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Three Natural Remedies to Promote Gum Health

Going to the dentist every six months for a cleaning and checkup is a great way to ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy, but there are many other ways! Fend off gum disease or other unpleasant ailments by using natural ways that are easy and accessible. Of course, brushing your teeth properly and flossing regularly are great ways of reducing plaque buildup on the teeth, but that’s only the beginning. People who are fond of Ayurvedic medicine and alternative medicine methods have compiled a list of other ways to keep your gum wellness in tip-top shape.


Back in ancient times, the sea could cure everything from a wound to a cold. Congested? Pass some sea water through your nose. Sore throat? Gargle seawater. Have a cut that won’t heal? Submerge it into the sea. Acne? Put your face in the sea. Even in modern day, people use saline or saltwater rinses for sinus issues, while some retreat to saltwater isolation tanks to relax and unwind. Seal salt is natural and packed with healthy minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium. It’s useful in absorbing toxins in the body and skin including harmful bacteria while also working to treat infections and promote healing.

If you suffer from gum and mouth ulcers, rinsing with salt water is a great option to help heal the painful sores that can make talking and eating extremely difficult. The sodium in saltwater has been proven to increase the pH in your mouth, helping neutralize plaque-causing acidity and bacteria. Using a salt water rinse is particularly helpful for people who are sensitive to alcohol-based mouthwashes, and it’s much cheaper too! It can help ward off bad breath just as well, without the artificial and sometimes overwhelming, intense aromas of chemically created mouthwash.

Saline rinses are preferred after dental surgery because the components are often equal to those that are already found in the body. The equal concentrations of salts and minerals in this isotonic solution make it the safest way to keep a wound in the mouth sanitized without irritating or damaging tissue.

To create the perfect saltwater rinse, add ½ a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water. Swish the rinse around your mouth for ten seconds, and then spit it out. Don’t use this rinse more than three times a week since too much exposure to sodium can lead to enamel damage. As with any natural remedy, use them occasionally without overdoing it. More is not always better!


This remedy is based on ancient Ayurvedic medicine and is said to help promote good gum health because of its natural anti-bacterial properties. Neem is a plant and is extracted from a type of evergreen tree that is native to India. It’s widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for many different health conditions and is most often used in its oil form.

Researchers believe that the active ingredients in neem bark can reduce gum disease by reducing tissue inflammation. Doctors and scientists have been saying for a long time that inflammation is at the root cause of many ailments, including cancer. Therefore, using neem bark to bring inflammation levels down in the mouth can really improve your health overall, as well as reduce gum disease. Neem also contains anti-bacterial aspects that can help reduce the harmful bacteria in the mouth, including gingivitis and decay.

It’s been said that neem is useful in fighting off plaque on the teeth when used in gel form, more so than in a mouthwash. Even though people didn’t use gels or mouthwashes in ancient times, they used sticks of neem as toothbrushes! Research has shown that the leaves of neem aren’t the most beneficial part and that the magic was inside the bark. That’s means when buying neem products; it’s important to look at the ingredients to make sure that neem isn’t just being used to market a brand, and that the neem extract in the item is high quality. Be sure only to buy Neem products that use the bark and not the oil!


This is another herbal remedy based on Ayurvedic medicine that helps boost immunity and is available in syrups, powders, and pills. It’s said to have incredible immunomodulatory, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties which make it useful for overall wellness. When ingested, it can help increase antibody forming cells, helping the body become more resistant to infection through phagocytosis and macrophage. Phagocytosis is the process of elimination of bacteria through ingestion, while macrophage is the activation of white blood cells. Together, these two processes can help eliminate infection.

It’s been shown that some people have found success with septilin helping stop their receding gum lines. Most commonly, this product comes mixed with Guggulu, Guduchi, amla, licorice and several other compounds that are known for anti-inflammatory properties. Research has also shown that taking this supplement can help periodontal treatment outcomes, and is recommended to patients who have had procedures done to fix gum issues. It comes in syrup and pill form, and the recommended dosage for adults is two tablets twice a day, or 2 tsp of syrup three times a day for several weeks and up to two months to see results.

In a world where blindingly white teeth are everything, it’s important that we don’t forget to take care of our gums! Periodontal disease can lead to gingivitis and tooth loss, which can cause irreparable damage. Periodontal surgery can also be very painful and costly if severe gum damage occurs. The best way to avoid the trouble is to take great care of your gums by brushing and flossing regularly, along with routine checkups. It doesn’t hurt to reach for natural remedies to help keep your gums in the best shape they can be. Be sure to always consult with your dentist before adding any new supplements or medicines to your routine, even if they are all natural.

by Denta Lux

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