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Toothache, Bad Breath Or Teeth Decay?

Dental problems are common today and the blame often goes to poor lifestyle choices and inadequate dental care practices. It is a fact that many people believe that poor lifestyle choices are to be blamed for the poor dental health of an individual. Lack of a dental healthcare regime and improper eating habits are believed to be the leading cause of tooth decay.

However, a recent study indicates that the genes may also have a role to play in our oral health. According to recent research by Anthropology and Dentistry, genetic factors are involved in a whopping 60 per cent of tooth decay cases.

While the researchers still have to come up with a comprehensive study regarding this but certain recent reports are indicating that there is a close relation between tooth decay and genetics in several essential ways.

Oral diseases may be inherited

Several factors such as the shape of our head, face, jaw, and mouth are governed by our genes. In many instances, children inherit the same jaw line or jaw size as their parents. Therefore, it is a possibility that the children may have same oral health issues astheir parents. Some such issues are

Oral cancer

Gum disease

Misaligned teeth

Genetic oral abnormalities such as cleft palate like their parents.

A little care can go a long way

While genetics does have a role to play in our dental structure and put us at a high risk for a few diseases but most oral health issues are preventable. Shedding more light on this, Dr. Mohender Narula, Dental expert & Co-founder, MyDentalPlan Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. says, ""Oral disease such as gingivitis can be hereditarily transferred and needs extra attention if the family has a history.

Although, regardless of our genetic makeup, oral problems like cavities are preventable." Further, speaking about maintaining good oral health, Dr Narula says, "Following a good dental health regime and avoiding certain foods can go a long way in ensuring perfect teeth and oral health."

A few tips for you

Remember to brush twice a day for two minutes.

Use a soft dentist recommended brush.

Use toothpaste that has fluoride.

Drink enough water to stay hydrated.

Visit a dentist twice a year. It helps in receiving targeted approach towards oral wellness and can also recognise significant issues at very initial stage.

by the Health Site

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