My BEST Dentists Journal


Chronic Oral Infections and Your Health

Dental bacteria can kill more than a smile. If you have experienced chronic oral infections, don’t floss regularly, and otherwise neglect your oral hygiene, you might be jeopardizing more than just your teeth – studies are revealing a link between neglecting your teeth and many serious health problems.

Dentists have known for years that oral infections pose a significant hazard to heart valves, but new research indicates that chronic dental infections may also contribute to hardening of the arteries, heart attack, stroke, and even pre-term births. The root cause seems to be the millions of bacteria living and breeding inside your mouth.

Even the healthiest mouth is not a sterile environment. There are many different resident bacteria around your teeth and gums and without proper care, oral bacteria can build up, find its way into your bloodstream, and from there, travel throughout your body. Inflammation sets in where bacteria finally settles, and your immune system can’t always fight off the resulting infection. Inflammation can create sites where fatty deposits form, resulting in clogged arteries and veins. Bacteria from your mouth may combine with blood-clotting cells called platelets, forming dangerous blood clots.

Heart disease and stroke

Gum disease is the most common chronic oral infection. It begins at or below the gumline, often painlessly and with no visible signs or symptoms, and can lead to inflammation of the gums and bone around your teeth. Left untreated, bacteria builds up cell by cell to form colonies along the gumline which can be resistant to antibiotics. Other germs will grow down your tooth and migrate into your blood vessels. Dental plaque (the sticky film of bacteria surrounding your teeth) can get mixed up with blood-clotting cells, forming a clump. These clumps of bacteria can irritate the walls of your blood vessels, and if they make their way to your heart, they may increase the formation of heart-stopping blood clots.

Research shows that the fatty deposits lodged in the carotid arteries of most stroke sufferers contain bacteria, and much of this bacteria comes from the mouth.

DiabetesWe also know that diabetics with gum disease have a greater risk of heart attack – perhaps three times more likely, according to some studies – than those with healthy gums.  

PregnancyPregnant women with gum disease are seven to eight times more likely to give birth prematurely, to low birth-weight babies.

Protect your health!Good oral hygiene practices and regular dental visits will greatly reduce your chances of tooth and gum infections, and protect your overall health. 

by Tuxedo Dental Group

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What Causes Tooth Sensitivity When Chewing?

When chewing or putting pressure on the teeth causes pain, it may be a sign of dental damage. Ignoring this type of tooth sensitivity may only make matters worse. Fortunately, restorative dentistry treatments are available to treat the underlying causes of tooth sensitivity and restore oral health. If you experience tooth sensitivity when chewing foods, it's important to see a dentist to find out if the teeth are healthy and structurally sound. To learn more about tooth sensitivity and chewing, schedule a consultation with  Bismarck, ND dentists Everett E. Heringer and Brielle Renz.

Tooth sensitivity can occur for a number of reasons. When tooth sensitivity happens when chewing, it's often due to pressure being applied to the nerves within the teeth and may be a sign of dental damage. Some possible causes of tooth sensitivity when chewing include:

Gum recession: Gum recession is a condition in which the gums pull away from the teeth, exposing the delicate structures of the tooth, including the roots, to plaque and bacteria, which can cause tooth sensitivity.

Enamel erosion: The teeth are protected by a strong outer layer called enamel. Acids, bacteria, and friction, like that caused by brushing the teeth too hard, can wear away the enamel. This leaves the teeth vulnerable to decay and can cause sensitivity when chewing or eating hot or cold foods.

Tooth decay: Tooth decay can allow bacteria to reach the inner structures of the teeth including the nerves and blood vessels, which can lead to a root canal infection and pain when chewing.

Dental fractures: Dental fractures can cause pain when chewing by allowing foods to reach the nerves of the teeth or from the pressure of broken portions of the teeth pressing against the nerves.

Cracked filling: Similar to a fractured tooth, a cracked or broken filling can press against the tooth's nerve, causing pain when chewing.

Treating tooth sensitivity begins with determining the underlying cause through a thorough dental examination. A dental exam is necessary to identify any oral health issues that may be responsible for tooth sensitivity. Once a cause is pinpointed, appropriate dental treatment may be performed.

Treatment may include tooth-colored fillings to repair a damaged filling or treat tooth decay, dental crowns to restore fractured teeth, or gum surgery to treat recessed gums. When dental pain is caused by a root canal infection, root canal therapy is generally the best course of action to treat the infection and alleviate dental pain.

Preventing Tooth Sensitivity

The best way to prevent tooth sensitivity is to practice good oral hygiene habits starting with brushing and flossing the teeth at least twice a day and scheduling regular dental exams and cleanings. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush can also help reduce the risk of enamel erosion and gum recession.

by Heringer Dentistry

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Frequent Headaches? The Cause May Be in Your Mouth

Did you know that in many cases, frequent, or even constant headache pain can be treated more effectively by your dentist, instead of by your GP?

Headaches are strange beasts. Their cause is often elusive, and they can range from mildly irritating to unrelentingly painful.

Since frequent headaches can interfere with your quality of life, if you experience pain that remains after treatment from a physician, you might wish to see your dentist. After all, you may be suffering from what is called a dental headache.

What Can Trigger a Dental Headache?

Most dental headaches are classified as tension headaches, and are the result of muscular tension that builds up in the region of the face and jaw. Frequently, this tension is a symptom of malocclusion, or – to put it simply – a bad bite.

All sorts of things can cause a bad bite, including previous dentistry, orthodontics or incoming wisdom teeth. Having a bad bite essentially means the chewing surfaces of the teeth do not meet along a smooth curve when the jaw is shut. This causes the muscles in the jaw to continually overcompensate for the imbalance, resulting in pain and soreness that radiates throughout the head.

Understanding Referred Pain

This radiating of headache pain is part of why a headache can be difficult to diagnose. Because of the complex nerve structure in this region of the body, where pain is often referred from its place of origin to other locations throughout the skull, patients experiencing such pain can unwittingly steer a doctor away from a proper diagnosis by merely focusing on the localization of the pain.

So, in instances of referred pain, even though we may be experiencing discomfort in the temple region of our head, for example, the true origin of the pain may be in the musculature surrounding the jaw and the result of an improper bite.

The good news is, malocclusion can be fixed rather easily by reshaping teeth that might be too high, or by wearing an orthotic that corrects your bite over time.

TMJ and Bruxism

Two other issues we see in the dental world that can result in frequent and/or constant headaches are Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD) and teeth grinding (Bruxism). 

TMJD occurs as a result of problems with the mechanism of the jaw and its surrounding muscles, and 99% of the time is the result of an injury to the joint. Anything from whiplash to sports trauma, or even something as simple as having your mouth extended too wide for too long in your dentist’s office can trigger TMJ.

If you experience frequent “popping” or “clicking” of your jaw, particularly if you’ve ever experienced trauma in this area of your head, you’ll want to visit your dentist for a checkup. 

Lastly, Bruxism, a habit even babies can develop, can be another cause of frequent headaches. After all, grinding your teeth for hours upon hours as if you were consuming a Thanksgiving feast all night long, puts the muscles of your face through a tremendous workout without rest.

If you find that you often wake with a headache that goes away shortly after rising, you may be, in fact, grinding your teeth.

So there you have it, the story of the headache your dentist is best primed to correct.

It’s also worth mentioning that, aside from headache causes described above, headache pain can also be caused by more familiar dentistry issues like cavities, a tooth infection or an abscess. All the more reason to visit your dentist to see if that headache you’re always suffering from is actually coming from your mouth.

by Petellin Family Dental

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Lip Injury From Teeth – More Common Than You Think

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, many of us take the simplicity of basic actions such as talking, eating, or even smiling for granted. Yet, each of these seemingly effortless movements can be the unsuspecting trigger of a painful consequence – a lip injury from teeth. This surprisingly common yet often overlooked situation can occur for various reasons, from sports-related accidents to nighttime teeth grinding. By delving into the intricacies of this issue, we can better understand how to prevent it and ensure the health and well-being of our smiles.

The Anatomy of an Injury: Understanding How Lip Injuries from Teeth Occur

Understanding the mechanics behind a lip injury from teeth involves knowing a bit about the dynamics of the human oral structure and the activities we partake in that put our lips at risk.

The mouth, including the lips and teeth, is one of the most active parts of our body. It’s involved in various activities such as speaking, eating, laughing, and more. Our teeth, being the hardest substances in our bodies, can potentially cause injury to our lips, which are softer and more vulnerable.

Accidental Biting: A lip injury occurs commonly through an accidental bite. This can happen when we eat, talk, or during physical exertion. The lower lip, in particular, is often bitten accidentally due to its proximity to the lower teeth.

Impact Injuries: Another frequent cause of lip injuries from teeth is an external impact or blow to the face, such as what might occur during a sports game or a fall. This impact can force the lips into the teeth, causing cuts, bruising, broken tooth, or more severe trauma.

Bruxism: Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is another potential culprit. Many people grind their teeth in their sleep, often without realizing it. The constant grinding can lead to the cheek or lip being caught between the teeth, resulting in injury.

Orthodontic Devices: Orthodontic devices such as braces can also cause lip injuries. The metal parts may rub against the inner lips, leading to minor mouth injuries like sores or cuts. Similarly, a broken or ill-fitted denture can cause repeated trauma to the lips.

Understanding these mechanics helps in realizing how commonplace a lip injury from teeth can be and why taking precautions to prevent them is important.

Common Causes of Lip Injuries from Teeth

While a lip injury from teeth might seem like a rare or unusual occurrence, some many everyday activities and habits can increase the likelihood of such an injury. Here are some common culprits:

Eating Hastily: Eating in a rush can easily lead to accidentally biting the lip, particularly if you’re not paying full attention to your meal. Spicy or hot foods can also cause damage to the lips and the surrounding mouth area.

Sports Activities: Sports, particularly contact sports like football, basketball, or boxing, pose a significant risk. An unexpected blow to the face or mouth can result in the teeth clashing against the lips, causing cuts or bruises.

Teeth Grinding: Bruxism or teeth grinding, can cause your lips to become trapped between your teeth, particularly during sleep. This unconscious habit can lead to frequent injuries over time.

Nervous Habits: Some people have nervous habits like biting or chewing on their lips, often without realizing it. These habits can cause repetitive trauma to the lips, leading to injuries over time.

Orthodontic and Dental Devices: Wearing braces, dentures, or other dental appliances can lead to repeated rubbing or friction against the lips, causing sores and cuts.

Poorly Fitted Mouthguards: Mouthguards are designed to protect the teeth and lips from injury. However, if they don’t fit properly, they can cause more harm than good by leading to discomfort and possible injuries.

General Accidents: Falling, colliding with objects, or any other accidents that impact the face can cause a lip injury from teeth.

By being aware of these activities and habits, we can take proactive steps to avoid lip injuries and maintain our oral health.

Symptoms and Consequences: Recognizing a Lip Injury from Teeth

If you’ve sustained a lip injury from your teeth, you’ll likely experience a range of signs and symptoms. It’s important to be vigilant and aware of these indications, as early detection can lead to prompt treatment and prevent complications. Here are some signs to watch out for:

Pain or Discomfort: This is the most immediate and obvious sign. The level of pain can vary depending on the severity of the injury.

Swelling: After an injury, it’s common for your lip to swell. This might make speaking or eating uncomfortable.

Bleeding: Teeth can easily cut the soft tissue of the lips, leading to bleeding. The bleeding may be minor or, in more severe cases, may require medical attention.

Bruising: If the injury involves a strong impact, such as a blow to the face, a bruise might form on or around the lips.

Sores or Ulcers: Repeated trauma or friction, such as from braces or habitual lip biting, can lead to sores or ulcers forming on the lips or inside the mouth.

Difficulty Eating or Speaking: If the injury is severe, it might hurt when you open your mouth, chew food, or articulate words.

Visible Cuts or Lacerations: More severe injuries might result in visible cuts or lacerations on the lips.

Change in Lip Shape or Appearance: In case of severe injury or swelling, the shape or appearance of your lip might change temporarily.

If you notice any of these symptoms persisting for a few days or worsening over time, seeking professional medical attention is crucial. Sometimes, what might seem like a minor lip injury can escalate if not treated properly.

Potential Long-term Effects of Lip Injury if left untreated

While most lip injuries from teeth are relatively minor and heal naturally with time, leaving a severe or recurring injury untreated can lead to several long-term effects:

Scarring: If not treated properly, deep cuts or lacerations can leave permanent scars on your lips. This could potentially impact not just your appearance but also the function of your lips.

Infections: If an open wound on the lip isn’t cleaned and treated properly, it can become infected. Mouth bacteria can rapidly multiply in a wound, leading to a painful condition called cellulitis or potentially even an abscess.

Chronic Pain or Discomfort: Untreated lip injuries can cause chronic pain or discomfort, particularly during mouth activities, like eating, talking, or smiling.

Recurrent Sores or Ulcers: If the cause of the lip injury is a repetitive action (like teeth grinding or nervous biting), and it’s not addressed, the individual can develop recurrent sores or ulcers, leading to chronic oral discomfort.

Speech and Eating Difficulties: Severe or repeated injuries can impact the movement and function of the lips, potentially causing difficulties with speech and eating.

Changes in Appearance: Chronic, untreated lip injuries can lead to changes in the appearance of your lips, including permanent swelling or color changes.

Psychological Impact: Persistent or noticeable lip injuries can also lead to a psychological impact, such as self-consciousness or anxiety about appearance.

It’s important to note that these are potential consequences of severe or untreated lip injuries, and most minor injuries will heal without issue if given appropriate care. However, a healthcare provider should always evaluate any persistent or recurring symptoms to prevent complications.

Prevention and Treatment: Keep Your Lips Safe

Understanding how to prevent and treat lip injuries from teeth is essential for maintaining oral health. Here are several strategies to help you prevent these types of injuries, as well as how to treat them when they do occur.

Prevention Strategies:

Practice Safe Eating Habits: Be mindful while eating, taking small bites, and chewing slowly to prevent accidental biting. Teach your child never to walk or run while holding an object in his or her mouth.

Use Mouthguards: If you participate in sports, especially contact sports, use a well-fitted mouthguard to protect your lips and teeth from injury.

Address Bruxism: If you’re a teeth grinder, seek help from a dental professional. They may recommend a night guard or other treatments to protect your lips and teeth while you sleep.

Manage Nervous Habits: If you have a habit of biting or chewing on your lips, try to find other ways to manage your stress or nervous energy, like fidget toys or mindfulness techniques.

Proper Dental Care: Regular dental check-ups can help detect and fix any issues that might be causing repeated lip injury, like sharp teeth or ill-fitted dental devices.

Treatment Strategies:

Clean the Wound: Rinse your mouth with warm salt water and gently clean the injured area.

Ice Application: Apply ice wrapped in a thin cloth to the injured lip to reduce swelling and numb the pain.

Pain Relief: Over-the-counter pain relievers can help reduce mouth pain. Avoid aspirin, though, as it can increase bleeding.

Topical Creams or Gels: Certain over-the-counter topical creams or gels can help soothe the lip and promote healing.

Avoid Spicy and Acidic Foods: These salty or spicy foods can irritate wounds and delay healing. Stick to soft, bland foods until the injury has healed.

Visit a Healthcare Professional: If the mouth or dental injury is severe, bleeding doesn’t stop, or signs of infection appear (like increased pain, redness, or pus), visit a healthcare professional immediately.

Remember, while minor lip injuries can often be treated at home, seeking medical attention for severe or persistent injuries is important to prevent complications.

by St. John's Health

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When Is Dental Implant Surgery Needed?

Dealing with a less than stellar smile can certainly be a drag and impact a person’s daily quality of life. Fortunately, a dentist in Omaha, NE may recommend dental implant surgery to remedy this issue and restore your smile.

 About Dental Implants

Dental implant surgery in Omaha, NE is often necessary when a traditional denture no longer provides the patient with the necessary support and function. Implants are composed of titanium and other materials which can last for many years, providing patients with a comfortable, stable smile.

Dental implant surgery is typically an outpatient procedure that can be completed in just one or two hours. Dental implant surgery is a procedure that can also be used to replace missing teeth. The surgery involves placing artificial dental implants into the patient’s jawbone. These implants can then provide support for teeth that have been lost or damaged.

There are a number of factors that may lead people to need dental implant surgery, including: advanced age; tooth loss caused by trauma, disease, or decay; and insufficient bone density in the jawbone.

In addition to replacing missing teeth, dental implants may also be used for other purposes. For example, a dental implant may be placed in the jawbone to support dentures. Implants can also be used to restore the function of natural teeth that have been removed due to decay or injury.

The construction of a dental implant involves the placement of two metal posts into the jawbone (the abutment and the crown), which are then secured with screws. There are two basic types of dental implants: single-unit and multiple-unit. Single-unit dental implants typically consist of a post (an abutment) and a crown (a replacement tooth).

 Caring For Your Investment

Although dental implants function like natural teeth, it is important to care properly for them as they are an investment that is meant to last a lifetime. This means ensuring that they are cleaned per instructions from a trusted dentist, avoiding any harsh, acidic, hard, or sticky foods, and making sure to keep up with regular dental appointments to ensure things are going smoothly.

by Midwest Oral Surgery And Dental Implants

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How Your Lifestyle Affects Your Tooth Color?

For most people, naturally, white teeth are hard to come by. While genetics play a vital role in the colour and component of your teeth, some conditions and lifestyle choices can have a great influence. Some may suffer from teeth discoloration due to a number of reasons such as fluorosis, some medications, among other causes. However, some teeth discoloration can be tied to a person’s lifestyle.

How your lifestyle affects the color of your teeth

Some lifestyle choices can have an effect on the colour of your teeth. Here is how

1. Smoking

Smoking has been isolated as one of the major causes of teeth discoloration. Not only is smoking bad for your general health, but it can also greatly affect your oral health. Smoking, in particular, has been attributed to yellow or even dark teeth discoloration. The nicotine in tobacco is the main culprit in causing yellow stains on teeth. With continuous smoking, the staining will even turn darker and harder to remove.

2. Beverage choices

In a world of fast food, it is not very uncommon to come across die-hard coffee and soda drinkers who religiously swear by these beverages. Beverages such as coffee, soda, tea, and red wine can also discolour your teeth over time. Additionally, some beverages such as soda and some energy drinks are highly acidic and can erode the enamel. Once the enamel is eroded, the dentin, which is more dark-coloured or yellowish in colour, is exposed, changing the look of your teeth.

3. Oral hygiene

How you choose to take care of your oral health will determine how your teeth look. Good oral hygiene will mean brighter and healthy teeth, while poor oral hygiene will mean unsightly stained, dark-coloured, and dull teeth. Simple oral hygiene practices such as brushing and flossing your teeth regularly go a long way in securing that bright smile. It is also very important to go for recommended regular dental check-ups at your dentist for routine scaling and teeth cleaning.

4. Teeth grinding and jaw clenching

Some involuntary habits like teeth grinding can also contribute to teeth discoloration. Teeth grinding wears down the teeth enamel, exposing the dentin, which is more prone to discoloration over time. The same applies to jaw clenching. Visit Springvale Dental Clinic to learn about treatment options for these conditions/habits.

5. Environment

High fluoride levels in drinking water can also affect the colour of your teeth. If children are exposed to high fluoride levels in the developmental stage of their teeth, it may cause permanent teeth discoloration.

6. Medication

Some medications, such as antibiotics like tetracycline and doxycycline, are known to alter the enamel formation in children below eight years.

by Linked in

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Don’t Like Dentures? Go for Dental Implants Instead!

Tooth loss can be a nightmare, and while there are many tooth replacement options available, some are not usually the best. Dentures, for instance, are only temporary and have to be removed when you have to eat. If you are looking for a more permanent tooth replacement solution, you may consider a dental implant procedure.

What is a dental implant procedure?   

A dental implant procedure is a dental surgery/ operation whereby a metal implant is embedded into your jawbone to replace a missing tooth. It is a more permanent solution to tooth loss as compared to dentures or bridges.

Types of dental implants

Single-tooth implant

A single tooth implant is usually recommended for the replacement of front teeth because the implant does not interfere with the adjacent teeth, like in dental bridges.

Multiple dental implants

For the replacement of several adjacent teeth, multiple dental implants are recommended. In most cases, two implants are installed so that no adjacent teeth are drilled to attach the dental bridge.

