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Dental Symptoms And Oral Health Conditions Never To Ignore

Taking care of your mouth with good oral hygiene is an important part of your overall health. Dental issues don’t only affect your mouth. Problems like infections can spread and lead to life-threatening complications. Other problems, like bad breath, may be caused by a health issue you aren’t aware of yet. Learn about some of the more common oral health conditions, and dental symptoms you should never ignore.

1.- Changes in your gums

Gum disease, called periodontal disease, can affect people at any age, but it tends to become more common as we age. It can loosen your teeth and result in infections and abscesses. If you notice changes in your gums, see your dentist as soon as possible. Early gum disease can often be reversed. If not, you may be able to stop its progression. A common gum disease is gingivitis. Symptoms may include:

Change in gum color, swelling and pain

Receding gums

Bleeding when you brush your teeth

Consistent bad breath

Sensitive teeth without an obvious cause

2.- Toothaches or sensitivity

A healthy mouth doesn’t include teeth that are sensitive to heat or cold, or that cause pain. Increased sensitivity may occur if your gums recede, exposing the nerve roots. Pain could mean you have a cavity, a broken tooth, decay, or an abscessed tooth. Any hole or crack in a tooth leaves it vulnerable to infection. An abscessed tooth is infected and requires antibiotics as quickly as possible.

3.-  Swelling in your jaw

Just as swollen gums are a reason to see a dentist, so is a swollen jaw. Swelling could be a sign of infection or blockage in a salivary gland. While not common, a blocked or infected salivary duct or gland can become very painful and needs prompt treatment. Your dentist may refer you to an oral surgeon if the blockage can’t be removed or eased with warm compresses.

4.- Tender or sore jaw muscles

If you clench your jaw or grind your teeth while you sleep, you may have temporomandibular disorder, or TMD. Left untreated, the pain can worsen and the TMD could eventually make it difficult to open your mouth. In severe cases, you may not be able to open it at all. TMD can also cause unexplainable headaches, a clicking or popping sound from the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) when you are moving your jaw, even loose teeth and problems with your gums. Your dentist will advise you of treatment options, depending on how severe the TMD is.

5.- Bumps and sores in your mouth

Bumps or sores in your mouth (tongue, gums, palate, cheeks or lips) may be harmless, but they may also be a sign of oral cancer. Other symptoms include persistent mouth pain, numbness in some areas, persistent bad breath, loose teeth, and a lump in your neck. See your dentist right away if you notice any of these symptoms.

6.- Broken or chipped tooth

A dentist needs to evaluate a break or chip to reduce the risk of bacteria causing an infection. Small breaks and chips may be fixed using a special filling. If the break is serious, you may need a root canal and a crown.

7.- Bad breath

Bad breath that lingers despite good oral hygiene may be the result of problems in your mouth or your overall health. Bad breath can be caused by dry mouth and gum disease, or by infections, diabetes, gastric reflux, and other conditions. See your dentist if you are experiencing bad breath, no matter how clean you try to keep your mouth.

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