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Did You Know Disease Can Start In Your Mouth?

Did you know that up to 80% of disease symptoms are triggered by problems in the mouth?

Many health problems like heart disease, dementia, autoimmune disorders, and even cancer, have their roots in poor oral health. For example, science clearly reveals that gum disease can raise your risk of hypertension and a fatal heart attack or stroke.

Now, you may be thinking, I’m fine: I brush and floss every day and I go to the dentist on a regular basis! But you could still have chronic infections or toxicity in the mouth, poisoning the rest of your body.

The truth is that conventional dental procedures can leave your mouth vulnerable to infections. And the materials used by conventional dentistry are extremely toxic.

Jonathan Landsman, and his wife have spent a small fortune reversing the physical and emotional damage done to them by conventional dentistry. With nearly 35 years of experience in the health and fitness industry, their hope is to share the wisdom they’ve discovered so others can experience incredible health breakthroughs in your life, just like they have. To learn more from Jonathan Landsman go to

Things to consider: 

Whether you should pull a wisdom tooth or not

Link between dental infections and your cancer risk

Best way to correct autoimmune disorders by fixing problems in the mouth

Natural ways to reverse gum disease and avoid losing your teeth

How to safely flush out toxic heavy metals

How to create an at-home program for healthy teeth and gums

Remember, just one uneducated visit to your dentist can have devastating health consequences, and keep in mind that medical thermal imaging can show areas of inflammation. 

by S.B.I. Center

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