Full mouth dental implants

Full mouth dental implants are for people who have lost most of their teeth to give them an entirely brand new smile. These types of implants can be permanent or removable and are usually mounted on four implants or two implants, depending on how the replacement is going to be done.

What to expect during a dental implant procedure

A dental implant procedure usually happens in stages over a certain period of time, depending on your diagnosis. To have your dental implants installed at Springvale Dental Clinic, our dentist will have to do an examination before recommending the most appropriate type of dental implants for you. The process usually begins with a series of scans and/or x-rays to enable the dentist to determine the most appropriate position for your tooth replacement.

Since this is a minor surgery, the first step usually involves administering local anaesthesia to alleviate the pain during the operation. The dentist will then lodge a metal implant called a fixture into your jawbone using special instruments. You may have to wait a few months for the bone to grow around the fixture. This is to help secure the implant into your jawbone without a chance of being unstable. A foundation called an abutment is then screwed or cemented onto the implant. This will act as the connection between the dental fixture and the crown or bridge. The dentist will take a mould of your teeth to create an artificial replacement of your tooth. This is often only applicable for single tooth replacement. For replacement of more than one tooth, a dental bridge may be applied. The crown is the only part of the implant that will remain visible after the whole procedure is complete, so the dentist has to make sure that the mould resembles your natural tooth because the gums will grow around the new implant.

by Linked in

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Dentist Warns Of Six Changes In Your Mouth That Could Be A Sign Of Serious Illness

Medical experts have revealed six red flags that people should look out for, which may be a sign of serious illness.

Dentists have told people to keep an eye on certain symptoms which may be indicators for a heart attack or osteoporosis.

Examples include jaw ache and loose teeth, which could be cause for concern.

Dr Rizwan Mahmood, from Ruh Dental, explained how many diseases can spur changes and tell-tale signs in a person's mouth.

He said: “This is why people should visit their dentist at least twice a year for check-ups and cleaning.

"Analysing oral health regularly, along with brushing and flossing at home, can help keep your physical health in good order too.

“It’s also wise to be aware of any changes in the mouth, as well as pain. If you notice anything untoward, see your dentist or medical practitioner straight away."

Here are the six symptoms that Dr Mahmood says people should watch out for.

1.- Pain and discomfort in the jaw

"Occasionally, pain or discomfort in the jaw could be indicative of a heart attack," he said

"Although the chances are rare, it’s important to recognise these symptoms which could save someone’s life.

"Your jaw could hurt with cardiac arrest because the nerves that detect pain coming from the heart, travel to the same general area in your spinal cord as they share the same nerve pathway. These signals then work their way up to the brain. So, in essence your jaw is signalling pain on behalf of your heart."

Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a condition, which isn't usually serious, that affects the movement of the jaw.

Signs include: pain around your jaw, ear and temple; clicking, popping or grinding noises when you move your jaw; a headache around your temples; difficulty opening your mouth fully and your jaw locking when you open your mouth.

2.- Loose and wobbly teeth

Dr Mahmood explains the reason behind your teeth becoming loose or falling out may be down to gum disease.

It could also be the onset of osteoporosis, which is a disease that weakens the body's bones and bone density.

“There have been studies showing links between osteoporosis and bone loss in the jaw which the teeth anchor into," he said.

"This should be investigated further if you’re experiencing random tooth loss."

3.- Changes on the surface of teeth

Changes in tooth enamel and the surface of teeth could be signs of an eating disorder.

That's according to Dr Mahmood who says teeth which "appear eroded and translucent" can be a tell-tale for the likes of bulimia or acid reflux.

He added: “Stomach acid is abrasive and can steadily wear away at tooth enamel.

"Excessive vomiting can also prompt dry mouth, dry and cracked lips, loss of tooth enamel, swollen salivary glands and sensitive teeth.

Tooth decay can be caused by the over-consumption sugary food and drink and not cleaning your teeth and gums.

If you have a hole in your tooth you may get toothache, a sharp pain when you're eating or drinking hot cold or sweet things, and white, brown of black spots on your tooth.

4.- Smelly breath

This can also be known as halitosis and is the result of a dry mouth or can be due to eating certain foods and drinks.

But Dr Mahmood says it can be a sign of gum disease or gingivitis.

“Bad breath can also be symptomatic for something underlying, something more serious," he explained.

"It could be a pointer to a sinus infection, diabetes, a chronic lung infection, liver or kidney disease."

The NHS recommends the best way to avoid bad breath is to keep your teeth, tongue and mouth clean by brushing them gently twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.

5.- Sore and bleeding gums

Dr Mahmood warns bleeding or aching gums might be an indicator of something worse, like gum disease.

He said: “Gum disease can be prevalent in people with underlying conditions such as diabetes, an ailment which can weaken the immune system – putting you in danger of infection.

“If you have diabetes, you’re more likely to suffer with a gum disease known as periodontal disease. This is inflammation in the gums and the bones around your teeth. Periodontal disease also causes bad breath (halitosis) and even loss of teeth.

Diabetes can cause a dry mouth because of a lack of saliva which in turn can cause ulceration and tooth decay. Furthermore, you are also prone to developing oral thrush as it can impact the way your body fights off infections.

“This can put your gums at risk of inflammation because of the bacteria living in plaque. Other signs of diabetes include oral fungal infections, dry mouth, and fruity smelling breath,” he added.

“Fruity-smelling breath can be a sign of diabetic ketoacidosis which is a dangerous and potentially life-threatening condition in which your blood sugar is so high it starts turning acidic. But as dentists we are constantly working around the mouth and can pick up on this distinctive oral scent.”

6.- Sores and lumps in the mouth

Dr Mahmood has warned people to keep an eye out for canker sores, which can be the result of fungal infections.

Symptoms to look out for include lumps and sores in your mouth and they should always be checked out by a professional

He added: "Oral cancer often starts as a small white or red spot or sore in the mouth and it is more likely to affect smokers or alcohol drinkers. Signs of oral cancer include sores that don’t heal easily, hard spots, rough areas, discoloured tissues, numbness and changes in the way teeth fit together.

“Lumps or irregular tissue in the mouth or inner cheek, head or neck, should all be checked out too. Please note that oral cancer isn’t something you should try and diagnose at home, see your dentist who will refer you to a specialist if needed."

by Mirror

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What Is A Dental Emergency In children And How Can You Handle One?

Taking your child to the dentist is not an event that people tend to associate with an emergency. However, dental emergencies do exist , and they can often be upsetting or challenging to handle without access to the proper help. If your child encounters a dental issue, you may wonder how to deal with it, to whom you should speak about it, and what is a dental emergency. Let's get down to answering all these questions and more.

What Are Dental Emergencies?

Some oral health conditions require patience to deal with, as they can go without treatment for a short period. They either go away on their own, or you can resolve them with home care. But dental emergencies are not the sorts of issues that can wait. And when they occur in children, time is of the essence.

A dental emergency is any oral health condition or injury that threatens your life or long-term health. They typically require immediate attention to address them properly and without further complications. However, not every dental emergency is considered life-threatening at first or in need of an immediate visit to a dental office. But, these conditions still require urgent care to prevent them from becoming worse as time progresses.

Handling a Dental Emergency

If your child is experiencing the symptoms of an oral health condition that threatens or interferes with their quality of life, the most important thing is keeping them calm. Stress and anxiety can produce reactions that can worsen some conditions, and it's challenging for children to communicate fully when they are upset, in pain, or scared. Do your best to assure yourself and your child that things will be okay.

The first step is to contact an emergency dentist as soon as possible, especially in cases involving infection of the soft tissues or uncontrolled bleeding. These problems will not only worsen with time, but they can also spread to affect other parts of your body. When speaking to a dentist, make certain to accurately describe any symptoms and when you first noticed them. Also, inform the dentist of any mouth, jaw, or facial injuries your child may have sustained and the circumstances under which they occurred.

Most likely, the dentist will advise you to bring your child in for an emergency evaluation. General pediatric dentists tend to keep normal office hours. However, emergency dentists offer extended business hours to their patients, likely including nights and weekends. This is a critical distinction because dental emergencies can occur at any time. In addition, if you schedule an appointment with an emergency dentist, they will almost always make it a same-day appointment.

Common Dental Emergencies

It's not uncommon for children and adolescents to experience adverse oral health conditions. After all, they lead very active lifestyles and are fond of sugary drinks and snacks. In fact, according to the CDC , over half of adolescents aged 12 to 19 years will develop at least one cavity in their permanent teeth.

However, not every oral health issue your child experiences will be as simple as a cavity gained from too many bowls of cereal. It's vital to know what conditions or situations qualify as dental emergencies in your child. The most common dental emergencies include the following:


Toothaches are the most common oral health issue adults and children face. However, while many toothaches only require proper oral care at home to resolve, some are more severe. They have many causes, and there are times when a toothache is indicative of a more complex underlying condition. A toothache can be considered an emergency if:

There's also swelling of the gums, face, jaw, or neck that a cold compress will not alleviate.

It increases in intensity over time.

Your child develops a fever or earache.

Uncontrolled Bleeding of the Soft Tissues

Your child may experience occasional gum irritation or minor bleeding, particularly after a dental cleaning. However, if the bleeding doesn't stop or is accompanied by pain and swelling, it will require a trip to an emergency dentist. A continuous open wound in the mouth can lead to an infection if there isn't an infection already present.

Knocked-Out Teeth

Children and gap-toothed smiles go hand in hand. However, while it's natural for kids to lose teeth over time, it's usually due to baby teeth making way for permanent adult teeth. When a sudden trauma forcibly removes teeth from their socket, that is an emergency situation.

Lost teeth on their own are not life-threatening. But if you still have your child's tooth, it may be possible to reinsert it if you take action and schedule an emergency dental appointment quickly. Thirty minutes or less is the ideal length of time in which to visit a dentist with a knocked-out tooth.

Abscessed Tooth

An abscess is a serious condition in which bacteria from the tooth find their way into other parts of your child's mouth, causing an infection. This infection can easily spread through the soft tissues or even the facial and jaw bones, leading to fever, swelling, gum inflammation, severe pain, and difficulty swallowing or opening the mouth. If your child develops an abscessed tooth, it's critical to take them to an emergency dentist as soon as possible.

Broken Orthodontic Appliances

Braces and retainers are commonly used to help straighten and realign children's teeth. These appliances consist of metal, plastic, or ceramic parts that work to slowly move teeth into the correct position. However, these parts are not indestructible. Sometimes, a wire or bracket on your child's braces can snap, presenting an urgent situation.

In addition to greatly reducing the effectiveness of the braces or retainer, any metal parts that break could potentially stick out or create a hazard of poking, scratching, or cutting the soft tissues in your child's mouth.

by Sweet Tooth Pediatric Dentistry

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Six Warning Signs of an Oral Health Disorder

More than a quarter of adults have untreated tooth decay, and about half have symptoms of gum disease. More than half of kids have cavities too. Prompt treatment of decay, infections, and other problems is important for preventing more serious issues, and that means you need to know what symptoms to look for.

At Pacific Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Center in Oakland, California, Brandon Kang, DDS, helps patients get the care they need to enjoy optimal oral health and beautiful smiles at every age, using special technology to identify underlying problems. In this post, learn six common symptoms to watch out for.

1. Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums are a hallmark symptom of gum disease, a leading cause of adult tooth loss. Gum disease happens when bacteria build up along your gum line, releasing toxins that irritate your gums. 

Ongoing irritation and inflammation quickly lead to bleeding gums, especially during brushing and flossing. Ignoring bleeding gums allows gum disease to progress to a more serious stage, causing infections that dramatically increase your risk of tooth loss.

Other problems can also cause bleeding gums, including abscesses, other infections, and oral cancer. In any case, bleeding gums are never normal, and they should always be checked by our team.

2. Swollen or tender gums

Bleeding isn’t the only symptom that shows up in your gums. If your gums are swollen, sore, or especially red, that can also be a sign of an underlying problem.

While swelling and tenderness can be associated with advanced gum disease, these symptoms can also be a sign of an underlying infection or a tooth abscess, a type of infection that can quickly spread to your bones and bloodstream.

3. Tooth pain when biting or chewing

Your teeth are made for biting and chewing, so if these simple functions cause any amount of pain, that’s a sign you have a problem. It could be something as simple as a lodged piece of food that just needs a bit of expert flossing to remove. 

Or it could be a symptom of tooth decay, infection, oral cancer, or another oral health problem. Dr. Kang evaluates your tooth and the tissues surrounding it to determine the cause and prescribe the best treatment.

4. Chronic bad breath

Occasional bad breath usually isn’t anything to worry about, especially if it follows a meal of particularly odiferous foods, like garlic, onions, or coffee. When bad breath is chronic or persistent, it can be a sign of an underlying problem, like a cavity or an infection.

Bad breath is also more common among people with dry mouth, another chronic condition that happens when you don’t produce enough saliva. Dry mouth also increases your risks of decay and infection. Prescription rinses and other simple solutions can help.

5. Changes in tooth color

Teeth naturally become yellower with age, as your enamel layer wears away and reveals more of the underlying yellowish layer of dentin. But if one or a few teeth are darker than the neighboring teeth, it’s often a sign of internal tooth damage.

In these instances, a tooth may change color because of internal decay or traumatic damage to your tooth. Damage to your tooth root can also lead to a discolored tooth.

6. Tooth sensitivity

Enjoying an ice cream cone or a hot cup of coffee shouldn’t cause tooth pain. But for people with tooth sensitivity, hot and cold foods and drinks (and sometimes sugary foods) can cause significant discomfort.

Sometimes, tooth sensitivity happens because the protective layer of enamel is especially thin. But other times, cavities, tiny cracks or chips, or infections can lead to sensitivity too. Having a checkup is the best way to determine why your teeth are sensitive.

Annual checkups are the key to spotting oral health problems as early as possible. If it’s been a while since your last checkup or if you have any unusual symptoms.

by Pacific Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Center, Oakland, CA

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Cavities Between Teeth And How to Avoid Them

Cavities are an age-old problem, but cavities between teeth are especially bothersome for patients and dentists. When decay occurs between teeth, dentists must remove more tooth structure in order to access the area to place a filling. The best defence is to avoid forming cavities at all – especially between teeth! Using preventive measures will benefit both your oral and systemic health, and healthy habits will help to control the acid formula that contributes to enamel damage and tooth decay.


What causes a cavity? National Oral Health Programme notes that all teeth in the end say keep us healthy and cavity free and then you will welcome happy permanent teeth. When the bacteria that is naturally present in the mouth combines with the sugars you eat, acid forms. This acid will begin to demineralise the tooth enamel, causing white spots that signal a weakening of the tooth. Demineralisation can lead to irreversible damage to the enamel, and then cavities may form. Cavities are permanent damage to the tooth that your dentist will need to repair with a filling.

Cavities between teeth have the same origin and physiology as cavities on other surfaces of the teeth. The approach for treatment is different, in that dentists must remove more tooth structure in order to access the area to place a filling.

Avoiding Cavities

Avoiding cavities between teeth requires more effort than preventing cavities on other tooth surfaces. To clean the in-between, or interproximal, areas, floss daily or use another type of interdental cleaner. Removing food debris and plaque is essential. In addition to basic oral hygiene, a diet low in sweets, drinking fluoridated water and brushing with a fluoride toothpaste will help to avoid cavities.

See your dentist every six months to 12 months, so he or she can identify cavities in the early stages and begin treatment right away. Your dentist may take X-rays at your appointment to detect any cavities hiding between your teeth.

Cavities, especially the ones that form between the teeth, can lead to pain and multiple trips to the dentist. The best strategy is to prevent the decay from forming in the first place. Keep up with your healthy habits to enjoy your healthy mouth and body!

by Colgate

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Dentist Approved Foods For Healthy Teeth And Gums

You are what you eat, so the saying goes. And that’s certainly true when it comes to your dental health — your dentist will tell you that you should avoid sugary and acidic foods and drinks that are bad for your teeth. But did you know that some foods support healthy teeth and gums? We’ve put together this list of some of the top tooth-friendly foods to eat for great dental health.

1. Crunchy vegetables

As well as being a rich source of vitamin C, crunchy vegetables eaten raw, like carrots, celery, peppers and peas, can help remove plaque from your teeth. This keeps them clean and reduces the chances of tooth decay and gum disease.

2. Salmon

This delicious fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. While these powerful “healthy fats” are best known for lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease, they also protect your mouth from gum infections and help gums heal quicker if you are undergoing treatment.

3. Strawberries

It may surprise you to know that strawberries are a natural tooth whitener. This is due to malic acid, which has natural stain-removing and whitening properties. It’s also found in high quantities in apples and watermelons.

4. Dairy products

Make sure you include dairy products like milk, cheese and yoghurt (or soy or almond milk if you follow a vegan diet) for healthy teeth. These foods are high in protein and calcium, meaning they strengthen tooth enamel and help guard against decay and tooth loss.

5. Onions and garlic

Believe it or not, onions and garlic are actually great for your dental hygiene! While they are commonly linked with bad breath, the opposite is actually true. Onions and garlic have strong antibacterial properties, which means they help to reduce the bacteria in your mouth that can lead to tooth decay, inflamed gums and bad breath.

6. Sugar-free gum

Chewing sugar-free gum for 20 minutes after meals helps your mouth to produce more saliva and, in turn, reduce the risk of tooth decay. Saliva is essential to your oral health as it helps to wash away food particles and neutralise the acid produced when food is broken down by bacteria in your mouth.

7. Nuts

Sugar- and salt-free nuts make a tasty snack that’s good for many aspects of your health. Their high fibre and calcium content means they can help make tooth enamel stronger. Chewing on nuts also stimulates saliva production to help protect against tooth decay.

8. Mint

Mint is associated with fresh breath — and there’s a good reason behind this link, as it’s known to have antibacterial qualities. Enjoying a cup of mint tea after meals will not only freshen your breath but also help you digest your food. You could alternatively chew a fresh mint leaf to benefit from its antibacterial qualities.

9. Wholegrain foods

Wholegrain foods like wholemeal bread, brown rice and oats are packed full of minerals and B vitamins, which are great for health. Include them in abundance in your diet to keep your teeth strong and your gums healthy.

10. Cinnamon

This distinctive-flavoured spice is great for dental hygiene thanks to its antibacterial properties. You can make your own mouthwash at home to help prevent plaque and bacteria build-up by boiling some water and adding some cinnamon. Once it’s cooled, use it like regular mouthwash for a great-tasting rinse.

by Somersmiles Dental

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Does Taking Vitamin K2 Actually Benefit Your Oral Health?

Healthy eating habits are an important part of good oral hygiene. Your body will be more healthy if you eat well and limit the intake of foods and drinks that could damage your teeth.

Is Vitamin K2 one of the vitamins that can help your gums and teeth? Is Vitamin K2 a vitamin that can benefit your gums and teeth? We will give you the facts about Vitamin K2 so that you can make informed decisions for your oral health.

What is Vitamin K2 and how can it help you?

Vitamins are vital for the body to perform many essential functions. Vitamins can be obtained by eating a well-balanced and healthy diet. Supplements can also be used if your body isn’t receiving enough vitamin intake from whole foods.

Vitamin K is absorbed by fats in your diet, and stored in your body’s fat tissue (it is fat-soluble). Vitamin K1 (the chemical composition phylloquinone), and vitamin K2 (“the chemical compound menaquinone”) are two forms of this vitamin.

Where does K2 come from?

Vitamin K1 can be found mostly in dark leafy greens, and vegetable oils. Vitamin K2 is found in:

Blue Cheese

Gouda and Swiss cheese are hard cheeses.




Nato, a Japanese fermented food made from soybeans, is also available.

What are the benefits of Vitamin K2

Vitamin K is vital for healthy bones and blood clotting. According to a study published in Integrative medicine: A Clinician’s Journal, vitamin K2 can also be useful in keeping the blood vessels’ walls free from calcium deposits.

What does Vitamin K2 do for your oral health?

There have not been any human studies that prove vitamin K2’s effects on oral health. There have been only discussions and hypotheses about the possible benefits of vitamin K2 to your teeth. One such article was published in Health Hypotheses.

This hypothesis suggests that vitamin K2 could play a role in the prevention of cavities. However, more research is needed on this subject.

