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Five Bad Brushing Habits That Could be Hurting Your Teeth and Gums

If you make it a habit to brush your teeth at least two times a day, then kudos to you. However, bad brushing habits can negate the positive benefits that would normally come along with regularly performing oral hygiene. A local dentist says that typically only a few minor adjustments need to be made to elevate your toothbrushing’s effectiveness in a safe manner. As you continue reading, learn about 5 bad habits to correct so you can enjoy the absolute best in dental health!

#1 – You Brush Too Hard

While it may seem logical to apply more pressure when brushing your teeth to ensure their cleanliness, it can actually be detrimental in a couple of ways. For starters, the enamel (the hard, outer layer of the teeth) is not infallible. Thus, vigorous toothbrushing can damage it, which is significant given that the human body can’t regenerate the calculus material that forms the enamel.

Another issue associated with aggressive toothbrushing is gum irritation. This can result in bleeding, discomfort and gum tissue damage. Thankfully, these tips will help to prevent any of these problems from arising:

Use careful pressure when brushing.

To thoroughly clean your teeth, brush for around two minutes.

Hold the toothbrush properly when brushing (flat for chewing and outside surfaces, vertical for inner surfaces)

#2 – You Use Hard Bristles

A hard-bristled toothbrush can possibly be problematic. Just like vigorous toothbrushing, it can lead to enamel and gum damage due to the combination of the abrasives that are usually contained in toothpaste and the firm bristles.

A remedy, then, is to purchase a toothbrush with soft bristles. By following how the dentist says to brush your teeth, you can rest assured that your ivories will be well-protected.

#3 – You Keep Your Toothbrush Past Its Expiration Date

Just like anything else in life, there is a limit to how long a toothbrush can be used. Dentists typically recommend replacing a toothbrush every 60-90 days to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria that could compromise your oral health.

However, if you’ve suffered from a sickness like a common cold or the flu, it’s best to replace the toothbrush immediately to prevent any re-contamination that could make you sick in the future.

#4 – You Brush Too Soon After Eating a Meal

There’s no denying the fact that it’s important to brush your teeth after consuming food or beverages other than water. That’s because the leftover particles, if not removed, can contribute to tooth and gum decay.

It’s still important to know, though, when it’s safe to brush your teeth. As a general “rule of thumb,” you should wait around 30 minutes to brush your teeth after a meal. This allows time for your saliva to neutralize the acids released from what you’ve consumed, and to prevent any unwanted enamel damage.

#5 – You Don’t Clean Your Tongue

When it comes to the structure of your mouth, to use a sports analogy, the tongue could be considered a “free agent.” It can roam wherever it wants, making contact with your teeth and all the different areas of your mouth. Because of its mobility, the tongue, if not cleaned properly, can contribute to the demise of your oral health by carrying debris to other parts of your mouth.

To prevent this from happening, be sure to clean your tongue with your toothbrush after you’re done with your teeth. You may also consider using a tongue scraper, which is an apparatus that’s designed to glide over your tongue to free up anything trapped between the bumpy papillae.

Now that you’re aware of some of the potential pitfalls when cleaning your teeth, you can make the necessary improvements. For further help with maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile, contact your local dentist to schedule a visit today!

by Dhillon Family Dental

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