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Why Are My Lips Dark Around The Edges?

Lips are one of the sexiest parts of the human body. It is one of the first things we notice when looking at a face.

Do you suffer from dark areas around the edges of the vermillion of your lips? Are you looking for a way to lighten these areas for aesthetic reasons? Read on, and I will tell you what is causing those dark areas and five easy ways to lighten those areas.

Both men and women can get these dark spots. There is a myriad of reasons why your lips may be dark. Let’s explore the most common ones.

Why Are My Lips Dark Around The Edges And How To Lighten Them?

Sun Exposure

Yes, going outside and getting some sun is great for our health and happiness, but we need to go out with the right protection for our skin, including our lips! These spots may be a result of a buildup of melanin (skin pigment) in these areas.

The condition is called hyperpigmentation (if you have dark spots on other parts of your face; this is the same reason why). People with higher melanin in their skin are more likely to have these spots. It’s ok to have fun in the sun, just bring the sunblock!

Birth Control

Even though birth control is amazing for plenty of other reasons, it could be the cause behind those dark areas around your lips. Birth control is linked to melasma, when melanocytes (aka, melanin cells) overproduce melanin, resulting in those pesky dark spots.

This is thanks to the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone; “the pill” is changing these hormone levels, resulting in those unfortunate dark spots. Keep in mind other medications may cause this too—so be sure to ask your doctor about side effects!

Post-Inflammatory Hyper-Pigmentation

This is a temporary condition that causes dark spots after an injury (burn) or inflammation (such as infection, dermatitis, etc.). It may become darker when exposed to UV light. Be aware that waxing and shaving can also cause post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation!

Hormone Disorder

Certain hormones (besides sex hormones) can cause hyperpigmentation. If you suffer from an endocrine disease, it could be contributing to this condition. Ask your doctor to test your hormones and if your condition may exacerbate hyperpigmentation.

Vitamin Deficiency

Did you know that what you eat can affect the color in your skin? Numerous studies have liked B12 deficiency with skin pigmentation issues. You may need to rethink your diet or start supplementing. Consult your doctor or registered dietician if you think you may have a vitamin deficiency.

Too Much Iron

Speaking of vitamins, too much of iron is NOT a good thing. Having too much iron is called hemochromatosis. This can cause iron to build up in the sweat glands of the body, causing a heavy bronze stain. While this condition is quite often underdiagnosed, it is also very rare.

Genetic Pre-Disposition

You could be genetically predispositioned to hyperpigmentation. That means if mom or dad had skin pigmentation issues, they most likely passed it on to you. But hey, there are worse things to pass on in genes, am I right?


Prevention is key when it comes to preventing or worsening dark areas. Some things you can do include:

Stop taking birth control

Use more sun protection or stay out of the sun during peak hours.

Consult a physician to get your blood tested for hormones and vitamin deficiencies.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed reading this article about how to get rid of dark areas around your lips.


by Nail Art Gear

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