What is the recommended amount of Vitamin K2?

The Office of Dietary Supplements states that you can get the recommended vitamin K intake by eating a balanced diet. It also depends on your age, gender, and if you are breastfeeding.

0-6 Months 2 Micrograms

7-12 Months 2.5 Micrograms

1-3 Years30 Micrograms

4-8 Years 55 Micrograms

9-13 year60 micrograms

14-18 year75 micrograms

Adult men aged 19+120 micrograms

Adult women 19+ 90 micrograms

Pregnant/breastfeeding teens 75 micrograms

Pregnant/breastfeeding women 90 micrograms

Vitamin K Supplements: Should You?

Vitamin supplements are recommended by most dentists only if certain vitamins are not available in your diet. If you are a vegetarian or vegan, vitamin K2 may not be available to you without eating meats and cheeses. Vitamin supplements may be required for certain medical conditions.

You can ask your dentist and health professionals any questions you may have about vitamin K2.

Although Vitamin K2 has some important benefits, the effects of vitamin K2 on your oral health are yet to be established. A healthy diet should include adequate amounts of menaquinones. The best way to maintain good oral hygiene is to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Brush your teeth at least twice daily and make sure you brush your tongue.

Other helpful products such as antimicrobial mouth rinses and tongue scrapers may also be available. Regular appointments with your dentist are a must. Vitamin K2 is not a supplement that can protect your oral health, but good oral hygiene is an excellent supplement to help you smile.

by Arrow Dental Arts

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Six Ways To Kick Your Soda Habit and Improve Your Oral Health

Sodas are packed with sugar and acids, which can damage your teeth. One soda a day can also add up to almost 1,000 extra calories per week, contributing to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Soda can be an indulgent treat, but it can harm oral health and wellbeing. Learn why soda can damage your teeth and our tips for quitting soda.

Why Is Soda Bad For Your Teeth?

Soft drinks have been linked to tooth decay for people of all ages. The acids and acidic sugar ingredients in soft drinks can soften tooth enamel, contributing to cavities. In extreme cases, if the enamel damage does not get treated, grinding of the teeth or other conditions can lead to tooth loss.

When you consume sugary soft drinks, the sugar coats the teeth and feeds the bacteria that live in your mouth. This results in acid production, which can damage tooth enamel, so the fewer sugar-sweetened beverages (like soda) you consume, the better it is for your mouth. However, sugar-free drinks aren't perfect, either. Even if a soda doesn't have sugar, it can contain those acidic ingredients that damage enamel.

How To Stop Drinking Soft Drinks

If you want to take a step toward a healthier lifestyle, quitting soda drinking doesn't have to be painful! You can take several small steps to beat the habit, leading to a healthier smile and less sugar in your diet.

Start Small

Like any habit, quitting cold turkey isn't as successful as gradual progress. Setting ambitious or unrealistic goals can lead to shame and bigger indulgences when you slip short of your goal. Instead, set small, incremental goals that are challenging yet reachable. If you're a daily soda drinker, set a goal to drink soda only 2-3 times a week. When you reach that goal, set a goal for a week, and so on. As you set and achieve these goals, you'll have the confidence and willpower to make bigger ones – and you'll gradually lose the craving.

Swap soda for sparkling water

If it's the carbonation you crave, swap out your soda for sparkling water instead. These refreshing and bubbly drinks don't have the acidic ingredients or sugar to wear down your tooth enamel. And no calories! Sparkling water or seltzers can be an acquired taste, but they can satisfy those carbonation cravings.

Add flavor to your water

Perhaps sipping plain water doesn't sound appealing. Fortunately, there are many options for flavors. You can purchase pre-flavored water on the shelf; watch for sugar, calories, and acidic ingredients! Or you can infuse water yourself. Slice up cucumbers and lemons, and infuse them in a pitcher of water in your fridge. You can also add herbs like rosemary, citrus fruits, or berries.

Switch to green tea

If you rely on your daily sodas for caffeine, quitting soda may be difficult and lead to headaches and tiredness. But you don't have to ditch caffeine when you ditch the soda. You should try green tea! Green tea is packed with antioxidants and has up to 28 mg of caffeine, compared to soda's 22 mg. Also, by drinking unsweetened green tea, you won't have the typical sugar crash.

Avoid triggers

Breaking any habit can be difficult. Be mindful of when and where you tend to drink soda. If you always grab a soda at the gas station when you fill up, perhaps pay at the pump instead to avoid the temptation. If you always choose soda at a restaurant, order ahead, take your food to-go, or ask for your date to order water for you, so you don't order soda by habit.

If you feel a craving, reach for better options like sparkling water or green tea.

Use fluoride toothpaste and mouth rinse

Fluoride can reduce cavities and strengthen tooth enamel, so brushing with a fluoride-containing toothpaste reduces soda's effects. If you indulge in a sip of soda, promptly rinse your mouth with water or a mouthwash to remove traces of the drink that can prolong tooth enamel exposure to acids. Rinsing with a fluoride mouthwash can also help. Talk to your dental hygienist at your next appointment and ask them for recommendations on fluoride dental products.

Quitting soda can be difficult, especially if you have been drinking soda daily for years. But understanding how soda can damage your teeth and health and knowing these tips for quitting soda can set you in a new, healthy direction.

Swap for Sparkling

If it's the carbonation you crave, swap out your soda for sparkling mineral water instead. You'll still get the tingling sensation of carbonated soda, only without all the sugar and calories. It might take a few tries to acquire a taste for sparkling water, but it's worth a try if you prefer the consistency.

Flavor Your Water

Think plain water is too boring to drink? It may be the flavor you're after. By flavoring your water with fruits, vegetables and even herbs, you jazz up your usual aqua so you want to drink it. Try slicing a few cucumbers and adding them to your water, or mix up lemon slices and a few sprigs of fresh rosemary for a bright, savory water. Citrus works well as a water additive due to its naturally strong flavor.

Switch to Green Tea for Caffeine

Drinking soda may simply account for your daily caffeine in the morning, and giving it up can result in a few tired afternoons. But you don't have to ditch caffeine altogether. Instead, brew a cup of green tea: It's packed with antioxidants. You might even find that green tea doesn't make you as jittery as soda or diet soda due to their respective sugars.

Avoid Triggers

If you're always filling up a cup of soda at the gas station, opt to pay at the pump so you're less likely to buy a beverage. Knowing your triggers, like an afternoon slump or going out to eat, keeps you aware of the situations that spark the craving so you can teach yourself how to avoid that trigger altogether.

If you feel a craving coming on, decide its place to stop yourself from reaching for a soda. Pop a piece of gum in your mouth, for instance, or use a mouthwash. The minty flavor will remind you to avoid sugary drinks while making soda taste bitter, so you're less likely to drink up at a point of craving.

Does Your Drinking Method Matter?

How you consume a beverage might influence how sugars and acids interact with your teeth. Taking long sips and holding a drink in the mouth is most likely to lead to the greatest drop in pH. A lower pH indicates a more acidic environment, which increases your risk for erosion. Gulping the beverage, on the other hand, leads to a smaller drop in pH.

Using a straw to drink a sugary beverage might also help lower your risk of decay or erosion. It all depends on if the liquid comes in direct contact with your teeth out of the straw. Positioning the straw so that it's at the back of the mouth may help to reduce erosion risk.

Making the switch from a daily soda habit might be difficult, especially if it's a habit you've indulged in for years. But understanding the risk sugary drinks pose to your teeth should be enough to motivate you to learn how to stop drinking soda and take up a healthier choice. Your smile (and maybe even your waistline) will thank you!

by Colgate

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Are Bony Growths in Your Mouth a Cause for Concern?

If you're experiencing abnormal bone growth in your mouth, you have what's called an exostosis. The term sounds a little frightening, but don't worry – in most cases, these growths aren't a cause for any concern at all. There are rare circumstances when exostoses have interfered with oral function or denture placement and have required surgery, but that is not the norm. Most often, by practicing good oral hygiene, your mouth can be as healthy as if you had no exostoses at all. But make no bones about it, we'll give you all the info you need on the types, causes, and potential issues with exostoses to ensure your oral health keeps you smiling.

What Are the Types and Causes of Exostoses in the Mouth?

The type of exostosis you have depends on its location in your mouth. The most commonly occurring bone growths are found in the mouth's roof (torus palatinus) and beneath the tongue (torus mandibularus). Buccal exostoses are hard bony protrusions on the outside of your gums and are less common. Torus palatinus is often a singular growth, whereas torus mandibularus and buccal exostoses tend to be bilateral, meaning they happen on both sides of the mouth.

There is no known cause (etiology) of bone growing out of gums, the mouth's roof, or under the tongue. According to an article published in the Journal of International Oral Health, some causes could include genetic factors, environmental factors, excessive chewing (masticatory hyperfunction), teeth grinding (bruxism), and continued jawbone growth. Growths usually appear in the late teens or early adulthood and tend to increase in size over time. It's common for people to have exostoses in their mouths for years before they even notice they are there.

How Your Dental Professional Will Diagnose an Exostosis

Most often, your dental professional will diagnose you with an exostosis during a regular checkup. If they notice thickened or protruding bone during their structural assessment, they will likely take a photo or measure the structure to document any growth that occurs over time.

Health Concerns for Exostoses in your Mouth

Exostoses are considered a variation of normal, and most often, they pose no health concern at all. Occasionally they can develop some adverse effects, especially if they become large enough that they interfere with the functioning of your mouth. For instance, a torus mandibularus can make it difficult to speak properly if it grows to a certain size. Another potential issue is that the tissue covering bone growths is very thin and could get scratched or injured from sharp food resulting in ulcer formation. Also, if you have missing teeth and are considering dentures, all types of exostosis can potentially interfere with the placement of your artificial teeth. Some people may want a growth removed due to aesthetic concerns.

Treatment for Exostosis in your Mouth

If your exostosis is one of the rare growths in which treatment is recommended, it can be removed in a dental professional's office – usually by an oral surgeon. Using local anesthesia (numbing the specific area around a surgical operation), the surgeon will make an incision and lift the soft tissue away to expose the overgrowth. The surgeon will then trim the bone using a high-speed dental tool (or with new developments in technology, possibly a dental laser, according to Dentistry Today). They will then suture the tissue back in place.

How to Practice Good Oral Hygiene With an Exostosis

As always, practice good oral hygiene by brushing at least twice a day. Floss or clean between your teeth with interdental brushes or water flossers at least once a day, and use antimicrobial mouthrinses and tongue scrapers. Be sure to see your dental professional for regular cleanings – not only to keep your teeth pearly white and bacteria-free but also to have them check on the health and size of any hard bony lumps on your gums. Be diligent in checking for and removing any food particles that may get stuck between your growth and your gums, and ask your dentist if they have any specific recommendations for your needs.

While your exostosis may have seemed at first like a cause for alarm, hopefully, you now know that they tend to be completely harmless. If you're unsure whether or not growth under the tissue in your mouth is bone, then it's worth having a professional take a look right away to ensure it's not something more problematic. But chances are, with an excellent oral hygiene routine and regular checkups, you're going to be all smiles.

Issues and Treatment for Exostosis Mouth

Although these growths are benign, occasionally they can cause problems, especially if they become large enough to interfere with functions of the mouth. TM, if very large, can inhibit proper speaking, and all types of exostosis can interfere with denture placement. Additionally, the mucosa covering them is very thin and prone to scratches and injuries from sharp food, sometimes resulting in ulcer formation from the trauma.

In the rare instance where treatment is recommended, the exostosis can be removed in a dental specialist's office, usually by an oral surgeon. Under local anesthesia, the surgeon will make an incision and lift the soft tissue away to expose the overgrowth of bone. Typically, the bone is trimmed using a high speed dental hand piece, and the tissue is sutured back in place. Advances in dental lasers and their ability to penetrate hard tissues have shown promise for a more efficient and less invasive option, reports Dentistry Today.

Exostosis mouth is very rarely a concern for the dentist or patient. Treatment is only necessary when the nodules interfere with the normal functions of the mouth or become an aesthetic concern for the patient. Do you have bony bumps in your mouth? To keep the rest of your mouth healthy, brush twice daily with a toothpaste that repairs early teeth and gum damage. Also schedule regular dental visits. Your dentist and dental hygienist can detect oral problems early and suggest the best treatments for you.

by Colgate

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Wisdom Teeth Are Usually Problematic

Wisdom teeth, are the third set of molars that emerge between the ages of 17 and 25 and usually become problematic – even for those who have the best oral health. These teeth are supposed to grow in just behind the other molars, but that doesn’t always happen. Often, the wisdom teeth don’t erupt through the gums at all and become impacted. This usually happens because the jaw is too small to fit four extra teeth.

Dr. Shane S. Porter of Premier Dental of Eagle cites four problems related to wisdom teeth:

Decay and Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth that only partially erupt through the gums are difficult to clean and are more at risk for decay. It’s important to practice good dental hygiene at home and keep regular cleaning appointments to prevent decay. Impacted wisdom teeth often become decayed or infected because they’re hard to reach with your toothbrush. Fluid-filled cysts or tumors occasionally form around the bottom of an impacted wisdom tooth, causing damage to the jawbone, in the nerves in the area and nearby teeth.

Damage to Nearby Teeth

Wisdom teeth often grow at odd angles, pushing into adjacent molars and causing crowding and misalignment. It’s not unusual for wisdom teeth to be positioned crooked or sideways in the jaw, keeping them from erupting into the mouth properly. Infection can be the result.   Healthy teeth can be damaged as impacted wisdom teeth push against the neighboring second molars.

Risk of Gum Disease

Any part of the mouth that is hard to keep clean is a breeding ground for bacteria that causes gum disease. With wisdom teeth sitting at the very back of the mouth, they are difficult to reach. Bacteria around the impacted tooth can lead to gum disease and enter your bloodstream, adversely affecting your heart and other organs of your body.

Symptoms of Infection

Impacted wisdom teeth can become infected. Signs of such an infection include red or swollen gums, jaw pain, swelling around the jaw and difficulty opening the mouth. Dr. Porter should be consulted promptly if these symptoms are present.

How Will I Know if I Should Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Dr. Porter has performed over ten thousand successful wisdom teeth removal procedures during his dental career, and he considers it his best skill. Dental x-rays will reveal whether wisdom teeth will be a problem as you enter adulthood. If you are concerned about your wisdom teeth, consult with Dr. Porter about the advisability of having them removed.

The Best Time to Remove My Wisdom Teeth

When Dr. Porter detects problems or feels that your wisdom teeth have the potential to create complications in your mouth, he will most likely suggest that you have one or all of your wisdom teeth removed – even if they aren’t causing you problems at the moment.  When wisdom teeth cause problems, removing them is the “wisest” thing to do. According to the American Dental Association (ADA) wisdom teeth are also easier to remove when you’re younger, because the roots are not completely developed and the bones around the teeth aren’t as dense. This means there is a slimmer chance of damaging surrounding nerves, teeth or bone during removal.

What Does the Procedure Entail?

At Premier Dentistry of Eagle, we provide an environment of safety and comfort for all our services with Dr. Porter at the helm. We utilize state-of-the-art technology and have a highly trained team to monitor the administration of anesthesia. Most wisdom teeth removal can be performed using a local anesthesia, oral sedation, nitrous oxide (laughing gas), IV sedation, or general anesthesia. Dr. Porter will discuss your sedation options with you prior to your procedure. After your wisdom teeth are removed, you will rest in our office for a short time until you are fully awake and steady. When you are discharged, you will need to have someone drive you home and we will send you with a postoperative kit to care for your mouth; consisting of care instructions; antibiotics, gauze and a prescription for any necessary pain medication.

What is the Recovery Process Like After Surgery?

After surgery, bruising, swelling and tenderness in the face and neck are common. Ice packs and pain medications should help ease the pain. A certain amount of bleeding can be expected following surgery and you will need to restrict your activities the day of surgery. In most cases, you can resume normal activity the next day, or when you feel comfortable.

You will be required to eat soft foods for up to a week following your oral surgery. What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal Foods such as yogurt, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, pudding, ice cream, cottage cheese, applesauce and fruit smoothies are a sampling of the foods to plan on. Five to six glasses of milk, water or juice will prevent dehydration, and you will be restricted from drinking through a straw for at least 24 hours. The sucking action required for using a straw has the potential to unseat the blood clot that forms in the tooth socket and it will make you more susceptible to a dry socket. The socket is the hole in the bone where the tooth has been removed. After a tooth is pulled, a blood clot forms in the socket to protect the bone and nerves underneath. If that clot is dislodged too soon, it can leave the bone and nerve exposed to air, food, fluid, and anything else that enters the mouth, and it can lead to infection and severe pain that lasts for several days.

by Premier Dentistry Of Eagle

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Why Regenerative Therapy Has Become a Popular Dental Treatment Option

Regenerative therapy is an innovative approach to dental treatment — and it’s revolutionized the way we approach various oral health conditions. 

Regenerative methods harness the human body's natural healing abilities, and they’re rapidly becoming the preferred options for dentists and patients alike.

If you’re seeking effective, long-lasting dental treatments, regenerative dental therapy offers a promising solution. J. Paul Fuentes, DDS, DABP, Andrew Peterson, DMD, MS, and our team at Arcadia Perio specialize in regenerative therapy.

Here’s what you need to know about its recent surge in popularity. 

Understanding regenerative dental therapy

Regenerative therapy uses advanced techniques and materials to stimulate your body's natural healing process. In dentistry, it helps restore damaged tissues like bone and gum to promote better oral health.

Unlike traditional treatment methods that focus on managing symptoms, regenerative therapy addresses the root cause and aims to stimulate true healing — and it’s rapidly growing in popularity in the dental world.

A few popular regenerative dental treatments are:

Guided tissue regeneration

Guided tissue regeneration is an effective treatment option for periodontal disease, a condition that causes gum deterioration and tooth decay. We start by thoroughly cleaning your teeth and jawbone, then reshape your gums.

We place a barrier membrane between your gum tissue and tooth root, preventing the growth of unwanted tissue while promoting the regeneration of periodontal tissues. This technique helps to restore gum health and prevent tooth loss associated with periodontal disease.

Bone grafting

Jawbone loss is a common complication of dental issues like periodontal disease, tooth extraction, and trauma. Bone loss puts you at risk of losing more teeth and declining mouth function, but regenerative therapy helps restore lost bone tissue.

We use bone grafting techniques to rebuild your bone tissue, placing bone graft material along your jaw to stimulate new bone cell growth. Treatment helps provide a stable foundation for dental implants and improves your overall jaw structure.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

PRP is another popular regenerative technique. It involves using a small sample of your own blood. We isolate and concentrate the platelets in your blood, then inject them into specific areas to accelerate healing and tissue regeneration.

We may recommend this method in a variety of oral surgeries, including tooth extractions and dental implant placements. Because the PRP solution contains high amounts of growth factors, treatment promotes faster recovery and reduces your risk of complications.

The benefits of regenerative therapy

Since regenerative therapy stimulates healing, it offers a number of benefits over other dental treatments.

Natural and biocompatible

Most regenerative therapy techniques use your own tissues and blood components. That means it’s a natural treatment option that minimizes the risk of allergic reactions or rejection, and it’s a safe and biocompatible option for many people.

Protects your natural teeth

Because regenerative therapy promotes tissue regeneration and provides support to damaged bone, it offers a chance to save your natural teeth. Bone grafting and other treatments can help restore strength and integrity to natural teeth that would otherwise be at risk of extraction. 

Enhances healing

Regenerative therapy taps into your body's natural healing process. It allows for faster and more efficient recovery, and it can deliver reduced downtime and discomfort following dental procedures.

Delivers long-term results

Traditional dental treatments may provide temporary relief, but often require ongoing maintenance. Regenerative therapy addresses the underlying cause of your dental problem and promotes long-lasting results. 

This reduces the need for frequent interventions and enhances your overall oral health for years to come.

Regenerative therapy has emerged as a popular option for dental treatment, and it’s easy to see why. Its ability to harness your body's innate healing potential and provide long-lasting results make it a flexible option for a variety of dental procedures.

by Arcadia Perio

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Tooth Pain: What is Causing My Toothache?

Toothaches can be a minor tinge letting you know that something is wrong or they can cause crippling pain… that’s why we wanted to share some common toothache causes and their symptoms.

