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Let's Talk Tooth Decay Symptoms

Dental cavities can often go undetected in the early stages, as they do not cause pain. The best method for early detection is to ensure you visit our team for a regular checkup.

If the decay progresses it can cause tooth sensitivity, pain when eating or drinking, visible holes, or discolouration. If untreated for a long period, tooth decay can affect the tooth nerve, leading to a painful toothache and possible infection (abscess).

The earlier we discover a cavity, the better; especially in terms of treatment. This is because as the disease advances, the treatment becomes more involved and there’s also the risk of irreversible damage.

The best treatment for tooth decay

In the very early stages of tooth decay, we may be able to treat it with fluoride combined with a tailored prevention plan. We may also recommend that we apply sealants to healthy back teeth to protect them from decay. If decay has broken through the tooth enamel, you’ll likely need a filling.

If the decay has advanced and reached the tooth pulp, you may need a root canal treatment to save your tooth. If left untreated, a cavity will break down and potentially destroy the tooth completely. It may also cause infection which spreads beyond the root of the tooth and causes an abscess.

If you’re experiencing any kind of tooth pain, we strongly encourage you to get in touch with our team. We can provide both relief and a long-term solution to restore your beautiful smile.

by King Streets Dentists

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