

Treating a Periodontal abscess: In this case, the dentist drains the abscess and cleans the periodontal pockets. 

Extraction: If your dentist cannot save your tooth, it will have to be removed.

Medications: Over the counter, painkillers may help reduce some pain temporarily. Your dentist may also recommend a few antibiotics.


Avoiding tooth decay is vital to prevent tooth abscess. Henceforth–

Always have fluoridated drinking water.

Brush your teeth twice with fluoridated toothpaste.

Do floss your teeth daily.

Try to use an antiseptic or fluoride mouth-wash. 

Change your toothbrush every 3-4 months, especially when the bristles are worn/frayed.

Always eat healthy and nutritious food. 

Lessen your sugary stuff and between-meal snacks.

Go for routine visits to your dentist for your dental cleanings.

by Emmy Dental Of Cypress

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What Are the Most Effective Oral Hygiene Tools? Researchers Put the Tools to the Test!

A recent study has sought to find out once and for all which oral hygiene tools are the best for our oral health. Mixed information exists currently on which tools are effective. The study was able to categorize each tool as being either positive, negative, or neutral to our oral health.

Looking after our oral health is incredibly important. Strong oral hygiene is the best way of avoiding painful and expensive visits to the dentist.But many people ask which oral tools and equipment are effective, and which are not. Now, researchers from the University at Buffalo have carried out a study aiming to find this out.Their findings are very useful. This is because it gives the public knowledge on the best ways to have strong oral hygiene. Therefore, this research helps to maximize our chances of keeping a healthy mouth.

The different tools available

There is no shortage of available tools for oral health. Therefore, it can be difficult to know which tools are the most effective. After all, it would be unrealistic to use them all.The researchers noted that it was important to complete a study in this area. Oral health is a problematic area for so many people. Poor oral hygiene can cause cavities.Gum disease is also major problem. Gum disease is very common, with research showing that approximately 90% of the world’s population has some form of gum disease.If cavities and gum disease are left untreated, infections, bleeding gums, tooth loss and bone problems are potential consequences.Most people use a toothbrush, though both manual and electrical ones exist. Some people floss to remove particles of food caught between teeth.Then there are mouthwashes, probiotics, and various ingredients that are added to oral health products. All of these areas were analyzed in this study.

The Research

The research was published in October’s issue of The Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology. Researchers from the University at Buffalo carried out the study.Moreover, the researchers put various oral hygiene tools and ingredients to the test. They used pre-existing research, different scenarios and other research methods to see the impact each intervention had on the mouth.The results produced three different areas. Firstly, effective tools. Secondly, tools that had a somewhat positive impact, but not enough to justify their daily use. Finally, negative tools.

Effective Tools

• Toothbrush: Unsurprisingly, the gold standard of oral health is the toothbrush. The toothbrush plays a main role in oral hygiene. Both electric and manual toothbrushes were effective, with very little between the two.• Inter-dental brushes: Inter-dental brushes that are used to floss between teeth were also praised for being highly-effective. Moreover, they are an effective way of removing anything stuck between the teeth.• Water Pick: Water picks are an excellent way of clearing anything stuck in the teeth. They release water at a rapid rate, helping to clear any blockages. Because of this, they have proven to be popular with consumers.• Chlorhexidine in mouthwash: Chlorhexidine can be a key ingredient of mouthwash. This study backed up previous research, which found that mouthwashes containing Chlorhexidine can result in a “moderate” reduction in gum disease. However, Chlorhexidine can cause tooth discoloration with prolonged use.• Cetylpyridinium: Cetylpyridinium is a compound that is used across various oral products. For instance, toothpaste, mouthwash and some lozenges. The researchers found it was very effective at reducing gum disease and preventing plaque. However, Cerylpyridinium does cause staining in a small number of users.• Listerine Mouthwash: As one of the world’s most instantly-recognizable brands, it isn’t surprising that Listerine’s mouthwash products that contained essential oils were deemed effective. Furthermore, another study concluded there was “strong evidence” that Listerine was excellent for protecting against plaque and reducing gum disease.