What is a toothache? Pain or inflammation in or around the tooth, often caused by tooth decay or infection.

What are common causes of a toothache?

A toothache can have causes that aren’t due to underlying disease. Examples may include flossing, biting into something hard, getting something stuck in between the teeth, or braces. In children, it’s a regular part of the developmental process.

Common Causes of a Toothache:

Tooth decay

Tooth fracture

Broken tooth

Abscessed tooth

Infected gums

Damaged filling

Repetitive motions, such as chewing gum or grinding teeth

Common Symptoms of a Toothache:

Tooth pain that may be sharp, throbbing, or constant.

In some people, pain results only when pressure is applied to the tooth.

Foul-tasting drainage from the infected tooth

Swelling around the tooth

Fever or headache

When Should I See a Dentist About a Toothache?

We recommend seeing your dentist as soon as possible about your toothache if:

Your toothache is severe

You have a toothache that lasts longer than 1 or 2 days

You have a fever, earache

You experience pain upon opening your mouth wide

What Happens When I Go to the Dentist for a Toothache?

First, your dentist will conduct a dental exam. He or she will ask you questions about the pain, such as:

when the pain started

how severe it is

where the pain is located

what makes the pain worse and what makes it better

does the pain wake you up in the middle of the night

Your dentist will examine:

your mouth

teeth and gums




sinuses, ears, nose, and neck

X-rays may be taken as well as other tests, depending on what your dentist suspects is causing your toothache.

What Treatments Are Available for a Toothache?

Treatment for a toothache depends on the cause. If a cavity is causing the toothache, your dentist will fill the cavity or possibly extract the tooth, but only if there is no other way to save the tooth.

A root canal might be needed if the cause of the toothache is determined to be an infection of the tooth’s nerve. Bacteria that have worked their way into the inner areas of the tooth cause that type of infection. An antibiotic may be prescribed if there is fever or swelling in the jaw.

Related Article: Revealing the Facts and Busting the Myths about Root Canals

How Can Toothaches Be Prevented?

Since most toothaches are the result of tooth decay, following good oral hygiene practices can prevent most toothaches.

Good oral hygiene practices consist of:

brushing regularly with a fluoride-containing toothpaste

flossing daily

rinsing once or twice a day with an antiseptic mouthwash

seeing your dentist twice a year for professional cleaning and exam

In addition to these practices, ask your dentist about sealants and fluoride applications and make low-sugar or healthy choices on snacks, meals and beverages.

by Overland Park Dentistry

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Why Can I See My Teeth Through My Gums?

If you have recently asked why can I see my teeth through my gums, you should book yourself an appointment with a dentist. Changes or abnormalities in your gums can be a sign of periodontal disease, which needs to be treated as soon as possible. Ignoring it could be an incredibly risky option.

In this article, you will find information on what can cause gum health to deteriorate and reveal your tooth root together with symptoms of gum disease. Ensure you see your dentist if you have gum issues or it may lead to tooth loss, affect the bone in your jaw, or cause other health complications.

The Appearance of Healthy Gums Versus Unhealthy Gums

When your teeth and gums are healthy, there will be about three mm between your gums and teeth. In people who have gum disease, the gums have often pulled away from the teeth and exposed the roots of the teeth.

When the gum has receded, you will notice a wider gap between the gum and the tooth. As well as the periodontal pocket between the tooth and gum, you are also likely to see more of the tooth than before, making your teeth look bigger.

Symptoms of Exposed Roots

Gum recession is usually very gradual and by the time you notice it, the gum disease may already have caused significant damage. Therefore, it is important to know the symptoms that may indicate you have an exposed tooth root.

Bleeding Gums

Often the first and most noticeable sign of trouble is bleeding during brushing or flossing. If you discover blood when you spit out the toothpaste or after flossing, it may be a sign of a serious inflammation of the gingival tissues.


If you have exposed roots, you may notice that your gum tissue is swollen in a particular area of the mouth. This can be caused by the inflammation of the tissue in the gums. They may also look red rather than pink. Swollen gums are also likely to cause irritation or pain, especially during brushing and flossing or when you bite into food.

Tooth Sensitivity

Another early sign of issues with your gums is sensitive teeth. Your teeth may be sensitive when you brush them or you might notice it when you are eating or drinking hot and cold food and beverages.

Bad-Smelling Breath

If you have a bacterial infection or inflamed tissue in your gums, you may notice a bad smell when you are cleaning your teeth. The bacteria can also travel from the gums to elsewhere in your body and cause bad-smelling breath.

Periodontal Disease

If receding gums expose the roots, it may lead to chronic periodontitis, which is the most common form of periodontitis where the periodontal membrane of the teeth is inflamed. It can also affect the periodontal ligaments, which are a group of tissue fibers helping to attach the teeth to the bone.

Severe cases may cause lesions on the face caused by the necrosis of gingival tissues, alveolar bone, and periodontal ligaments. It may also cause a periapical cyst to form, which is a pathological cavity that often contains soft matter or fluid and has epithelium in the lining.

Why Do Gums Pull Away From Your Teeth?

Not taking proper care of their teeth can lead to exposed roots. Without regular brushing and flossing, plaque will build up on the teeth. Over time, it will harden and become tartar and push gums away from the teeth.


Gum Recession caused by gingivitis is the most common reason for root exposure. Gingivitis is caused by tartar buildup. If the condition is not addressed, it may develop into periodontal disease, more commonly called gum disease.

Do not delay contacting your dentist when you have gum recession. Your dentist will ensure you get proper treatment for the infection before you lose any teeth. They will also be able to advise how to look after your gums properly to avoid further gum recession.

Oral Injury

The recession can also be caused by an outside force. If you have hurt your mouth, for example, as a result of a fall, this type of dental trauma can lead to exposed roots. Your dentist will know how to treat the result of that injury and prevent further damage.

Sometimes your gum might recede on one side of your mouth only. This can be the result of abnormal wear patterns or if the gum has a severe abrasion like a scratch from your nail. For the majority of people, the latter is likely to heal on its own but when it does not, visit your dentist.


If your teeth are not in the correct alignment, it may expose the roots and place additional strain on your teeth. Misalignment can be a result of, for example, an adult tooth growing in before a baby tooth has fallen out or teeth shifting into a potential area of space if you have lost a tooth.

A Medical Condition

Some medical conditions, such as sickle cell anemia, diabetes, and lupus will increase the risk of gum disease and gum recession. These conditions can weaken the immune system, meaning you can get diseases more easily. Oral cancer can also cause your gums to recede and requires immediate care.


There are some medications, such as antibiotic treatment or chemotherapy that can make you more susceptible to gum problems and tooth decay. If the problems are not treated, they may progress to periodontal disease or gingivitis.

Oral Surgery

If you have had surgery on your mouth, it can increase the likelihood of gum disease. Looking after your oral health following periodontal surgery can aid recovery and prevent gum disease. Your dental surgeon will be able to advise you on how to best look after your teeth and gums.


While patients of all ages can get receding gums, aging can also cause gum recession. With age, the muscle structure in your gums changes, which can lead to receding gums and teeth becoming looser.  If not addressed, it is likely to lead to tooth loss.

Dental Cleaning

If the gum recession is caught early, a deep cleaning procedure may be enough to treat it. Dental cleaning involves the removal of dental plaque from areas you may not be able to reach home. Your dentist may also apply fluoride to your teeth to protect them. A professional cleaning will also give you a fresh clean feel.

Root Canal Treatment

If the condition has progressed too far to be treated by dental cleaning, your dentist may suggest root canal therapy. This non-surgical therapy is used to relieve pain caused by dental infections. During the process, the dentist will remove the inflamed pulp from your tooth and clean and disinfect the surfaces of the tooth.

Gum Graft

Sometimes gum recession can be treated by gum graft, which is a surgery where gum tissue that has been lost is replaced. This will add more volume to the gum line and improve your oral health.

Gum graft restorations have an excellent success rate and can help save your natural teeth. It can also be a protective measure for people who are more at risk of gum disease. Sometimes, laser procedures can be used as an alternative to gum grafts to stimulate gum growth.

Tooth Extraction

The treatment of extreme levels of periodontal disease may require tooth extraction. You will have dental surgery to remove the tooth. Following tooth extraction, you may choose to get a dental implant, which goes into the jawbone and holds a false tooth firmly in place.

Your best chance of preventing exposed roots is to establish an oral hygiene routine as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes brushing your teeth twice a day. You should also floss your teeth once a day.

For brushing, use a medium or soft toothbrush rather than a hard toothbrush because too hard brushing can also cause gum recession over time. Using an electronic toothbrush can help you apply the correct pressure when brushing.

Visit your dentist regularly. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that everyone should see a dentist at least once a year. For some people, it may be twice a year, depending on the health of your teeth.

Do not skip appointments as they help catch issues early. Early diagnosis means less invasive methods are required to address the issue.

by CDHP Dental Health

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Cavities with Braces: Causes, Prevention and Treatment

If you’re one of my El Dorado Hills braces patients, then I know you’re well aware of how important it is to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy throughout your treatment. While plaque removal is always crucial, it’s even more key when you have braces. Maintaining outstanding oral hygiene is worth the extra effort and will help you get the results you want. In this post, I’ll be covering everything you need to know about cavities with braces. 


No, braces do not cause tooth decay. Instead, it’s the acids in plaque that cause tooth decay. Here’s how it works:

Everyone has bacteria in their mouth and the bacteria mix with food and saliva to form a sticky film called plaque that clings to the teeth. The bacteria in plaque feed on the sugars and starches you eat and drink, and when they do, they produce acids. The acids attack your tooth enamel and leach minerals from it. 

When plaque isn’t removed, it hardens into tartar, which can’t be eliminated at home with regular brushing and flossing. The tartar sits on the teeth until you have a professional cleaning at your dentist’s office, further increasing those acid attacks. 

Thankfully, our bodies have natural defenses against the acid. The minerals in your saliva, as well as fluoride from water, toothpaste, and other sources replace the lost minerals. This is called remineralization. 

There is a constant battle going on in your mouth between demineralization (losing minerals) and remineralization. As long as remineralization happens more often than demineralization, you’ll be fine. However, if you don’t regularly remove plaque, you eat a lot of sugary and starchy foods, or you snack constantly, demineralization will start to win, causing more minerals to be lost, resulting in tooth decay. 

Sometimes, a white spot will show up where minerals were lost. These white spots on the teeth, technically called decalcification, are the earliest signs of tooth decay. At this point, you may be able to stop the decay from getting worse or even reverse it with excellent oral hygiene, limiting sugars and starches, and treatment from your dentist. 

If the tooth decay process keeps going and minerals continue to be lost, eventually, the enamel will be destroyed and a hole will form in the tooth. These holes are called cavities and they’re permanent damage that a dentist has to repair.

So, as you can see, the tooth decay process is pretty involved and braces don’t directly cause tooth decay or cavities. However, they can be a risk factor for developing cavities if you don’t practice excellent oral hygiene. This is because the brackets give plaque more places to hide and it takes more effort to remove it. 

Other risk factors for tooth decay include eating a lot of sugary and starchy foods, poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, age, frequent snacking or sipping, lack of fluoride, and misaligned teeth. 


You can get braces if you have cavities as long as the cavities are treated before you start orthodontic treatment. We’ll also want to make sure your teeth, gums, and supporting bone are healthy overall, so that we can safely and effectively move your teeth. If you do have issues like cavities or gingivitis, I can team up with your dentist to help you get to a place where your smile is healthy enough to begin braces or Invisalign® treatment. 


No one wants cavities at any time, but avoiding cavities with braces is crucial. This is because:

Teeth move most efficiently in a healthy mouth. When your teeth and gums are in top-notch shape, your braces treatment will finish on time, and we’ll be able to achieve the tooth movements we planned from the start.

Getting cavities with braces will mean more visits to your general dentist and our office. I’ll have to work out a plan with your dentist to treat the cavities and keep a closer eye on your oral health. As awesome as our office is, and I’m sure your dentist’s office is, you probably don’t want to spend all of your free time with us. 

Your braces treatment could take longer due to the need to have your cavities treated. In extreme cases, you could have to have your braces removed so the cavity can be repaired. This will add to the time and expense of your orthodontic treatment. 

When you get braces, you’re investing in your smile. Obviously, you’ll want it to look its absolute best when you finish treatment, and that won’t happen if you have cavities, stains, or white spots after braces. We can get to your best, most beautiful, confident and natural smile with excellent oral hygiene.


If you’re wondering how to know if you have a cavity with braces, the answer is, visit your general dentist! Throughout your orthodontic treatment, you’ll want to continue to see your general dentist at least once every six months (or more often if they recommend it) for an exam and cleaning. 

Your dentist will check for tooth decay and other issues. They may even take dental x-rays, which can detect cavities under braces, between your teeth, and in areas that aren’t visible. 

While early tooth decay frequently has no symptoms, if you experience any of the common signs of a cavity in between your routine dental visits, call your dentist and make an appointment as soon as possible. The earlier the issue is treated, the easier and more affordable treatment will be and the less likely it will disrupt your braces treatment.

Oftentimes, people think that because they don’t feel pain immediately that a cavity can be addressed later. By the time you feel significant signs or symptoms of a cavity, it could mean that much more extensive dental work will be necessary.  

Signs of a cavity include:

Sensitive teeth

Sharp pain when eating or drinking something hot, cold, or sweet

Tooth pain when biting down

White, gray, brown, or black spots on the teeth that don’t disappear when you brush

A toothache that occurs without an apparent cause

Holes or pits in the teeth


How a cavity is treated when you’re wearing braces depends on where the cavity is located and how large it is. If you have areas of decalcification – those white spots we talked about that are early signs of decay – your dentist may give you specific hygiene instructions to follow and do a treatment, such as a fluoride varnish, to remineralize the area and prevent the decay from getting worse. 

For a small cavity that the dentist is able to easily access, they can usually treat it without removing your wires or brackets. They’ll numb your tooth, use a drill to remove the decay, and then fill the space left behind with a tooth-colored filling. 

For a cavity under your braces, multiple cavities, or decay in a hard-to-reach place, the dentist might need our help to remove your braces wire and, sometimes, your bracket too. If that’s the case, they’ll treat your cavity (or cavities). Then, you’ll come to the Jeffrey Kwong Orthodontics’ office and I’ll bond the bracket back on the tooth and refit your braces wire to get your treatment back on track. 


Preventing cavities is always better than treating them! 90% of the work can be handled at home with regular oral hygiene routines. And, while braces require a little extra TLC to keep plaque away, the vast majority of my patients don’t have any tooth decay during their braces treatment. 

Here are some tips to keep your teeth healthy and cavity-free while you have braces:

Brush your teeth in the morning, after meals and snacks, and before bed using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. If you or your child has trouble brushing effectively, we’re a PLAQUE HD® provider. The awesome plaque-identifying toothpaste turns plaque green, so you can see exactly what you missed and keep brushing until it’s gone. Ask a team member about it at your next appointment! 

Floss your teeth at least once daily, making sure to floss all the way up to and under the gumline. Flossing with braces will be way easier if you use a floss threader, special orthodontic flosser, or a product like SuperFloss. 

Enjoy starchy and sugary foods and drinks in moderation. When you do have something with sugar or starches in it, eat it or drink it in one sitting as part of a  larger meal. Snacking frequently throughout the day or slowly sipping on a beverage will prolong the acid attacks on your enamel. 

Use an interdental brush, also called an interproximal brush, to carefully clean around your brackets. These tiny brushes are super effective at getting in tight spaces that are hard to reach with your toothbrush. 

Add a Waterpik, or water flosser, to the mix. While a Waterpik won’t take the place of regular flossing and will be an extra step, it’s an excellent tool for dislodging stuck food and washing away stubborn plaque. 

After having a drink of anything aside from plain water, or after a meal if you forget your toothbrush, rinse your mouth out really well with water. 

Use a fluoride mouthwash, especially if you’re prone to cavities. The extra fluoride will help remineralize your teeth and the swishing action can help clear out any food, bacteria, or plaque that wasn’t brushed or flossed away.

Visit your dentist at least once every six months, or according to the schedule they recommend, for a dental exam and professional cleaning. Regular exams are the key to catching tooth decay before it progresses. During cleanings, the hygienist will be able to remove tartar that you can’t remove on your own, reducing your risk of cavities and gum disease. If you don’t already have sealants on your teeth, talk to your dentist at your next visit. Sealants can help to fill in the grooves, nooks and crannies that can harbor cavity bugs.

by Jeffrey Kwong Orthodontics

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All About Restoring Teeth

What are dental restorations? it’s type, benefits, and more.

Dental restorations are treatments used to repair damaged, decayed, or missing teeth. They are designed to restore the health, function, and aesthetics of a patient’s smile. Dental restorations can be used to treat a range of problems, including cavities, infection, fractures, and missing teeth. They are a common treatment for patients of all ages, and can often be completed in one visit. In this blog post, we will explore the types of dental restorations, the benefits they provide, and more. We will look at the different materials used to create these restorations, how they are placed, and the expected lifespan of these treatments. Additionally, dentist peoria az helps you to know how to care for your dental restorations and the importance of regular dental check-ups. Dental restorations are an important part of maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile. They can be an effective solution for a range of dental problems, and are an essential part of ongoing oral

1. Types of Dental Restorations

One of the most common types of dental restorations is fillings. Fillings are used to repair minor damage to the teeth such as cavities and fractures. Fillings are made of a variety of materials such as gold, porcelain, composite resin, and amalgam. Your dentist will determine which material is best for you depending on the type of damage and location of the tooth. Fillings are placed within the existing tooth structure, which helps protect the tooth from further decay. Fillings can also help improve the overall appearance of the tooth and can last for up to 10 years with proper care and regular dental visits.

2. Benefits of Dental Restorations

Dental restorations are a type of treatment used to restore the function, strength, and aesthetics of teeth that have been damaged or infected. There are many benefits to dental restorations, as they can help to improve the appearance of your teeth, while also restoring function, strength, and comfort. One of the most notable benefits of dental restorations is that it can help to reduce pain and sensitivity in the affected teeth. Additionally, restorations can help to prevent further damage to the teeth, as well as prevent infection and decay. Dental restorations can also help to improve oral hygiene, restoring the appearance and health of the smile.

3. The Process of Dental Restorations

The process of dental restorations involves the use of various dental materials to repair damaged teeth. The materials used in dental restorations include porcelain, metal, and composite resin. Depending on the type of restoration needed, the dentist will use either an adhesive material or a filling material to repair the tooth. In some cases, a crown may be necessary in order to fully restore the tooth. During the process, the dentist will use dental tools and instruments to prepare the tooth for the restoration. They may also use specialized dental devices such as lasers and drills to help them achieve the desired result. The restoration process usually takes several visits to the dentist, but once complete, the result can dramatically improve the appearance and function of the tooth.

4. Common Materials Used for Dental Restorations

Dental restorations are treatments used to repair and replace damaged or missing teeth due to decay, trauma, or other causes. There are a variety of dental restorations available, and the type of restoration used depends on the extent of the damage. Some of the most common materials used for dental restorations include composite resin, porcelain, and gold. Composite resin is a strong plastic material used to fill in cavities or to repair chips or cracks. Porcelain is a hard, durable material used to make crowns, inlays, and onlays. Gold is a strong metal alloy that can be used to make crowns and bridges. Each type of restoration material has its own unique benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to discuss these options with your dentist to determine the best option for your needs.

5. Cost of Dental Restorations

The cost of dental restorations can vary depending on the type of restoration and procedure needed. Dental restorations can range from $50 for a filling to over $3000 for a dental crown. Depending on the complexity of the restoration, it can be more or less expensive. Additionally, if the patient has dental insurance, this can significantly reduce the cost of the restoration. It is important to speak to a dentist to determine the cost of the procedure before proceeding.



