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Salty Taste In Mouth: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Have you experienced salty taste in mouth without eating anything salty? You may wonder what is happening in your body. The abnormal taste in the mouth can make you feel uncomfortable. Though the sensation is strange, it is quite common. The salty taste is not a life-threatening condition. So, you need not worry too much about it. But, the taste can cause uneasiness in you. Therefore, read ahead to know the issue in detail. If the condition persists, see a doctor immediately. It will help you avoid further complications. Watch for other symptoms that point towards underlying diseases.

Common Causes Of Salty Taste In Mouth

As mentioned before, the salty taste in mouth is a very common condition. You can experience it due to various conditions. The most common causes for the problem are:

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is one of the most common causes of salty in the mouth. Along with the taste, you also feel like having cotton balls stuffed in our mouth. The condition is medically termed as xerostomia. The reason for dry mouth ranges from using tobacco, medication side effects to aging.

Apart from the salty in the mouth, you can also experience other symptoms. Therefore, the dry mouth has other signs like:

Bad breath

A sore throat

Sticky feeling in your mouth

Stringy or thick saliva

Grooved tongue


Another Cause Of Salty Taste In Mouth: Dehydration

The lack of electrolytes in the body can lead to dehydration. It happens when you lose the water content from your body. Severe vomiting, diarrhea, extreme heat or vigorous exercise can result in the dehydration.

Symptoms Of Dehydration Causing Salty Taste In Mouth

Dehydration can cause several issues in your body. So, it can also induce several signs like:

Dark Colored Urine

Extreme Thirst

Less Frequent Urination




Oral Bleeding

Oral hygiene is an important factor in the occurrence of the abnormal taste in your mouth. One such problem is the oral bleeding. The metallic or salty taste is the indicator of the oral problem. The following reasons lead to the problem:

Eating foods with sharp edges (like chips)

Brushing gums aggressively using a toothbrush


The regular bleeding of gums with the salty taste in mouth is the indication of the gum disease known as gingivitis. The common gum condition can lead to swollen or sore gum over the time. You may also experience tenderness in the gums. Another sign of gum problem is the unexplained bleeding. Therefore, you need to see a dentist to overcome the problem. Ignoring it can lead to infection, which can cause severe problems.

Oral Infection

Overlooking the gum infection can cause periodontitis. Not getting treatment for gingivitis is the main reason for the issue. You need to see the dentist at the starting stage of the disease. It will eliminate the serious risk of damage to bones as well as teeth.

Symptoms Of Periodontitis

When the gingivitis progresses to the periodontitis, it can lead to the following symptoms:

Loose teeth

Bad Breath

Pus under your teeth

Gum abscesses

Other Oral Infections

Oral Thrush

Salty taste in the mouth along with bleeding also signifies other underlying oral infection like thrush. Oral thrush is the common yeast infection that affects anyone. The main symptom of the problem is the white patches in the mouth. It can accompany with painful burning sensation. Many people experience salty taste. But, some may not taste anything.

Oral HPV

The oral human papillomavirus can cause infection in your mouth. You may not experience any symptoms in the starting stage of the disease. But, as the disease progresses, you can see signs like:

Salty taste


Coughing Blood

Post-Nasal Drip

You may have sinus infection or allergies that can cause trouble. So, your doctor may prescribe post-nasal drip to clear the issue. It can cause salty taste in the mouth. Your nose forms mucus due to the infection or allergy. When you get sick, it can build at the back of the throat. The mucus mixes with your saliva and results in salty taste. It also causes a runny or stuffy nose that makes it difficult to breathe. Postnasal drip is an irritating condition as the excess mucus in your nose starts dripping down the throat. So, the presence of the mucus can turn the saliva salty.

Symptoms Of Postnasal Drip

The issue is quite common, so you may experience stuffy nose. You can also experience salty taste in the mouth. But, you need immediate medical attention to the following symptoms:

The nose block that lasts for more than ten days

Sinus Pain

Nasal discharge with blood in it

High fever

Green/Yellow nasal discharge

Clear nasal discharge

Salty Taste In Mouth Due To Bile/Acid Reflux

Bile reflux is a cause of severe discomfort in your body. It can cause a sour or salty taste in the mouth. The bile reflux and acid reflux can occur separately or together. The acid reflux is caused due to the stomach acids flowing into another organ, esophagus. While the bile reflux is the result of bile fluid flowing from the small intestine into esophagus and stomach.

Symptoms Of Acid/Bile Reflux

Along with the salty taste, you can also experience other symptoms like:

The issue is quite common, so you may experience stuffy nose. You can also experience salty taste in the mouth. But, you need immediate medical attention to the following symptoms:

The nose block that lasts for more than ten days

Sinus Pain

Nasal discharge with blood in it

High fever

Green/Yellow nasal discharge

Clear nasal discharge

Salty Taste In Mouth Due To Bile/Acid Reflux

Bile reflux is a cause of severe discomfort in your body. It can cause a sour or salty taste in the mouth. The bile reflux and acid reflux can occur separately or together. The acid reflux is caused due to the stomach acids flowing into another organ, esophagus. While the bile reflux is the result of bile fluid flowing from the small intestine into esophagus and stomach.

Symptoms Of Acid/Bile Reflux

Along with the salty taste, you can also experience other symptoms like:

Symptoms Of Salty Taste In Mouth Due To Nutritional Deficiency

Along with salty taste, you experience other symptoms like:

Irregular heartbeat


Personality Changes


Numbness in hands as well as feet


Another Cause For Salty Taste In Mouth: Sjögren Syndrome

It is the condition that results in the immune system attacking the moisture making glands. Hence, the glands in our body like tear ducts, salivary glands, and salivary gland gets affected. It causes dry eyes, dry mouth, and salty taste.

Symptoms Of Sjögren Syndrome


A dry Cough

Vaginal Dryness

Joint Pain

Skin Rashes

You may experience other autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus with the issue. Therefore, you need medical attention to get the desired treatment.

by Facty Health

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