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Why Do My Teeth Not Feel Clean After Brushing?

It’s a common frustration – you spend time thoroughly brushing your teeth, only to still feel like your mouth isn’t completely clean afterwards. There’s various reasons why teeth may not feel freshly brushed. Read on to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the factors that can contribute to teeth feeling unclean after brushing.

While brushing is a daily habit for most, there are many variables that impact how clean teeth feel post-brushing. Understanding the science and methodology behind oral hygiene can help troubleshoot what may be missing from your routine.

Insufficient Brushing Duration

The American Dental Association recommends spending 2 full minutes brushing teeth. This allows time for the toothbrush bristles to mechanically remove the sticky biofilm plaque coating teeth. Plaque contains colonies of bacteria which contribute to cavities and gum disease.

Brushing less than the suggested 2 minutes means plaque will still be left on tooth surfaces. Rushing through brushing skips hard to reach back molars, lingual surfaces and interproximal spaces between teeth. When plaque remains, it leads to that unclean mouth feel.

Set a 2 minute timer and brush for 30 seconds increments per quadrant of the mouth. Consistently brushing too quick can allow plaque buildup in overlooked areas like between back teeth.

Ineffective Brushing Technique

Proper brushing technique is equally crucial for a just-brushed clean sensation. Scrubbing back and forth vigorously seems logical but can damage tooth enamel and irritate gums. The ADA instead recommends using short, gentle circular motions to clean each tooth.

Bristles should contact teeth and gums at a 45 degree angle. This allows bristles to penetrate and remove plaque beneath the gumline. Plaque naturally accumulates along the dentogingival border. Failing to angle brush bristles correctly does not efficiently scrub this area.

Apply light pressure while brushing – enough to feel bristles removing debris but not abrasive on gums. Improper technique like brushing too vigorously can leave plaque behind. Reevaluating motions helps optimize the brushing process.

Difficult to Reach Areas Are Missed

The crowns of teeth you can see and easily access get brushed sufficiently. But inadequate access to interproximal surfaces between teeth is common. Bacteria and plaque accumulate in these hidden spots. The area where teeth contact each other contain tight embrasures vulnerable to plaque.

Some tooth alignment in certain individuals creates additional hard to brush zones. Crowding, braces, dental work like implants or bridges block the toothbrush from correctly contacting all areas.

Plaque left in these hard to reach embrasures and surfaces then leads to feeling unclean. Using tools like floss, interdental brushes, water flossers improve access to these regions.

Using Too Much or Too Little Toothpaste

Surprisingly, the amount of toothpaste used also factors into post-brushing cleanliness. Too little paste contains insufficient abrasives to mechanically clean. Too much can leave a residue and film which makes teeth feel unclean.

Aim for a pea sized amount – about 0.3 grams – of fluoride toothpaste for adults. Foam and bubbles do not drive plaque removal, so focus just on coating bristles not lathering the mouth. Dispense paste directly onto bristles, not tongue. Rinse away excess.

Kids ages 3-6 need a smear the size of a grain of rice for cavity protection. Overall, using the effective amount of paste helps optimize the brushing process.

Food Debris Left in Mouth After Eating

After eating meals and snacks, food debris sticks to tooth surfaces and lingers in the mouth. These food particles interact with bacteria to form plaque and may cause teeth to feel unclean.

Swishing vigorously with water is recommended after eating to help dislodge and rinse away food debris. Brushing right after eating when enamel is softened temporarily is not ideal. Waiting 30-60 minutes allows saliva to naturally buffer acids and remineralize enamel after eating.

Any sugary residue from snacks left in the mouth promotes rapid bacteria growth. Be sure to rinse well after consuming sweets.

Insufficient Hydration and Dry Mouth

Having inadequate saliva flow can prevent the mouth from being able to self-cleanse. Saliva helps wash away plaque, neutralize damaging acids and provides antimicrobial compounds.

Certain medications, chronic medical conditions, aging, mouth breathing and dehydration reduce salivary flow. Consistently low moisture in the oral cavity allows bacteria to proliferate, leading to that feeling of uncleanliness.

Be sure to drink adequate water, use a humidifier, avoid caffeine/alcohol, chew sugar-free gum and speak to your doctor about addressing causes of dry mouth. Proper hydration promotes saliva flow to rinse away plaque.

Buildup of Bacteria on Tongue

While brushing focuses on tooth surfaces, bacteria and plaque also accumulate on the tongue. The moist, warm environment of the mouth promotes microbial colonization in tongue fissures and papillae.

Bacteria buildup on the tongue can contribute to unwelcome mouth odors. Acidic and putrefactive compounds are produced as byproducts of bacteria on the tongue.

Gently brushing or scraping the tongue surface helps remove this buildup of microbes. Special tongue scraper tools are designed to clean the tongue and leave the mouth and breath feeling fresher.

Now that we’ve explored multiple reasons why teeth may feel unclean after brushing, here are some tips to help optimize brushing:

Set phone timer for 2 minutes, allotting 30 seconds per mouth quadrant

Use proper brushing motions – gentle circles with 45 degree angled bristles

Include interdental tools like floss,Proxy Brushes, irrigators to clean between teeth

Only use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste

Drink water and wait 30-60 minutes between eating and brushing

Address causes of dry mouth to promote saliva flow

Clean the tongue surface as well as teeth

Have regular professional dental cleanings to remove hardened tartar

Evaluate if different brush heads, toothpaste or rinses could improve clean feeling

Implementing small adjustments to your oral hygiene regimen can go a long way towards getting that truly clean mouth feel after brushing. Always seek advice from your dentist if problems persist. Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is a lifelong endeavor that pays off through improved dental and overall health.

by CDHP Dental Health Project

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