Dental restorations are a great way to improve your dental health. Restorations not only restore the function of your teeth, but they also give your teeth a more natural and attractive appearance. Depending on the type of restoration you choose, you can enjoy a variety of benefits, such as improved chewing capability, enhanced smile aesthetics, and improved oral health. 

by Sunrise Dental

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Treatment Of Damage Teeth After A Facial Trauma

Trauma to the face often results in damage to the teeth, the soft tissue of the gums, and the hard tissues supporting the teeth and gums (bone of the jaws).  Tooth damage may involve fracture of the visible part of the tooth known as the crown, or fracture of the root of the tooth beneath the gum margin. The treatment of tooth injuries is dependent on several factors:

whether the fracture involves only the enamel,

both the enamel and dentine,

all the tooth structures including enamel, dentine and the pulp of the tooth,

if a root fracture is present below the gum line.

A dentist must check any damage to a tooth both clinically and using X-rays as soon as possible after the injury has been sustained to ensure no unseen root fracture is left undiagnosed and untreated.  Later treatment is liable to lead to tooth loss.

Sometimes teeth are not damaged themselves but due to the heavy impact of the injury the tooth is moved within the bone.

Sometimes a tooth may simply be loosened in the bony socket known as a subluxation injury,

alternatively, the tooth may be pushed deeper into the socket or partially removed from the socket. We refer to these as intrusion or extrusion injuries.

A tooth may be completely lost from the socket known as an avulsion of the tooth.

If the tooth remains attached to the bone supporting it and there has been a heavy impact on the tooth, it may move with the bone fragment as a result of a fracture of the bone. These horizontal movement injuries of the tooth attached to supporting bone are referred to as Lateral Avulsion injuries.

All these different degrees of injury have specific treatment indicated for them and it is extremely important to go directly to see a dentist for immediate assessment of the injury to give the tooth the best chance of healing and being retained.  This is especially true for young children.

Treatment: SUBLUXATION – tooth loosened in the socket:

Occlusal vertical and lateral loading must be relieved.  A watch and wait policy should be adopted.  The tooth may firm up and suffer no long term effects but sometimes such teeth discolour.  This is a sign the pulp tissue within the root canal system has died and the darkening is due to the absorption of blood pigment into the dentine.  Such teeth must be carefully assessed and are likely to require root canal therapy.

Treatment: INTRUSIVE LUXATION – tooth intruded into the socket causing a crush injury at the root tip:

Immediate repositioning is recommended and a rigid splinting should be provided for 6 weeks as such injuries are usually accompanied by an alveolar fracture hence bone healing must be allowed to take plan without any movement of the tooth or the bone fracture.  Antibiotics are prescribed but tetanus is not usually an issue.

Mature permanent teeth need to be treated by root canal therapy in all cases.  Immature teeth with open root tip can be observed and followed up and if the tooth discolours or if signs of infection are noted, appropriate root canal treatment should be started.

If the tooth cannot be pulled out of the socket back into normal position immediately, orthodontic repositioning must follow later.  However over 50% of such teeth suffer root resorption following healing (where the root is eaten away).

Death of the pulp tissue occurs in nearly all mature teeth with closed root tips.

Treatment: EXTRUSIVE LUXATION – tooth is partly extruded from the socket remaining in the correct longitudinal axis:

Immediate tooth repositioning is indicated pushing the tooth back into the socket to its fullest extent.  Flexible splinting is indicated for 2-3 weeks.  Antibiotics may be required but usually tetanus is not an issue.  Follow up is indicated clinically and radiographically for 5 years.

The pulp tissue within the root canal dies in 65-100% of cases and root resorption occurs in just under 10% of cases.

Treatment: AVULSION – Tooth completely dislodged from its socket:

Gently wash the tooth in normal saline or milk removing contaminants alone while avoiding rubbing the root surface as vital periodontal ligament cells will remain.  Hold the tooth by the crown and never handle the roots.  Replace the tooth back in the socket the right way round before the blood clots as any delay will mean that complete seating back into the socket will not be achieved.

If the tooth cannot be replaced for whatever reason, store the tooth in the patient’s mouth in their saliva but avoiding biting the tooth as this will damage the periodontal ligament cells.  If the patient is unwilling to place the tooth in their mouth or if the patient is a child who may swallow or inhale the tooth, place it in milk.  Do not delay seeing a dentist for professional treatment.

Once the tooth is returned to the socket, check the tooth is correctly placed by gently closing the teeth together to make sure the tooth is not preventing correct closure.

Avulsed teeth must be rigidly splinted in place for 10 days ONLY then the splint must be removed.

When a tooth falls out, it may become infected by bacteria and this may lead to infection when the tooth is replaced.  For this reason antibiotics should be provided.  There is also the risk of tetanus infection and for this reason the dentist or doctors must consider the patient’s tetanus immunisation status and determine if a booster is indicated.

If the dislodged tooth is a mature permanent tooth, it is necessary to start root canal therapy before day 10 while the tooth remains splinted in place.  The root canal is dressed with calcium hydroxide or a root canal dressing material called Ledermix three times for periods of 3 months.  Each time the tooth must then be cleaned out, dried internally and redressed.  Finally the tooth is again cleaned out, dried and a permanent root filling may be placed into the root canal of the tooth.

Follow up X-rays should be taken of the tooth every year for the next 5 years and then every 2-5 years to check for any changes that may indicate the root is failing.

The chance of the tooth tissue in the root dying if not treated in this way is almost 100%.

Even after correct treatment, the root of the tooth may be eaten away, a process we refer to as root resorption.  This is common after such an injury and affects between 74-96% of avulsed teeth (many factors influence this outcome including the time out of mouth, storage medium used, root handling)

Treatment: LATERAL AVULSION – tooth moves in a horizontal direction – often the crown moves back while the root tip move forward damaging the bone over the front of the root):

In this case the tooth may appear to have moved in the jaw.  Usually a fall results in impact on the crown of the tooth that appears to move backwards but the roots of the tooth move forward as the tooth rotates about the centre of the root.  This forward movement of the root breaks the bone over the front of the root and can result in several small sharp bony fragments existing over a forward placed root and the gum can either remain in tact or it may be lacerated and torn.

One can very gently feel with a finger over the root of the tooth and an abnormal shape will be felt.  There may even be a feeling of small sharp fragments of bone present under the gum covering.  If lacerations are seen in the gum, then these must be closed.

Usually these small bony fragments remain attached to the periosteum surrounding the bone.  This is a thin tissue with a rich blood supply that nourishes the bone and keeps it alive.  As a result the bone tends to survive such injuries and repairs like a normal bone fracture.

The aim of initial dental emergency treatment must be to gently replace the bone fragments into their former positions and at the same time the forward placed root should be guided back into its correct position but this always required an anaesthetic (either local or general).   Some force is usually necessary by holding the crown of the tooth and manipulating the tooth by rotating it back into position.  After repositioning, it is important to prevent any movement of the bone fragments or the tooth during healing.  Immediate attendance at a dentist to receive local anaesthetic is therefore essential to allow this repositioning procedure.

A splint is then required, and in this case the bone takes 4-6 weeks to heal and for reparative bone to form around the fractures.

Antibiotics are best given to prevent any post-trauma infection.  Unless the fracture is associated with lacerations and contamination of the wounds, it is unlikely that tetanus will be an issue.

Root canal therapy is not indicated unless the tooth discolours or signs or symptoms of infection arise.

Regular radiographic and clinical review is indicated for 5 years.

The risk of the pulp tissue within the root canal dying is around 60% while root resorption has been reported in under 10% of such teeth.

by NQ Surgical Dentistry

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All About Teeth Clenching And Grinding

During these unprecedented times of COVID 19, people, on average, are experiencing a higher prevalence of stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety may be caused by social isolation, inability to see friends and family, loss of a loved one or job, or financial hardship. Stress and anxiety may present in many different ways, including headaches, problems sleeping, upset stomach, chest pain, elevated blood pressure and even teeth clenching and grinding. 

Teeth clenching and grinding are both considered involuntary movement disorders. They can either happen while awake or asleep and are an unconscious habit. Clenching is when the upper and lower jaw bites together with force, and grinding is when there is also a movement of the upper and lower teeth against each other with force. Teeth grinding is very common in children and is usually grown out of with age. The medical term for teeth clenching is “bruxism.”

What are the Signs & Symptoms?

Typically, the signs and symptoms of teeth clenching and grinding include, but are not limited to, a sore jaw that can sometimes feel like an earache, sore muscles in the cheeks and neck, headaches, sleep disruption, tooth pain or sensitivity, clicking or popping in the jaw joint, lockjaw and flattered or worn surfaces of the teeth. Occasionally, there will be no signs or symptoms associated with teeth clenching or grinding, primarily if it only occurs infrequently. 

What is the Treatment?

Although it is difficult, if not impossible, to prevent teeth clenching and grinding, there are treatment options to prevent the signs and symptoms associated with it. There is no treatment recommended in children who grind their teeth, as they will usually grow out of the habit.

For adults, there are several options for treatment, which most often involve the use of a nightguard. A night guard is a sturdy plastic tooth covering used to alleviate stress on the teeth and jaw. Nightguards can be fabricated in several different forms, such as with clasps or no clasps, with a bite pad or no bite pad. Other options to correct teeth clenching and grinding are correcting tooth alignment, such as the use of braces, Botox injections in the muscles around the jaw, stress and anxiety management and muscle relaxant medications.  

If you think you may be clenching or grinding your teeth, know that this is a prevalent habit, and you are not alone. Especially during these unprecedented times, many people are dealing with more stress and anxiety. It is essential to seek treatment to prevent tooth wear. 

by Dr. Charles Triassi

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Why Gum Disease Is so Harmful to Your Oral Health

Gum disease affects 47.2% of adults over the age of 30. Unfortunately, that number skyrockets up to 70.1% in adults over the age of 70. In other words, gum disease is extremely common, but thankfully, it’s something we treat here at The Dental Center of Hercules in Hercules, California.

In this article,  Dr. Lovely Manlapaz Teodoro discusses why gum disease is so harmful to your oral health and what you can do to improve your dental health.

What is gum disease?

Gum disease, also called periodontitis, starts with a bacterial overgrowth in your mouth. During the earliest stage of gum disease (gingivitis), bacteria-laden plaque builds up and irritates your gums. This can lead to bleeding or swollen gums. The good news is that gingivitis is still reversible, and your bones and teeth haven’t been permanently damaged.

If gingivitis remains untreated, however, it can progress to advanced periodontitis. During this stage of gum disease, the inner layer of your gums starts to pull away from your teeth. This forms pockets called periodontal pockets. Bacteria and debris can get lodged in these pockets. The toxins produced by the bacteria and your body trying to fight the infection can start to break down the bones and connective tissues that keep your teeth in place. At this point, you may notice that some of your teeth are wiggly.

How does gum disease affect your oral health?

Despite the name, gum disease affects more than just your gums. Gum disease can wreak havoc on your oral health and impact nearly every part of your mouth. 

Gum disease can cause:

Bad breath

Swollen gums

Red and bleeding gums

Loose teeth

Permanent tooth loss

Sensitive teeth

Receding gum line

Altered denture fit

Changes to your bite

When your bite changes and when you lose teeth, you’ll also notice that it’s harder to form clear sounds when you speak. Depending on which teeth you lose (or if your dentures fit differently), you may also find that eating is difficult.

Beyond your oral health

In addition to negatively impacting your oral health, gum disease affects your overall physical and mental health too. Studies show that there is a link between gum disease and other conditions, such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and increased risk of premature birth and low birth weight.

How does gum disease increase your risk of strokes? Researchers found that gum disease was linked to an increased risk of strokes caused by severe artery blockages. They also found  P. gingivalis (gum bacteria) in carotid arteries and Streptococcus sp (gum infection bacteria) inside blood vessels in the brain. 

Gum disease can also negatively impact your mental health and self-confidence. 

Treating gum disease can improve your oral health

Treating gum disease can help you avoid the unwanted complications of untreated gum disease. Your specific treatment depends on how severe your gum disease is. Potential treatments include:

Improved at-home oral hygiene

Scaling and root planing

Laser gum surgery


Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults, and unfortunately, once your natural tooth is lost, it can’t be replaced. If you’re concerned about gum disease, call your dentist to explore your gum disease treatment options.

by C. Manlapaz Teodoro, DDS,

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Top Four Embarrassing Oral Health Problems…Solved!

Stinky breath, unsightly mouth sores, and tooth decay: We’ve got a solution for all of your dental-health dilemmas.

The best way to keep your mouth, teeth, and gums looking and feeling great? Your daily brushing and flossing routine, combined with a balanced diet and regular dental visits.

But following these oral hygiene commandments isn’t always enough. Many common oral-health problems, such as bad breath, tooth decay, erosion, receding gums, and mouth sores, can leave people feeling both physically uncomfortable and reluctant to smile. Fortunately, with the right treatments these embarrassing oral-health problems can be solved! Check out these remedies from the American Dental Association (ADA):


1.- Bad Breath

Treatment for bad breath, or halitosis, varies depending on the cause. Brushing and flossing is crucial since it helps keep food particles from collecting bacteria and rotting in your mouth. If your dentist gives you a clean bill of health, though, you’ll need to investigate further.

Your bad breath could be the result of a medical disorder, such as a respiratory infection; chronic sinusitis or bronchitis; diabetes; a gastrointestinal disturbance, such as GERD; or a liver or kidney ailment. The use of particular medications can cause dry mouth, which can contribute to bad breath. And sometimes, the solution may be as simple as changing your diet: If you’re a garlic or onion lover, cutting down on these foods will help. So will cutting out tobacco if you’re a smoker.

2.-Tooth Decay and Erosion

Brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing once a day, and visiting your dentist regularly for exams and cleanings will help fight tooth decay and erosion. Your dentist may also recommend protective plastic sealants to reduce your risk of decay. Eating a balanced diet and keeping your snacking to a minimum will also help head off plaque and erosion. If you’re particularly concerned about erosion, avoid acidic food and drinks, such as citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, pickles, soda, and sports drinks, since studies suggest that they can strip enamel from the teeth. Gastric acid can also contribute to erosion, so if you have a medical condition like acid-reflux disease or bulimia, getting treatment is imperative.

3.- Receding Gums

Gum recession and periodontal disease can have serious repercussions. Early stage gingivitis causes the gums to become red and swollen, and to bleed easily, while the more advanced periodontitis damages the gums and bones that support the teeth, causing them to loosen and fall out. The ADA recommends brushing, flossing, and keeping up with regular dental checkups and periodontal exams. Everyday Health’s dental expert, Dr. James E. Jacobs, adds that since gum recession can also result from aggressive tooth brushing with medium or hard bristles, malpositioned teeth, or bad habits such as clenching, grinding, or scratching your gums with foreign objects, you can also help protect your gums by using an ultrasoft toothbrush and wearing a nightguard to reduce stress on your teeth if you tend to clench or grind at night. Additionally, Dr. Jacobs recommends seeking professional dental, orthodontic, or periodontic help to get your bite comfortable, your teeth properly aligned, and if necessary, your gums grafted.

4.- Mouth Sores

Canker sores and cold sores are two of the most common sores that show up around the mouth. They can be painful, annoying, and unsightly. Cankers develop inside the mouth, while cold sores appear externally, usually on the edge of the lips. Fortunately, both of these types of sores tend to heal on their own within a week or so, and canker sores can be treated with over-the-counter topical anesthetics or antimicrobial mouth rinses to reduce discomfort. Topical anesthetics may also provide temporary relief for cold sores. If you’re embarrassed by frequent cold-sore outbreaks, talk to your doctor about getting a prescription for antiviral drugs that could help reduce infections from the herpes virus.

by Biermann Orthodontics

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What is Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS)?

Has your mouth ever started itching after you take a bite out of a raw apple or banana? If you experience hay fever or nasal allergies, this allergic reaction may be due to oral allergy syndrome (OAS.) Though often considered a mild allergy, OAS occurs when the immune system confuses proteins in some foods with allergy-triggering proteins from pollen. Explore causes of OAS and the simple steps you can take to curb symptoms—so you can keep eating your favorite foods.

What Is Oral Allergy Syndrome?

Oral allergy syndrome is an allergic reaction in the mouth or throat caused by certain raw fruits, vegetables, or nuts. The immune system will trigger an allergic response when it can't differentiate between similar proteins found in foods and pollens. OAS is more likely to develop in teens and young adults who experience hay fever related to birch, ragweed, and grass pollens which have similar proteins to certain foods, according to Mayo Clinic.

What Causes Oral Allergy Syndrome?

OAS can occur any time of year with an increased chance of symptoms when seasonal allergies are more active. Oral allergy syndrome is caused by the cross-reactivity of airborne allergens found in certain raw foods. Common trigger foods of OAS include:

























Oral Allergy Syndrome Symptoms

Symptoms of OAS are relatively mild and generally only occur in the mouth about an hour after exposure to a food. Though uncommon, severe signs of oral allergy syndrome may involve difficulty breathing or swallowing. Contact a doctor or allergist if you experience food allergy symptoms after eating. Typical signs of OAS include itchiness or swelling in the following areas:






How to Treat Oral Allergy Syndrome

Oral allergy syndrome treatment varies depending on the trigger and severity of the allergic reaction. Suppose you aren't able to identify the allergy trigger. In that case, a medical professional or allergist can help determine what's causing the allergic response and what kind of treatment is needed. They may recommend eliminating exposure to the allergy trigger if it's a mild case. Allergen immune therapy (pollen shots as a treatment for hay fever) and over-the-counter histamine blockers may also help resolve OAS symptoms.

The allergy-inducing proteins are commonly found in the skin of the food, so removing the skin can sometimes eliminate the allergy trigger. Fortunately, the proteins that cause OAS can easily break down if the food isn't consumed raw. Some methods for breaking down allergy-triggering proteins in food are:

Cooking or heating food with a stove, oven, or microwave.

Eating frozen or processed foods like applesauce.

Peeling off the skin.

Purchasing canned fruits or vegetables.

Avoid allergy-inducing foods that are dried or in dehydrated form.

Though oral allergy syndrome will likely cause only minor symptoms, visiting a medical professional is the best way to determine the proper treatment for you. Remember that just because you haven't previously had an allergic reaction to a particular raw food doesn't mean OAS can't appear later in life. Talk with your doctor if you think you are experiencing OAS!

by Colgate

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What causes a lump under the Jawline?

While lumps and bumps around your jawline may cause you to panic, the good news is they are often harmless. To learn the difference between a simple swelling and cause for concern, check out everything you need to know about swollen lymph nodes under the jaw.

Your body has many complex systems that work together to keep you healthy and your body working properly. One of these is your lymphatic system. 

You may notice that when you visit your local doctor with cold or flu symptoms, they will often run their hands along your neck, throat, and jaw. This is because the doctor is checking for an important symptom of infection: swollen lymph nodes. 

Lymph nodes are an important part of a larger system that keeps your body healthy. A swollen lymph node is often a sign of an infection, injury, or illness. A swollen lymph node can indicate something as mild as a cold or as serious as metastasized cancer.

Swollen lump under the jaw

One major reason for a lump under the jaw or chin can be due to lymph nodes swell and can be felt under your skin’s surface. In their normal state, nodes are not able to be felt. When lymph nodes detect a problem with the lymph fluid, they react and swell. These problems can include infection, illness, cancer, or as a response to injury.

When swollen, lymph nodes can swell from the size of a pea to the size of a cherry. Lymph nodes can also swell under the jaw. In most instances, nodes swell due to an infection, injury, or illness. Often, a swollen node indicates an infection in the area. A swollen node under the jaw can indicate an upper respiratory infection, cold, or flu.

Swollen lymph nodes under the jaw may feel tender to the touch and can even cause difficulty swallowing or moving your head in certain directions. Generally, lymph nodes over 1 cm in diameter are considered ‘abnormal.’

Swollen lymph nodes are not always a sign of a problem with your physical health. They are also known to swell due to stress.

Reasons for swollen lump under the jaw


Ear infection

Sinus infection

ear infection

Infected tooth

Skin infection

Strep throat





Rheumatoid arthritis

HIV infection

Anti-seizure and antimalarial drugs

Medication or allergic reactions to medication

Cat scratch fever


Mouth sores




Sézary syndrome


Cancer such as lymphoma (where the cancer begins in the lymphatic system) or the nodes will swell if cancer originating in other areas moves to the lymphatic system.

When more than one area of lymph nodes becomes swollen, it is called generalized lymphadenopathy. 