Tools that have mixed evidence

While there were many positives outlined above, there were some tools and ingredients that didn’t provide enough evidence to justify their use on a daily basis.• Scaling: Scaling is when a dentist uses a special tool to remove plaque and tartar (solid plaque) around the gum-line. They also usually do something called root planing, which aids the gums. Because of inconsistent results, the researchers did not consider this tool to be positive.• Probiotics: The researchers found probiotics produced inconsistent results. Probiotics are live microorganisms that are consumed through a product. For instance, Yakult. Probiotics is a promising area, but it hasn’t been researched enough yet to draw conclusions. The conclusions of the authors echo the existing body of research.• Tea-tree oil, green tea mouthwashes: Tea-tree oil and green tea are ingredients that are being added to many products. Because of their properties as being natural, they are popular. However, the researchers found they provided limited effectiveness.• Hexetidine: Hexeditine is an antibacterial ingredient that is primarily used in mouthwash products. Oraldene is the most well-known brand including hexetidine. However, when the researchers tested it, the results weren’t too positive.


The Negative

The researchers only found that one key ingredient produced negative results. This was Triclosan.Triclosan is very effective for reducing plaque and gum disease. However, Triclosan has been linked to reproductive defects and some forms of cancer.Consequently, Triclosan has been removed from the majority of toothpastes. The findings of the authors backup existing research.

What does this study show us?

This study shows the importance of strong hygiene. It shows that we can keep things simple by using a few different products. Therefore, there is no need to make things too complex.All of the areas deemed effective should be used regularly. For instance, mouthwash products with the aforementioned ingredients can be used as an adjunct to using a toothbrush and inter-dental brush.As a result, Eva Volman, an author of the study, said she hoped the evidence from the study was “comprehensive, readable and uniquely helpful to all oral health professionals, as well as patients” .

by Savanna Dental

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Five Ways To Ease A Toothache

Typically, toothaches have two main causes: when cavity damages the inside of the tooth and exposes a nerve ending before it is dead, and when fibers holding down your tooth at the socket become infected. Other causes of toothaches are the growth of a wisdom tooth or decay or gum recession.

It’s safe to say a toothache is one of the most uncomfortable and sometimes, one of the most painful feelings you will ever experience.  Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency, shares 5 ways to help you ease a toothache in the sometimes inevitable event of one.

You should know that though remedies exist to help ease a toothache, the best thing you can do is go see a dentist to fix the problem. The following remedies can only alleviate the pain, but the problem still remains without proper treatment.

1.- Rinse Your Mouth with Warm Water

This isn’t guaranteed to give you instant relief, but it does help to clean your mouth and get rid of food bits stuck in your teeth that might be bothering the painful spot. If the water is too cold or hot, it can make the pain worse. So, be sure the temperature of the water is lukewarm.

2.- Apply a Warm Tea Bag on the Area

The natural tannins in the tea can help numb the pain. Make sure the tea bag is warm, not hot, so it doesn’t hurt your teeth further. Try not to overdo its use because it can stain your teeth. This remedy is especially helpful for swelling or irritation of your gums.

3.- Try a Peroxide Rinse

This can be very helpful in removing contaminants and helps to limit the growth of bacteria. It’s especially good for impacted teeth and infections in your mouth. You can use it for some relief, until you are able to see a dentist. But be sure not to use it more than three times in a day and more than five days in a roll. This is because it can make your teeth get very sensitive.

4.- Rinse Your Mouth with Salt Water

This popular remedy for toothaches helps to kill bacteria and make your toothache feel better. It also helps to prevent your tooth from getting infected. To apply, you should mix 1 tablespoon of salt in a medium-sized glass of warm water. Swirl around your mouth for a maximum of five minutes and spit out of your mouth. Avoid swallowing the water in the process.

5.- Garlic

Researchers believe since allicin, an oily liquid in garlic, has been used to heal diseased teeth in children, it can help ease a toothache. So you can either chew on a piece of garlic or place chopped bits on your tooth to help ease a toothache.

by CDHP Dental Health

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