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How to Protect Brittle Teeth? 7 Simple Tips that Help

Noticing that your teeth are chipping or fracturing easily isn’t really something you find pleasant!!

You will immediately be flooded with a large number of questions. 

Some examples are: 

Why are my teeth getting so brittle? Can brittle teeth be saved? If yes, then how to protect brittle teeth? And so on… 

Here, finding the source of your fragile teeth and taking treatment accordingly is critical. In the meantime, you can at least begin to properly care for your teeth and retain your gorgeous smile.

How? Let’s find out! 

What Causes Brittle Teeth? 

Did you know that your tooth’s enamel is significantly tougher than your bones? Still, it can degrade due to a variety of habits and conditions, weakening the tooth and causing brittleness. 

Some of the factors that cause teeth brittleness are mentioned below. 

The aging process: As people become older, the dentin, the layer beneath the enamel, becomes more fragile, weakening the entire tooth.

Genetics: A hereditary predisposition to weaker dentin and tooth enamel can lead to discolored, weak teeth that are more susceptible to fracture and damage.

Eating diets high in sugary and acidic foods, as well as a lack of key vitamins and minerals, can lead to weak and brittle teeth.

Brushing your teeth too forcefully might weaken your teeth by removing the enamel.

Poor oral care: Neglecting to care for your teeth can lead to decay, which can lead to tooth pulp damage and brittle teeth if not treated.

Medical conditions: for example, osteoporosis, eating disorders, and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) can all lead to weak, brittle teeth. 

Medications: Medications that restrict the body’s capacity to absorb calcium, as well as those that interfere with saliva production, can cause fragile, brittle teeth.

Periodontitis: Dr. Zargham Ayub, a qualified Cosmetic Dentist with four years of expertise in the field, says inflammation and infection of the gums can weaken and lead to tooth loss by attacking the bone and tissues that support the teeth.

Teeth Grinding: Grinding or clenching your teeth repeatedly can wear down your tooth enamel, leaving you with weak, brittle teeth.

Dehydration: Brittle teeth can also result if your body does not create enough healthy saliva to help clean out your mouth and neutralize acids owing to dehydration. 

How to Strengthen/Protect Brittle Teeth? 

Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do once your enamel has been weakened. Because your teeth lack regenerating cells, although your bones do. 

Now you must be thinking, ‘How to protect brittle teeth?’ Well, you can avoid further erosion. For that, keep your teeth healthy and robust in the first place. 


Here are a few techniques that can help you strengthen your teeth, protect your enamel, and avoid tooth decay and cavities in the future.

1- Eat Minerals Rich Foods 

Teeth are porous, and as time passes, they absorb or lose essential minerals. Ensure that your teeth are receiving the minerals they require. To protect teeth’ brittleness, you’ll need to eat a diet rich in minerals to keep them healthy and robust, such as:


Leafy dark greens



2- Reduce Refined Sugar Consumption

Sugar is the primary food source for the bacteria that cause tooth decay in your mouth. Reducing the number of harmful germs in your mouth by eliminating sugar from your diet is a simple and effective strategy to protect your dental health.

3- Avoid Snacking on Carbs

Snacking on carbs throughout the day provides a steady supply of food for the bacteria in your mouth. Keeping these bacteria well-fed will cause them to create more acid, damaging your tooth enamel. Therefore, avoid snacking to protect and strengthen your enamel. 

If you must snack during the day, make sure to consume something low in carbohydrates or rinse your mouth with water afterward.

4- Practice Oil Pulling 

Swishing a high-quality edible oil, such as coconut oil, in your mouth for around 20 minutes is known as oil pulling. This procedure will keep your teeth clean and remove any plaque build-up. 

When bacteria remain on your teeth, explained by experts from the best hospitals near you, the acid created corrodes the surface enamel, exposing the sensitive dentin layer beneath. As a result, sensitivity and eventually pain occurs. 

Maintaining a regular oil-pulling routine might help to keep your teeth strong. Because it removes bacteria from your mouth and prevents it from adhering to your teeth.

5- Avoid Over Brushing 

Brushing too quickly and hard might wear down your enamel. Brush your gums with the right brushing techniques. They, in short, involve brushing at a 45-degree angle with a soft bristle brush. Then move your brush back and forth with light strokes roughly the length of a tooth.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Wait up to an hour before brushing your teeth, after consuming sweets or citrus fruits. Because acidic foods soften enamel, making it more vulnerable to harm.

6- Brush Your Tongue 

Brushing your tongue is another fantastic approach to keep it clean and prevent bacteria in your mouth. You’ll also have fresher breath and the impression that your entire mouth is cleaner.

7- Visit Your Dentist Regularly 

Seeing your dentist every six months will also help you maintain the healthiest teeth and gums possible. Your dentist will be able to notice any areas that need to be improved as well as any oral problems early on. 

In addition, your dentist can assist you in removing plaque and tartar. These are items that teeth brushing won’t be able to eliminate on its own. As far as teeth brittleness is concerned, the dentist can suggest several treatments.

by Haealthwire

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