Generalized lymphadenopathy can be caused by


Strep throat

Chicken Pox

Certain medications

Immune system diseases 

Cancer such as leukemia and lymphoma

Infected lymph nodes

While lymph nodes often swell due to an infection in their general area, it is also possible for the lymph node to become infected. Infected lymph nodes will swell and also produce additional symptoms.

Read more: Swollen lymph nodes behind the ear

Symptoms of infected lymph nodes under the jaw

Lymph nodes are swollen 

The infected area is tender

Nodes may be soft or matted together

Red skin in the infected area

Nodes may become filled with pus 

Fluid may drain from the nodes onto the skin

Cancerous lump

While not as common, swollen lymph nodes can result from a cancerous tumor. This can happen when cancer develops in another area of the body and spreads to the lymph nodes or when cancer originates in the lymph nodes. When cancer first forms in the lymph nodes, it is called Lymphoma. It is more common for cancer to first develop in another area of the body and then spread to the lymph nodes. 

This happens when cancer cells break down from a tumor and then travel through the lymphatic vessels via the lymphatic fluid. If they are not broken down in the nodes, they may begin to form a new tumor. 


When cancer travels through the lymphatic system, it affects the lymph nodes. In most cases, when cancer cells break away from the tumor, they can be broken down by the body. When cancer spreads to a new part of the body, it is called metastasis.

Diagnosis of the swollen lump under the jaw

In most cases, your doctor will diagnose what is causing your swollen lymph nodes based on the other symptoms you are experiencing. For example, swollen lymph nodes under the jaw, difficulty swallowing, and inflammation in the throat may point to strep throat. 

It is when the lymph nodes are swollen without any other symptoms that the diagnosis is much more difficult.

Your doctor will likely ask you about your medical history in addition to a physical exam in order to make a diagnosis. You may also need to disclose any recent travel or animal encounters that could have led to your condition. 

In some cases, your doctor may order a blood test to look for abnormalities. They may also do an imaging test such as an MRI, CT scan, x-ray, or ultrasound. 


Although rare, a biopsy for your lump may be required. This test only requires a small number of cells to be removed from the lymph node with a needle. This test can look for cancer. 

Treatment of Swollen Lymph Nodes Under the Jaw

In order to treat a swollen lymph node, you need to treat the cause. Most swollen lymph nodes will resolve themselves once the initial reason for the swelling is treated. 

In the case of a viral infection, the nodes will swell once the body has naturally fought the infection off. Your doctor may advise that you take over-the-counter pain medication to combat the inflammation. 

For a bacterial or fungal infection, the body will need antibiotics for the infection to resolve. 

In some cases, an injury causes the lymph node to swell. Scar tissue or other injuries can cause the node to drain improperly and swell. This may require further surgery to repair. 


Swollen lymph nodes caused by cancer will not shrink until the cancer has been completely treated. In some cases, your doctor may advise the lymph node to be removed. Your doctor will determine the best treatment options for you. 

by Your Doctors

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Periodontal Disease Treatment

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, can be a significant problem for many people. If you are concerned about the health of your gums, it would be our pleasure to help you. At South Dayton Smiles, we have a variety of treatment tools and techniques that we can use to help you improve the health of your gums.

It is easy to overlook the health of the gum, but gum disease can spread to other parts of your mouth, which is why it is important to address this issue as quickly as possible. When you work with us, we can help you improve your oral health, keeping your entire mouth healthy. 

What Is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease occurs when an infection develops in the gums and soft tissues of the mouth. Eventually, these bacteria build up along the edge of the gum line, and plaque and tartar conform underneath the surface of the teeth.

As plaque and tartar continue to build, removing them using a toothbrush alone becomes difficult. Even regular brushing and flossing might not be enough.

As the bacteria continue to spread, they invade the gum line, causing your gums to separate from your teeth. This can lead to gum recession and irreparable bone loss, making your teeth vulnerable to falling out. 

For this reason, you need to trust professionals from South Dayton Smiles to help you.

What Are the Types of Gum Disease?

Gum disease is usually divided into two categories. The first is called gingivitis, the early stage of gum disease. Gingivitis is relatively easy to treat because it is usually superficial.

If this condition is allowed to spread, it becomes periodontitis. Periodontitis is more widespread throughout the mouth, and it can be much more challenging to treat. Different treatment techniques are required to help someone who has been diagnosed with periodontitis.

Some of the signs that someone is suffering from gingivitis or periodontitis include:

The development of bad breath

Gums that are a bit swollen and tender

Gums that bleed easily when flossing or brushing

A change in bite pattern

Gums that appear to be separating from the rest of the teeth 

It is critical to address this issue as quickly as possible. 

What Are the Treatment Options?

At South Dayton Smiles, we always customize our treatment options to meet the needs of each patient. If someone has been diagnosed with gingivitis, we use a treatment called scaling. A dental hygienist will use a variety of dental tools to remove tartar and plaque from the gum line.

The dental hygienist will also get in between the teeth. That way, all bacteria are removed, and the infection can be eradicated. Gradually, the gums will start to heal, and the teeth will have the support they need.

If someone has been diagnosed with periodontitis, the infection has spread, and decay may have begun. This can lead to significant damage to the gums and root structure. In addition to scaling, root planing might be required to completely remove the infection. Advanced surgical tools are used to make sure all bacteria are removed. 

by Smiles

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Protecting Your Smile with Exams and Cleanings

Keeping up with dental exams and cleanings is a vital part of your oral health. Even though you may be regularly brushing and flossing, it is not always enough. It is easy to miss a spot that eventually accumulates plaque, eventually leading to the development of tartar that can only be removed by dentists. At this point, you could easily go on to develop gum disease that could even threaten your permanent teeth.

What is a dental exam and cleaning?

A dental exam and cleaning is a routine appointment that is normally advised at least twice a year, although your dentist may recommend more frequent visits if you have an ongoing problem.

The purpose of the dental exam is to spot any potential problems while they are still small ones that can be easily treated. 

The goal of the cleaning part of the appointment is to allow your dental hygienist to scrape away accumulated plaque and tartar from your teeth and around your gums. Combined with regularly brushing and flossing at home, it is the best way to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Isn’t brushing and flossing enough?

In many cases, it is. But even if you were so fastidious in your brushing and flossing that you completely prevented plaque and tartar, you would still need to visit for your regular dental exams to look for other types of problems in your mouth.

Considering that plaque can be virtually undetectable to the average person, it is important to keep up with your dental appointments so that your professional dental team has an opportunity to examine your mouth, teeth and gums.

What should I expect at a dental exam appointment?

Dental exams are typically combined with dental cleanings. The exam part of the appointment often takes place before the cleaning. This is when your dental hygienist will conduct a visual examination of your mouth, teeth and gums to look for signs of tooth decay, gum disease or oral cancer.

If your hygienist should detect any concerning problems, your dentist may then be called in for a closer examination. This may involve taking x-rays or other diagnostic procedures. If any issues are found, treatment may be recommended and scheduled.

What takes place at a dental cleaning?

During your appointment, a dental hygienist will scrape away any plaque or tartar that has accumulated on your teeth or in the area of your gums. This will help to prevent your gums from becoming inflamed and infected, potentially leading to gum disease. Removing plaque also helps to keep teeth from becoming damaged due to acidic substances secreted by this sticky film.

Dental exams and cleanings help:

Smooth and brighten teeth

Detect signs of early trouble like tooth decay and periodontal disease

Remove plaque and tartar from the teeth

Schedule Your Exam and Cleaning

Dentists recommend that you visit for a dental exam and cleaning at least twice a year — more often if you are dealing with a special issue like periodontal disease. If you have been postponing these vital appointments, reach out to your dentist today to book an appointment.

by Your dental Health Partners

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Top Three Reasons For Tooth Infections

Toothaches can range from mildly unpleasant to downright nasty. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell whether a tooth is infected or if something else is causing your tooth pain. Our team at Troy Bartels, DDS is always available to answer your questions. Today we want to share the top 3 reasons for tooth infections to help you decide whether you need to seek immediate treatment.

Reason 1: Poor Dental Hygiene

One common reason for tooth infections is bad oral hygiene. Without proper care, the acid produced by oral bacteria can cause cavities, irritate gums, and result in a tooth infection. Without quick treatment, a tooth infection can cause tooth or gum loss. It can even become life-threatening by spreading through your bloodstream to the rest of your body.

Reason 2: A High Sugar Diet

A diet high in sugar can greatly increase your risk for tooth infections. Oral bacteria feed on sugar, breaking it down into acid. Over time, acid and oral bacteria can coat your teeth in a sticky biofilm called plaque. Without proper care, plaque can harden into tartar, a substance that is notorious for causing tooth infections and irritating gums.

Reason 3: Dry Mouth

Believe it or not, your saliva plays an important role in your oral health. Not only does saliva rinse the surface of your teeth, it contains enzymes that are important in the digestive process. Because people with dry mouth do not produce enough saliva, they are at an increased risk for developing a tooth infection.

Is My Tooth Infection a Dental Emergency?

Sometimes, our patients aren’t sure whether their toothache is a dental emergency. If you’re experiencing significant pain, you may be experiencing advanced tooth infection and should treat it as an emergency. Fever, swelling, or stomach pain may also indicate that your tooth infection needs immediate treatment.

by Troy Bartels, DDS

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Do Your Teeth Hurt When You Wake Up In The Morning?

Do you notice tooth pain when you get up each morning, but then as your day goes on, the pain subsides?

This could be due to sleeping with your mouth open each night.

Not only does this dry out your mouth and your throat, but it also leaves you at much higher risk for cavities.If you have been sleeping with your mouth open, you need to make sure you see your dentist often enough to combat the problem and keep your teeth healthy.

The Problems with Open-Mouth Sleeping

When you sleep, your body produces less saliva, which is why you do not need to swallow spit every few seconds all night long. However, it still produces some to help keep the acid levels in your mouth low enough to not cause decay.

If you sleep with your mouth open, your breathing dries up what saliva that your body has created, leaving your teeth exposed to problems.

This can cause your mouth to dry out, your throat to hurt, and your teeth to ache each morning when you get up. As you get up and brush your teeth, then drink and go about your regular routine, your mouth gets moist once more and your teeth start to feel a bit better allowing you to forget about your morning pain.

Don't let morning tooth pain become an issue that you forget about until the pain doesn't stop. Go in and see your dentist every six months like you should, and go in an extra time if you notice that your teeth hurt when you go to get out of bed.

The more you have your teeth checked, the healthier they are going to stay, and the less issues you are going to have going on in your mouth that you and your dentist are unaware of until they become big problems.

by Alder Family Dental

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Is Sparkling Water Bad For Your Teeth?

We all have our favorite brands and flavors. It's crisp, refreshing, and zero calories. And that makes us feel good about our beverage choice. We're talking about sparkling water, of course! It's popularity right now is massively escalating, according to USA Today. But how does it affect your pearly whites? Is sparkling water bad for your teeth? We've got all the sparling water answers you need.

How Does Soda Affect Your Teeth?

If you asked your dentist for their thoughts on soda, they'd recommend avoiding it. Why? Two big reasons:

Sugar — soda has an abundance of it, leading to tooth decay and cavities

Acid — most sodas are highly acidic, contributing to tooth erosion

So now you know what not to drink. Some healthier alternatives to drink include water, milk, and you guessed it — unsweetened sparkling water.

What Are Sparkling Water's Effects on Your Teeth?

That fizzy refreshment in your sparkling water, it's caused by carbonation. And it's the carbonation that has some concerned. So is carbonated water bad for your teeth? A Journal of the American Dental Association study found that many popular sports drinks were "extremely erosive," while most sparkling carbonated waters ranked as "minimally erosive." So does minimally erosive equate to "bad"?

Sparkling water is much less erosive than other beverages. Which is good — so it's not bad for you. "For an average, healthy person, carbonated, sugar-free beverages are not going to be a main cavity-causing factor," according to the U.S. News & World Report article. However, it's not necessarily good for you. It's great to replace soda with sparkling water, but don't replace water with fluoride over its sparkling counterpart.

What Are Some Other Ways to Protect Your Teeth?

To battles against cavities and enamel erosion, there are a few things you can do.

Brush with specially formulated toothpaste to help strengthen tooth enamel, replenish natural calcium, and protect against tooth sensitivity

See your dentist regularly to detect signs of tooth decay early when it is easy to correct or reverse

Now you know the truth about sparkling water — it isn't bad for your teeth. You also understand what's needed to keep your teeth healthy while you enjoy something fizzy.

by Colgate

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Five Ways To Improve Your Dental Hygiene Routine

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 31% of US adults aged 20-44 have untreated dental cavities. The prevalence of tooth decay and gum disease is largely due to poor oral hygiene practices.

Oral hygiene, which includes daily brushing and flossing, is absolutely essential for preserving your smile and minimizing your risk for dental problems. Neglecting either of these aspects, even for a short period of time, can have serious consequences to dental health and the appearance of your smile.

In celebration of National Dental Hygiene Month, we’d like to encourage our Kingston patients to take a critical look at their oral hygiene routine and consider different ways they can improve dental care.


Improving your dental hygiene should be specific to your smile and individual concerns. However, generally speaking, many patients can benefit from the following tips:

Switch Out Your Toothbrush: When was the last time you switched out your toothbrush? According to the American Dental Association, it’s best to switch out your toothbrush or toothbrush head every 3-4 months. As the toothbrush begins to wear, the bristles can become frayed and less effective at removing plaque from your teeth. As a rule of thumb, we recommend switching your toothbrush at the start of each season to make sure you’re properly cleaning your teeth.

Use Mouthwash: Using mouthwash won’t replace brushing or flossing, but it’s an excellent additional tool to boost your dental health. Using a mouthwash can help wash away harmful plaque or food debris lingering in the mouth. As a bonus, mouthwash is also great for freshening your breath.

Upgrade Your Tools: Of course, if you find that a manual toothbrush and traditional string floss work well for you, there’s no need to upgrade your dental tools. But for patients that want to improve their oral hygiene routine, it may be a good idea to look into other tools. Investing in an electric toothbrush or a water flosser may help bring your dental hygiene routine to a new level.

Use Products Tailored for Your Smile: With a vast array of oral health products on the market, it can be difficult to choose what will work best for your smile. We recommend choosing products tailored to your own concerns. For example, patients worried about discoloration should opt for whitening toothpaste or patients with tooth sensitivity should opt for desensitizing toothpaste.     

Schedule Routine Dental Cleanings: While there are plenty of at-home tools out there, you should never skip out on professional dental cleanings. Your dental hygienist will thoroughly clean your teeth and remove tartar that is nearly impossible to remove yourself. Be sure to maintain great oral hygiene with the help of routine cleanings.

by Dr. Ian Smith

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What Does a Complete Dental Exam Include?

A complete dental exam is an essential component of preventive dentistry. It allows your dentist to get conversant with your oral health. It also helps them set a plan to improve your oral health going forward. They will advise you on how to take care of your teeth and gums to prevent oral diseases.

When you first visit a new dentist, they will perform a complete dental exam to know how to proceed. After a few years, they may do another dental exam to update your records. 

What Does It Include? 

A complete dental exam looks at your oral history in detail. It also does diagnostics to examine your current situation. From there, the dentist can plan a long-term strategy for your oral health. It can happen every three to five years, depending on the need. The exam may take about 30 minutes for the dentist to complete a thorough checkup. 

So, what does it involve? 

Patient Interview 

The dentist will discuss your medical and dental history with you. It will include the current records if you are not a new patient. The doctor will also want to know if you have any other concerns or issues. They will assess your diet, oral hygiene habits, and any other risk factors that pertain to your case. All this will help the dentist understand your overall dental health. 

Oral Examination And Cleaning 

The dentist will conduct a complete tooth decay and cavities check. They will check the existing dental work and evaluate your bite. The dentist will then clean your teeth, paying attention to each tooth. 

They will note teeth that have chips and cracks, as well as those that are at risk of developing cavities. This part of the exam will help them identify any preventive or restorative treatments you may need. 

Diagnostic Exams 

The diagnostic exams include X-rays, radiographs, or other images the dentist may need. The dentist will protect you from radiation, have you bite on a piece of plastic, and take the X-rays. They will do a full-mouth series to check your overall health. Radiographs and other imaging diagnostics are not necessary. However, the dentist can perform them if there is a need. 

Periodontal Exam 

During this part of the exam, the dentist will examine the condition of your gum for periodontal disease. They will try to identify any early signs of gum disease. If they are present, they will take preventive measures against it to maintain your gum health. The gum is vital to the health of your teeth. Thus, it is crucial to ensure that it stays healthy.

Any signs of periodontal disease that you ignore could lead to the loss of your teeth. It could also cause other oral and health conditions. Early treatment will prevent complications in your kidneys, lungs, and heart. It will also save you hospital expenses that you may not be ready to meet.

Complete dental exams are not only vital to the dentist but also to you as the patient. They will help you take measures to maintain or improve your oral and overall health.

by Mac Family Dental

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Four Habits That Lead To Strong Teeth

Having healthy, strong teeth is one of the many benefits of consistently practicing good oral hygiene. It makes teeth less susceptible to chips, breaks and fractures, and it promotes good overall dental health.

A person's teeth are the strongest part of the body, but teeth are also bombarded with things that can damage their protective covering called enamel in time. Once the person's enamel becomes damaged, oral issues like cavities, tooth decay and infections will eventually develop. Properly taking care of the mouth leads to strong teeth, which leads to better dental and overall health.

4 habits that lead to strong teeth

1. Brushing twice a day

Brushing at least twice each day is one of the most effective things a person can do when it comes to keeping teeth strong. It serves a very important purpose, helping to remove food particles and plaque from the surfaces of the person's tooth. When left on teeth, these food teeth particles are broken down into acids that damage teeth enamel. The damage done by these acids is directly responsible for oral issues like cavities and tooth decay. These acids also weaken the integrity of teeth, making them more susceptible to breaks and fractures.

In addition, plaque left on teeth for prolonged periods of time turns into a calcified substance called tartar. This tartar gives teeth a yellow color, and it is a haven for acid-producing bacteria. Tartar is also more susceptible to staining than teeth enamel, so people with extensive tartar buildup are more likely to have unsightly stains and discoloration on their teeth.

2. Flossing daily

Flossing is the second half of brushing. Both tasks serve the same purpose: removing food particles and bacteria from teeth surfaces. Since the bristles of a toothbrush can reach the tight spaces between a person's teeth, dental floss is used to clean those areas. Flossing should be done at least once a day to ensure food particles and plaque do not build up between the tight spaces between teeth.

3. Using an antibacterial mouthwash

Using a quality mouthwash is not completely necessary, but it is exactly what some patients' need to give them strong teeth. Mouthwash helps to clean the tight areas even flossing cannot reach. It also helps to kills some of the bacteria that produce acids and lead to bad breath.

A quality mouthwash is also a good way to mineralize teeth since many are now infused with minerals like fluoride. A fluoride-infused toothpaste can also get the job done if the person does not spit after brushing, but mouthwashes often have a more pleasant taste.

4. Avoid sugary things

Sugar is the one of these biggest reason people end up with damaged teeth. It is very acidic in nature, and the bacteria that convert food particles into acids thrive on them. The consumption of sugary foods should be limited, and patients should rinse with water after having them.

by advance Dentistry Of Walnut Creek

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Six Signs To Identify Dental Problems Before They Become Worse

Your body has a way of sending you signals when it needs help. A headache is often the first indication of dehydration. Fatigue could be a sign of sleep apnea. As long as you pay attention to the messages your body provides, you can identify and reverse problems before they take control of your body.

Your oral health is no exception! We tend to think of our mouth as a separate entity from our body, but the truth is that oral health and general wellness are closely linked together. If you have an unhealthy mouth, these signals are trying to let you know. 

Bad Breath… All Day Long!

Chronic bad breath, also known as halitosis, can develop for a few different reasons, but the main trigger is poor oral health. 

As soon as you eat or drink, food particles breakdown all around your teeth. If you don’t brush and floss regularly to remove food remnants, they accumulate into a thick coating of plaque that spreads over your teeth, tongue, and gums. Odor-causing bacteria thrives inside this plaque and emits the foul odor we call “bad breath”. 

Your eating habits have the power to reduce or aggravate bad breath because they directly influence the types of particles that cover your mouth until the next time you brush and floss. 

Bad breath sounds like it would be easy to identify, but many people can’t assess the odor of their own mouths. If you suspect that halitosis is influencing your oral health, you can ask a close friend or spouse to check your breath and give honest feedback. You can also perform a breath test yourself by licking your wrist, giving the saliva time to dry, and then smelling it. 

Your oral hygiene habits set the pace for your mouth health. If you’ve been slacking on your brushing and flossing, you can begin to improve your oral hygiene habits with these techniques:

Brush and floss at least twice a day

Scrape your tongue each morning with a tongue scraper

Replace your toothbrush every two to three months

Start oil pulling

Drink plenty of water

These simple yet effective steps will prevent bacteria from building up and generating a foul odor. 

Sensitivity to Hot and Cold Foods and Drinks

The sensation caused by sensitive teeth is nearly impossible to describe, but there’s no mistaking that awful zinging feeling whenever you drink something too cold or hot. In addition to the pain it causes, sensitivity is also a sign of an unhealthy mouth. 

Factors like brushing too hard, overuse of acidic beverages like soda and coffee, and excessive use of whitening products all expose tiny canals that lead right to your dental nerves. As soon as anything hot or cold reaches the nerves, you experience a “zing”. 

Gum disease is also known to cause severe tooth sensitivity since gums recede from the teeth and lose their support system. If you have gum disease, you also probably have excessive plaque in your mouth, which also erodes tooth enamel and exposes nerve endings. 

There are a few ways to treat sensitivity teeth, but it’s important to ask for your dentist’s advice before you choose:

Desensitizing toothpaste

In-office fluoride treatment

White fillings or crowns

Root canal

Laser gum therapy

Chronic Sinus Infections From an Unhealthy Mouth

The bacteria that live in your mouth and gut are responsible for maintaining balanced immune responses throughout your body. This means that the health of your mouth directly impacts the strength of your immune system.

If you always seem to be coming down with a cold or sinus infection, that could be your body’s way of sending SOS messages  Anything that harms or alters the microbiota communities in your mouth or digestive system has the potential to trigger immune dysfunction that leads to chronic sinus infections. 

Improving your unhealthy mouth will create a direct improvement on your sinuses as well. 

Dry Mouth

You have three main salivary glands and hundreds of minor salivary glands that are responsible for producing saliva in your mouth. Saliva is essential to the health of your teeth and gums, so when you develop dry mouth, it puts our oral health in danger.

Consider the roles that saliva performs:

Neutralizes acids in the mouth

Washes away food debris, bacteria, and other lingering toxins

Keeps the mouth moist and hydrated, even while eating dry foods or exercising

Breaks food down with enzymes and carries it from the mouth to the gut.

Bombarding your mouth with potent sugars and acids all day, every day compromises your mouth’s ability to produce saliva. This leads to a dry, unhealthy mouth.

Remain alert for these possible dry mouth symptoms:

Chronic bad breath

Cracked lips and inner cheeks

Difficulty tasting foods

Pain and inflammation on the tongue

Frequent tooth decay

Trouble speaking, swallowing, and chewing

The feeling of sticky or stringy saliva

Dry mouth can be treated in a few different ways. The first step is to improve your general oral health with more frequent brushing, flossing, and dental appointments. Adjust your diet to nutritious, wholesome foods, and switch to medications that don’t cause the side effect of dry mouth. If those changes still don’t resolve your dry mouth, ask your dentist about other professional treatments. 

Tooth Discoloration From an Unhealthy Mouth

Poor oral care is a common cause of tooth discoloration. If you fail to brush and floss regularly, it’s all too easy for bacteria, acid, and plaque to accumulate and harden into tartar. Plaque and tartar both create an unsightly yellow coating around your teeth that leads to other issues like bad breath, decay, and tooth loss. 

Fortunately, it can all be avoided with better oral hygiene! The simple actions of brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist twice a year help prevent discoloration before it begins.  

Digestive Issues

The mouth is so much more than another part of the body. It’s where everything begins. There’s a direct and powerful link between oral health and whole body wellness.

As the entry point to the digestive system, the condition of your mouth directly influences your gastrointestinal health. This explains why poor oral health is shown to contribute to inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis. 

When an unhealthy mouth becomes overwhelmed by pathogens, oral bacteria can constantly move into the gut and trigger serious complications. Some strains of bacteria found in unhealthy saliva are even resistant to antibiotics and believed to trigger intense gut inflammation. 

by Ablantis Dental

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What is dental detail?

If there is one thing you need to be clear about to preserve your dental health, it is that you must carry out a daily and thorough oral hygiene. However, this type of cleaning, although necessary, is not enough to eradicate all dirt from the teeth. For this reason, today at Gross Dentists we want you to know what is dental detartraje and what is its importance.

Read on for more information!

What is dental detail?

It is likely that if we mention the concept of dental detail a priori does not ring a bell or you have not heard it. However, this action, as mentioned above, is very important in terms of dental health.

Dental detartraje corresponds to a technique used in the dental sector that aims to eliminate tartar and bacterial plaque remaining on the surface of the teeth, and which is difficult to remove with the usual daily brushing.

Specifically, it focuses on the area just below the gums. So, as good as your oral hygiene is, it is very difficult to get to this area without the technique of dental detartraje.

Benefits of this dental cleaning technique

To understand the importance of dental detartraje is essential to know the benefits of such a technique. Therefore, thanks to the dental detartraje…

You get a cleaner mouth

Se evita la aparición y expansión de las bacterias

Prevents the appearance and expansion of bacteria

Gingival or periodontal pathologies are avoided

A more beautiful smile appears

Dental loss is prevented

In which cases is it necessary to make a detail?

In any case, the dentist should be responsible for determining when it is necessary to perform a dental detartraje, although it is advisable to perform it once or twice a year. Likewise, it will also depend on the state of your own oral hygiene and your mouth.

At Gross Dentists we are at your disposal to perform this technique or any other technique you need to preserve your oral health optimally.

Steps to follow to perform this type of cleaning

Another important aspect to consider regarding dental detartraje is the process or steps to follow.

First, a clinical examination of the patient’s mouth should be performed to determine the state of their mouth. Secondly, you will be given appointment to perform the cleaning.

To take off the tartar is used an ultrasound device that vibrates and has water. With this, the tartar is successfully separated and the dental surface is completely clean.

Although the previous device is usually sufficient, sometimes it is necessary to use hand tools to improve the finish. Everything will depend on the oral situation of the patient in question.

Finally a dental polishing is performed so that the surface is perfect.

In our dental clinic we take care of your oral health in every way

You already know all the important aspects about dental detail. For this reason, we want to remind you that in our dental clinic, Gross Dentists, we have qualified specialists in the sector who take care of your oral health.

Our goal is to see you smile, with a healthy and radiant smile.

by Gross Dentistas

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Why You Shouldn’t Skip the Dentist, Even if you Have Good Teeth

There is a common misconception that you only need to go to the dentist when you have a problem. Unfortunately, that is the worst tactic you can take when it comes to dental care. It leads to more expensive and more extensive dental treatments, not to mention the pain and suffering that can result when you wait until something bothers you.

Some people have “good teeth” and think this means that they do not need routine dental care. Here are a few important reasons that everyone needs to see a dentist regularly.

Early Dental Problems are “Silent”

Without having consistent dental check-ups, you actually don’t really know if you have good teeth. Most people make that assumption because they do not experience pain in their teeth. The problem with that theory is that most early dental problems do not cause any symptoms. This means that cavities and gum disease can grow and worsen without your knowledge.

The only way you can be sure that you do, in fact, have good teeth is by seeing a dentist for a professional evaluation. The only way to keep them “good” is keeping up with consistent professional teeth cleanings and any preventive dentistry your doctor recommends.

“Good Teeth” Often Change with Age

Some people are banking on their historically “good” teeth lasting the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, just as with the rest of our bodies, the health of our mouths changes with age. Many people take prescription and over-the-counter medications that lead to a dry mouth, which greatly increases the risk for dental diseases like cavities and gum disease. Teeth that have functioned well for decades may become susceptible to cracking and chipping due to those long years of wear and tear.

Another risk factor that changes with time is your ability to properly clean the teeth. As we age, it becomes more and more difficult to perform consistently great oral hygiene. Investing in regular dental care helps counteract these negative side effects of aging.

Two Words: Oral Cancer

his is perhaps the most important reason to seek regular dental care: it could save your life. Oral cancer has a very high survival rate . . . when it is caught early. Without early detection by a dental professional, many people do not find oral cancer until it has already spread to lymph nodes. This metastasis greatly reduces someone’s chances of survival.

The Oral Cancer Foundation recommends that every single person receive an oral cancer screening at least once every year by a dental professional. With early detection, you not only increase your chance at survival; you also make less aggressive treatments more effective. In its earliest stages, oral cancer can be removed with surgery alone.

As it grows, more aggressive treatments are necessary to improve your chance of survival, including radiation and chemotherapy. Detecting oral cancer early may help you save vital parts of your jaws and facial structures.

by Aggie dental Center

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How You Can Clean Your Braces Effectively?

Dental hygiene has a significant effect on the overall well being of a person. Not only does unkempt oral hygiene makes one look unattractive, but also can lead to major problems like tooth decay or tooth loss. Keeping up with oral hygiene becomes even more difficult with braces. They can hinder the daily cleaning routine and lead to stains on the teeth. The wires may trap food particles, which leads to plaque formation. Therefore, to avoid any damage to your teeth, it is important to devote time to properly clean them.

It is advised to brush your teeth after every meal. Since this may not be possible at all times, immediately rinsing the mouth with water to remove any leftover food particles helps in preventing the formation of plaque. It is also necessary to properly clean your teeth before going to bed to avoid any development of harmful bacteria.

Proper BrushingThe most effective way of keeping your braces clean is by brushing them properly. Soft-bristled brushes are recommended for people with braces. Electric toothbrushes can also help as there is no risk of the bristles getting stuck in the braces. Remember to brush all around the brackets and clean every part of your mouth. Begin by cleaning the exterior surface and then move slowly inwards. Changing a toothbrush frequently is also important as the metal wires in the braces may cause it to wear quickly.

FlossingTraditional floss can help remove any undesirable particle from between your teeth. Alternatives to the typical floss like water flosser or oral irrigator and waxed dental floss are available for people with braces. These methods make the process of cleaning between the teeth easy and hassle-free and also more convenient than the conventional ones. Flossing around the wire might take up some extra time.

MouthwashIf you are someone with braces, mouthwash can be your best friend. Using a mouthwash can clean off any remaining food particle left after brushing and flossing. A fluoride-containing mouthwash can be really effective in cleaning the mouth.

Tooth friendly dietAvoiding food rich in sugar and acidic substances can also help in maintaining your oral health. Sticky foods should be avoided at all costs as they cling to the wires and make cleaning even more difficult.

Other than these adopting habits like frequently brushing several times a day, flossing every day and using specially designed equipment to clean the braces can help in avoiding any possible damage to your teeth.

Precautionary measures like these can help in avoiding any major harm to your teeth. Routine checks up by a dentist are important to ensure that there is no potential harm being caused to your teeth. Following these steps will help your teeth stay healthy and look perfect when the braces finally come off.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

by Lytle Dental

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How Many People Struggle With Their Teeth?

Dental health is important for everyone, but according to Dentaly, only 7% of Americans like their teeth. A large majority of people struggle with their dental health in some way. There are many reasons why people may not be happy with their teeth. Let's check out some of these reasons below.

1. Lack of Dental Insurance

One of the biggest reasons why people in the U.S. struggle with their teeth is because they lack dental insurance. Dental insurance helps to cover most of the costs of dental care. Without dental insurance, people have to pay for dental care out of their pockets, which can be expensive.

2. Poor Dental Hygiene Habits

Many people don't brush their teeth regularly, leading to dental problems. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss regularly. If you do not brush and floss your teeth, you're more likely to get cavities and other dental problems.

3. Eating Sugary Foods and Drinks

Eating sugary foods and drinks can also lead to dental problems. When you eat or drink something sugary, the sugar sticks to your teeth and can cause cavities. To avoid dental problems, limit the consumption of these sugar-filled items.

4. Smoking

Smoking is bad for your dental health. It can cause tooth discoloration, gum disease, and other dental problems. If you want to have healthy teeth, it's important to quit smoking.

5. Heavy Alcohol Consumption

While a few glasses of wine or the occasional cocktail is fine, heavy alcohol consumption can lead to dental problems. Heavy drinking can cause dry mouth, which can lead to tooth decay. While wine can be healthy for the cardiovascular system in moderation, it can also stain your teeth.

6. Coffee Stains

Americans love to start the day with a cup of coffee, but coffee can stain your teeth. Tea can have the same effect. If you want a nice white smile, you may need to limit the caffeine drinks.

These are just some of the reasons why people in the U.S. struggle with their teeth. If you are struggling with your dental health, it's important to see a dentist and take steps to improve your dental hygiene.

by Pampered Smiles Dentistry

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Why Is The Roof Of My Mouth Yellow?

Why Is the Roof of My Mouth Yellow? There are various reasons why the roof of your mouth may be yellow. However, some reasons, including jaundice, certain infections, and oral cancer, necessitate medical care. So, keep reading to learn more!

What is the roof of the mouth?

The palate, also known as the roof of the mouth, is the upper section of the mouth that divides the oral cavity from the nasal cavity. It is divided into two sections: the hard palate and the soft palate.

The hard palate

The hard palate is the bony front part of the roof of the mouth that separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity. It helps with chewing and speech production, and any issues with it can affect a person’s ability to eat and speak properly.

The soft palate

The soft palate is the posterior (back) portion of the roof of the mouth that is composed of muscular tissue and connective tissue. It is located behind the hard palate and is not as rigid as the hard palate. The soft palate is responsible for closing off the nasal passages during swallowing to prevent food or liquid from entering the nasal cavity. It also plays an important role in speech production by helping to create certain sounds. The soft palate is movable and can be raised or lowered depending on the needs of the body.

Causes of Yellow roof of The Mouth​

Similar to having a yellow tongue, dental health, germs, and other illnesses can all contribute to a yellow mouth roof.

Oral hygiene issues

Inadequate oral hygiene can lead to an accumulation of microorganisms in the mouth. The color of the interior of the mouth might change as these bacteria grow. The tongue and roof of your mouth may turn yellow as a result of this. Bad smell, swollen or bleeding gums, and discomfort when chewing are other signs of inadequate dental hygiene.

Mouth breathing or dry mouth

When the salivary glands don’t generate enough saliva, it results in xerostomia or dry mouth. There may be a medical explanation for this, such as frequent mouth breathing. Saliva serves to keep germs from growing in the mouth. Bacteria can proliferate and cause your mouth’s roof to become yellow if there isn’t enough saliva produced.

Throat thrush

An overabundance of yeast in the mouth causes oral thrush. The roof of the mouth may develop lumps and yellow spots as a result. A burning tongue, chapped lips, and a loss of taste are some further signs of oral thrush. Although oral thrush is usually not hazardous, it can become problematic if it spreads to other body regions.

A keratosis

Little, uncomfortable ulcers known as “canker sores” develop within the mouth, notably on the roof of the mouth. Canker sores can be yellow or red in hue. The roof of your mouth could seem yellow if you have canker sores there. Canker sores often have moderate symptoms and resolve in a few weeks. Canker sores that do not disappear after a few weeks need to be examined by a dentist or physician.

Herpes oral

A herpes outbreak called oral herpes is brought on by the HSV-1 virus. The inside or outside of the mouth may develop these herpes lesions:  tonsil stones, dry mouth, medical attention, oral thrush, healthcare provider, sore throat, red spots, white streaks.


An accumulation of a yellow pigment called bilirubin results in a dangerous illness known as jaundice. The malfunction of the liver or gallbladder is what typically causes this accumulation. Your mouth’s roof might become yellow if bilirubin levels in your blood increase. The most typical signs of jaundice include flu-like symptoms, yellow eyes and skin, and yellow skin. In the event that you experience any of these symptoms, call your doctor straight once.

Medicaments containing bismuth.

An upset stomach is treated with a drug called bismuth subsalicylate. A typical drug containing bismuth is Pepto Bismol. Using drugs that include bismuth might cause your tongue to change hues, from yellow to black, following research Trusted Source. Your mouth’s roof may also become yellow as a result of it.

Mouthwashes that include oxidizing agents

Mouthwashes come in a wide range of variations. Oxidizing substances, including hydrogen peroxide, are used in certain mouthwash formulas. The roof of your mouth and your tongue may turn yellow after using this kind of mouthwash.

Cigarette smoke

Among other problems, tobacco smoke is a risk factor for poor dental hygiene. Smoking has been linked to black hairy tongues, which give the appearance of yellow on the roof of the mouth. Another risk factor for oral thrush is smoking. Your mouth’s roof may seem yellow if you have oral thrush spots.

The roof of your mouth turning yellow might indicate an underlying illness if more symptoms start to occur: yellow tongue, bad breath, canker sores, a bacterial infection.

The roof of the mouth is yellow and white

The roof of the mouth may develop areas of yellow and white due to oral thrush.

White patches in the mouth might result from the disorder leukoplakia. Because it can progress to oral cancer, this disease is more dangerous.

The yellowish roof of the mouth has red dots on it

Red blisters on the roof of the mouth are one symptom of oral herpes. These blisters may include yellow pus depending on the stage of the epidemic.

Infection with hand, foot, and mouth

The viral infection thrush may result in red spots developing on the roof of the mouth.

Having a painful throat and a yellow roof of the mouth

Sometimes oral thrush can progress to esophageal thrush, which results in a painful throat.

A hurting, scratchy throat is a symptom of a bacterial or viral infection known as pharyngitis. A painful throat is brought on by strep throat, a bacterial illness.

Eating and drinking might be challenging when you have these throat infections. The roof of the mouth may appear yellow as a result of bacterial buildup.

The specific treatment options for issues related to the roof of the mouth depend on the underlying cause of the problem. Here are some examples:

Oral hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene, including brushing twice daily and flossing once a day, can help prevent or treat many issues related to the roof of the mouth.


In some cases, medications such as antifungal or antibacterial medications may be prescribed to treat infections or other conditions.


In cases where structural abnormalities are present, surgery may be necessary to correct the issue. This can include procedures to repair a cleft palate, remove tumors, or address other physical abnormalities.

Speech therapy

For issues related to speech production, speech therapy may be recommended to help improve articulation and enunciation.

Lifestyle changes

Certain lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking or avoiding alcohol can also help improve issues related to the roof of the mouth.

Yellowish Roof of Mouth Prevention

Prevention of a yellowish roof of the mouth primarily involves good oral hygiene practices. Here are some tips to prevent discoloration of the roof of the mouth:

Brush twice daily

Floss daily

Rinse with mouthwash

Quit smoking

Limit alcohol consumption

Dental checkup


In conclusion, a yellowish roof of the mouth can be a concerning issue that may be caused by poor oral hygiene or more serious underlying conditions. To prevent and treat discoloration of the roof of the mouth, it is important to practice good oral hygiene, quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption, and visit your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings.

by Spring Orchid

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Learn The Signs of a Mouth Infection And Known When To Seek Help

When most people think of an infection, they think of being sick.  Unfortunately, many people do not include mouth infections in their idea of being sick.  The reasons for this are many.

Some people mistakenly assume that the mouth is separate from the rest of the body because it requires the care of a dentist instead of a medical doctor. Therefore, they think that problems in your mouth do not make you “sick”.

For others, it is simply the lack of the understanding that many dental problems actually are serious infections.

There are some people who believe that if nothing hurts, then nothing is wrong.

All of these misconceptions are dangerous because they cause people to overlook serious infectious diseases in the mouth.

What is an Infection?

An infection is the invasion of the human body by disease-causing microorganisms (including bacteria, viruses, and fungi among others).  These organisms multiply and produce toxins, which cause the body to respond with inflammation.

Like the gastrointestinal tract and the skin, the mouth is always full of microorganisms, and most of them are not bad.  Many bacteria are actually good for the body.  The term infection does not include these good organisms.  Infections involve bad bacteria that cause disease and destruction of the body’s tissues.  The most common infections in the mouth are caused by a wide variety of bacteria.  Fungal infections can often occur on the tongue, roof of the mouth, and corners of the lips.

What Dental Problems are Actually Infections?

Most dental problems are actually infectious diseases.  There are a few that can occur in the absence of bad microorganisms, like cracked teeth or TMJ problems.  The vast majority, though, are the result of an overgrowth of the wrong kinds of organisms in the mouth.


There are multiple types of bacteria associated with cavities, and the most common is Streptococcus mutans.  This bacteria adheres to the tooth in dental plaque (which is why brushing and flossing helps prevent cavities).  This bacteria ingests carbohydrates and produces a strong acid as the by-product.

Because these bacteria stick to the teeth, the acid comes into direct contact with the tooth and begins to soften and weaken the enamel.  Without intervention, the bacteria continue to multiply, producing more and more acid, which dissolves tooth structure.  As the process continues, the bacteria literally eats its way through a tooth, leaving a hole (or “cavity”) in its wake.  Unchecked cavities destroy the tooth itself.

Cavities become very dangerous when the bacteria reach the nerve and blood vessels in the hollow center of the tooth.  As they continue to multiply and spread, a large abscess can form.  In the most dangerous scenarios, the infection spreads into the airway, bloodstream or brain, causing death.

Gum Disease

Gum disease, which includes gingivitis and periodontal disease, is the body’s response to an infection of toxic bacteria in the gums.  As the bacteria collect in various crevices around the teeth, they produce toxins that destroy gum tissue and jawbone.  Once started, this process is impossible to stop without intervention by a dentist.

Gum disease does spread to nearby teeth and can develop abscesses, just like cavities can.  Unchecked gum disease destroys the foundation of the teeth, so even healthy teeth can simply fall out.

Candida Fungal Infections (Thrush)

Fungal infections are slightly less common than bacterial infections in the mouth.  They often occur on the roof of the mouth underneath a denture or partial.  Thrush commonly develops on the tongue in a person with a severely dry mouth or compromised immune system.  You can also experience an overgrowth of fungus in the corners of the mouth, called angular cheilitis.

Fungal infections cause a whitish buildup in the affected area and can be uncomfortable, if not outright painful.  This type of infection commonly affects the very young, the very old, and the very sick.

What Symptoms Indicate the Presence of a Mouth Infection?

The problem with dental problems is that they often occur without causing any symptoms in their early stages.  We always want to stress the importance of consistent dental evaluations so that you prevent any infections or catch them in the earliest stages.


A toothache or pain in your gums is a bad sign.  Because of the prevalence of cavities and gum disease, it is safe to assume that pain in your mouth is a symptom of an infection.  This is especially true for people who have not seen a dentist in over a year.


Any swelling in the gums is a red flag for infection.  If it is a small pimple-like swelling on the gums, you likely have an abscess from a tooth.  Swelling around multiple teeth where the gums meet the teeth is a sign of inflammatory gum disease.

Any swelling that affects the head or neck and is visible from outside the mouth is extremely dangerous.  Treat any such swelling as an emergency and seek urgent care!

Bleeding Gums

Healthy gums do not bleed.  Only the presence of inflammation causes bleeding of the gums, especially during normal oral hygiene like brushing and flossing.  The inflammation, which includes redness, swelling and tenderness, is the body’s natural response to toxins produced by the bacteria in dental plaque.

Bad Breath

Bad breath is the result of stinky gases produced by bacteria in the mouth.  Often these bacteria hide in the grooves and tiny crevices on the tongue or between the teeth.  The more bacteria present, the worse your breath will be.

Receding Gums and/or Loose Teeth

As gum disease progresses, the destruction of gum tissue and bone by bacterial toxins causes the gums to back away down the roots of the teeth.  This is often visible as receding gums, making the teeth appear longer.  As the gums and bone recede, you lose vital support for the teeth, and they may become loose.

When teeth become loose without any injury, it indicates a serious gum infection called periodontal disease or periodontitis.  Chronic periodontal disease increases your risk for heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease.  This is not something to ignore!

A Persistent White Coating

A fuzzy or sticky white coating that persists for several days, even with good oral hygiene, may indicate a fungal infection.  The fungus Candida albicans is an opportunistic fungus that will reproduce rapidly whenever it can.

Do not attempt to scrape or scratch away any white coating that does not rinse off with a vigorous warm salt water swishing.  Simply perform your normal oral hygiene routine and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.  Then see your dentist or medical doctor for evaluation and prescription of an anti-fungal medication.

by Premier Dental

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Possible Causes Of A Numb Mouth

You might be familiar with the oral numbness that occurs due to local anesthesia during dental procedures. A spontaneously numb mouth — without anesthesia — is a less common occurrence. If your mouth has become numb for no apparent reason, you may be concerned. Here are some potential causes and how you can seek treatment.

Abnormal Sensation vs. Lost Sensation

Oral paresthesia refers to an abnormal sensation in the mouth. These sensations may include tingling, prickling or feeling like your mouth is swollen or burning, reports an article published in Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.

Alternately, oral hypoesthesia refers to a loss of sensation in the mouth, explains the textbook Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. People with this type of numbness may notice that they're less able to sense various stimuli inside their mouths. For example, you may be less able to perceive temperature, touch or pressure in the affected areas.

Possible Causes of Numbness in the Mouth

Whether you feel strange sensations in your mouth or you've lost the ability to feel inside your mouth at all, there are many possible causes, including oral conditions and conditions that affect the whole body.

Hypocalcemia: Hypocalcemia, a low level of calcium in the blood, can cause numbness around the mouth or in other parts of the body, reports the Cleveland Clinic. This condition most commonly occurs with individuals who don't have parathyroid glands or who have a severe vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin Deficiency: Deficiencies in vitamin B12 or folate may also be responsible for a numb mouth. As the U.K.'s National Health Service explains, these vitamins help keep your nerves healthy, so without a sufficient amount of them, you can experience a pins-and-needles sensation.

Hypoglycemia: A numb tongue or mouth is one of the possible symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), explains the Cleveland Clinic. It may affect people who use insulin or other medications to manage their diabetes. Factors such as skipping meals, taking too much medication or not eating enough carbohydrates can lead to low blood sugar.

Multiple Sclerosis: Multiple sclerosis, a central nervous system disease, may cause numbness in the face or other areas. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society explains that this numbness can range from mild to severe. In cases that affect the mouth, people may accidentally bite their tongues or the insides of their cheeks while eating.

Psychological Conditions: Numbness in the mouth can be caused by psychological conditions, as reported by the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research article. This phenomenon, known as psychogenic oral paresthesia, can affect people with anxiety disorders or depression and often affects the tongue.

Nerve-Related Paresthesia: According to a report in the Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, the inferior alveolar nerve — one of the nerves often involved in dental treatment and surgery — can be a source of oral paresthesia. After dental work, a patient may experience altered sensation or numbness in the lips, cheek, tongue and inside of the mouth.

Allergic Reaction: Some people experience allergic reactions in their mouths after eating certain fruits or vegetables. These reactions, known as oral allergy syndrome, can lead to a tingling sensation inside the mouth, explains Oxford University Hospitals.

Seizures: Partial seizures, which affect a limited area of the brain, can cause various symptoms throughout the body, depending on the part of the brain that's affected. The National Institutes of Health reports that abnormal sensations, such as tingling or numbness, may be associated with seizures.

Burning Mouth Syndrome: Tingling in the mouth can also be related to a complex condition called burning mouth syndrome. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), this condition describes a burning, tingling or numb sensation in the mouth, and it can be caused by nerve damage or an underlying health condition, such as an oral infection, diabetes or acid reflux.

Oral Cancer: In rare cases, mouth numbness may be a sign of oral cancer, notes the NIDCR. Oral cancer can form on the tongue, gums and other areas inside the mouth. This type of cancer is often related to the use of alcohol or tobacco or infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV).

Diagnosis and Treatment

To find out what's causing your mouth numbness, see your doctor or dentist. They will ask questions about your symptoms and your medical history and, if necessary, perform testing. Testing may include allergy assessments, blood tests or other tests your doctor deems necessary.

Once the cause of the numbness has been determined, your doctor will discuss treatment options. For example, if a vitamin deficiency is to blame, you might be prescribed a vitamin supplement. In cases where a psychological cause is suspected, medications such as antidepressants may be helpful. Treatment for oral cancer might include surgery and radiation therapy. Your doctor or dentist can provide more specific information about the appropriate treatment for you.

A wide variety of conditions can lead to numbness in the mouth, but treatments are available. If your mouth is feeling numb, make an appointment with your doctor or dentist.

by Colgate

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How To Manage The Pain From Broken Or Chipped Tooth

A tooth can break due to some reasons, such as an accident or tooth decay. It can cause pain and swelling, which interfere with eating or drinking water. You may also experience a persistent throbbing sensation in your head or face. One way to relieve the pain is by taking an over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen, which helps reduce inflammation and swelling in your mouth. 

Causes Of Broken Tooth

Teeth break for any number of reasons. Common causes include: chewing on hard objects, extreme temperatures (too hot or too cold), and teeth grinding. It’s essential to maintain a regular dental checkup so that you can catch these issues early before they become much more severe problems.

Pressure from teeth grinding – Frequent teeth grinding can cause cracked tooth enamel due to the repetitive stress and friction of chewing. People who have chronic bruxism don’t even know they’re doing it while asleep because many episodes happen at night. These cracks usually start small but become more significant over time if left untreated.

Chewing on hard foods – Some foods that are often overlooked as detrimental to teeth, such as hard candies and stale bread, can be just a couple of the causes for cracked teeth. To avoid this terrible mishap from happening, it is important to chew slowly and mindfully when eating food with pits throughout or anything else rough on tooth enamel like ice cubes or un-popped popcorn kernels.

Blows to the mouth (such as car accident, sporting injury, fall, or even a fistfight) – The mouth is a sensitive body area. A direct hit can cause chipped teeth, fractures, and other severe oral injuries such as loosened or knocked-out teeth that should be considered a dental emergency requiring prompt attention. These are often due to unexpected fall, sports incidents, or even car accidents which may result not only in possible dental damages but also facial ones if the head isn’t adequately secured during impact.

Sudden changes in temperature in the mouth – When tooth enamel is rapidly exposed to opposite extreme temperature, it can lead to hairline cracks. It occurs because the outer layer of your teeth is constantly expanding and contracting due to different temperature. When they do so too quickly, fractures may form and worsen or be made larger by preexisting surface damage.

Age – With age comes the wear and tear of tooth enamel that makes our teeth more vulnerable than when we were younger—this leads many people over 50 years old to experience frequent cracking due to weaknesses caused by this deterioration. To combat these issues, make sure your dentist records any sign of weakness during regular checkups; most common cases happen because neglected repairs have led us down.


How To Manage The Pain From Broken Or Chipped Tooth

When you’re not sure how to cope with a broken tooth, it can be challenging to know where to start. The pain may come and go depending on the severity of your injury– but if nerves or dentin are exposed, expect sensitivity. If there is a sharp edge, it could cause severe cuts in your tongue and cheek. Until you can see a dentist, there are ways to treat pain from an acute injury at home that will make life more tolerable in the meantime; these treatments should never replace seeing a doctor or dentist when possible for best results.

Use ice for swollen face – When your face starts to swell, it’s essential to take care of the area by applying ice. Cover a cold pack with a towel and place it on top of any areas where you’re experiencing swelling or bruising for 15 minutes at a time until everything goes back down again. If this is due to sports injury, expect some days without improvement as well as other symptoms like pain in the jawbone.

Use gauze to stop bleeding – If blood flows from the wound, place clean gauze inside the mouth and apply pressure. If it soaks through and continues to bleed, add another layer for more surface area on top of the bleeding point and press down firmly until there is no longer any flow coming out. Replace as necessary with fresh material to avoid infection and ensure optimal care of your wound. The bleeding should stop after a couple of minutes, but if it doesn’t, you can add more and keep applying pressure until there’s no blood seeping through any of the layers. 

What you eat – Broken teeth often mean eating and drinking can be a challenge, and there are some things to avoid that will help. Since it causes extra sensitivity, avoid solid foods, sugary or acidic food items like citrus fruits and sodas and any hot or cold drinks that are more painful on the damaged teeth. If you put any pressure on your damaged teeth, it may cause the breakage to worsen, so only chew with another side of the mouth. 

The best foods to eat are those that do not require chewing and can be swallowed with liquid. Stick with softer foods such as rice porridge, yogurt, mashed potatoes or pudding instead of crunchy vegetables.

Use oral medication to relieve pain – A quick, simple way for many people to effectively reduce mild-to-moderate toothaches is with over the counter medicines such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil). However, it’s crucial not to over-medicate and stay within recommended dosage on packaging. If pain persists, it can be a sign of something more severe and should be checked out by a dentist who may recommend stronger medications.

Final Thoughts


Broken teeth are not a typical dental emergency, but they can be painful and worrisome. While there are many different ways to manage the pain caused by a broken tooth, it’s always best to contact your dentist as soon as possible.

by Peel Dental Studio

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Understanding The Causes Of Oral Pain

Facial pain can be the result of joint, muscular, or other dental issues. Although the pain may also be caused by a psychological or neurological issue. Whatever the cause of your discomfort, you should never ignore any pain oral problem. Pain acts as the body’s alarm system. When it goes off it usually means that something worse will eventually happen if you don’t seek treatment.

Finding the Source

If you suffer from oral discomfort, our team at Slater Family Dental will be able to recognize and treat it. Treatments range from neuropathic, muscle, joint, and other conditions that result in oral pain in the face and mouth. Most of the conditions that cause this type of discomfort can be treated. At our Aloha dental office, some conditions may require being referred to a specialist.

Determining if a joint or muscle is the source of your pain can be difficult. However, if the source of the discomfort seems to radiate from near the jaw joints. Range-of-motion tests can help determine if the joint or muscle is the cause of the problem.

If the joint is the issue, you’ll experience a limited amount of jaw movement. While the pain is the result of a muscle issue. In addition, you will typically have trouble opening your mouth. Patients who suffer from joint issues will also experience discomfort whenever they move their jaw as well.

Muscle Pain

Referred pain occurs when a muscle hurts and the pain seems to radiate out to other, even remote, areas of the body. Pain is felt when the muscle is touched, but the discomfort can also be felt in your teeth or forehead.

Due to the difficult nature of identifying the source of referred pain. Most patients will fail to realize the actual source of their discomfort. Patients may complain of headaches not realizing the actual source of the discomfort is, say, their lower jaw muscle. This makes it necessary for our dentists to conduct a thorough examination. This allows us to determine whether the pain is originating from another area of the body. Once our Aloha dentist accurately determines the true source of your discomfort, a customized treatment plan will determine how best to fix the issue.

Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic or nerve pain is very uncommon. However, patients who experience this type of discomfort often believe their problem is oral health-related as nerve pain often seems to radiate from their teeth and gums.

When a patient experiences pain in a tooth, the nerve of a tooth actually runs directly to the brain. When the signal for pain arrives at the brain from the nerve, it tricks the brain into believing the tooth is actually the root cause of the discomfort. If a patient suffers from an abscess, decay, or a fracture, the brain believes that the pain is coming from a certain tooth. While the brain is often right in these situations, in some rare cases the discomfort may actually be caused by a nerve-related issue.

by Slater Family Dental

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Dentist Tips for Pain Relief

Dental pain can be very bothersome, even when not severe. If something is hurting inside your mouth, it could be due to one of the following:

Tooth decay, is caused by bacteria in the mouth that form plaque, which attacks the tooth enamel. Over time, this can lead to a hole in the tooth called a cavity.

Gum disease, which occurs when the plaque builds up along the gum line and causes irritation and inflammation of the gums.

Oral infection, which is caused by bacteria and can develop anywhere in the mouth. Dental pain can also be due to tooth sensitivity, which is a result of a thinning of the enamel caused by sweet and acidic foods.

How To Get Quick Relief from Dental Pain

If what you’re looking for is quick relief from dental pain, here are 9 tips for pain relief that dentists usually give patients.

Rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. Gargling with hydrogen peroxide can help to relieve tooth pain. The hydrogen peroxide helps kill bacteria causing the pain, and it also helps reduce inflammation. You can also create a warm water and salt mix, which also has antibacterial properties. Rinse your mouth with it for relief.

Take over-the-counter pain medication. There are a few different types of pain medication that can help with tooth pain. Over-the-counter options like ibuprofen and acetaminophen can help reduce inflammation and pain and provide relief from dental pain.

Apply a cold compress to the outside of your face for 20 minutes at a time. A cold compress can help reduce tooth pain by numbing the area and reducing inflammation.

Try using dental floss or an interdental brush to remove food from the affected area. It could be that something stuck in between your teeth is causing dental pain.

Avoid eating hard, chewy, or sticky foods that may aggravate the pain. Try to avoid aggravating the pain and eat soft foods first before you can see a dentist.

Use clove oil. Clove oil is a natural remedy for dental pain. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce swelling and pain. Place a few drops on a cotton ball and apply it directly to the painful site.

Drink peppermint tea. Peppermint tea is often used as a home remedy for dental pain. The menthol in peppermint can help numb the area and reduce inflammation.

Use an oral numbing gel to numb the nerves in your mouth, which helps reduce dental pain. Apply it to the surface of your gums to ease the pain.

If your dental pain is severe, or if your pain has lasted for longer than a couple of days, the best tip is to see a dentist immediately. At-home remedies can only do so much. Having a dentist assess the pain and provide the appropriate treatment is the best way to find long-term relief.

Dental pain is usually caused by underlying dental issues that require dental treatment to resolve. At-home treatments are for quick relief and should not take the place of professional dental treatment. Lasting and effective pain relief requires identifying and tackling the cause of dental pain.

by Dr Ernie Soto

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Do You Have Sinus Pressure or a Toothache?

Whether you are suffering from a sinus infection or tooth pain, chances are your daily life is being affected. While these two ailments may seem to be harmless, they can easily turn more serious and require medical or dental intervention. It can be difficult to know where the pain is coming from when it gets severe, so knowing the tell-tale signs is essential so you can schedule an appointment with the right medical professional.

Sinus Issues

If you have ever had a sinus issue, you know that it can affect every part of your face and head. The pain, when severe, can cause swelling and spread as low as the jawline and as high as the top of the brow. Here are some ways to know if it is truly the sinus that ails you:

Symmetrical Pain. When you have a sinus infection, your pain will usually mirror itself. If you only have pain on one side of your face, then it may not be a sinus issue at all.

Other Symptoms. Sinus problems are usually accompanied by other cold symptoms such as headache, runny nose or congestion, and sore throat. In severe cases, you will notice a gradual, low-grade fever.

Family History. Having frequent sinus issues or allergies can be blamed on genetics. If you have a family history of these things, you may be more susceptible yourself.

Absence of Dental Pain. A true test to know whether or not the pain you have is from your sinuses is to apply pressure directly to your teeth or gums. While your sinus cavities can be tender to the touch, they will not cause a tooth to be tender.

Tooth Aches and Pains

We all get a toothache every now and then. The question is whether or not your toothache turns severe enough to require a dental appointment. At the first sign of a toothache, it is important to note any other symptoms – such as a sudden onset of fever, bleeding or swelling of the gums, or difficulty moving your jaw. It is crucial not to wait when you notice a toothache getting worse, as you may require emergency dental assistance or tooth extraction. How do you know if it is truly a toothache?

Tender to the touch. Push your tongue or your finger on the tooth, if the pain gets worse, you most likely are touching the area of inflammation and pain.

Fever. Sudden onset of a fever over 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Difficulty Speaking. If you have trouble speaking or eating due to pain when moving the jaw, there is probably an infection of a tooth or gum.

History of Dental Issues. People who have had previous toothaches, tooth decay, cavities, or other oral health problems are at a higher risk of suffering from toothaches. If you know you are prone to this pain, it is important to communicate with your dentist.

Prevention and Treatment

Whether it is a sinus problem or a toothache, it is important to speak with your doctor or dentist. When severe, both ailments may require antibiotics. For a toothache, an immediate extraction may be necessary. You will need to consult with your general practitioner about prevention and treatment of your sinus issues, but here are some things you can do to avoid toothaches:

Avoid sugar.

Brush twice per day.

Floss daily.

Drink a lot of water.

See your dentist at least twice per year for annual cleaning, a set of x-rays, and check-ups.

by Sage Dental Care

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The Number 1 Reason People Visit the Dentist? Tooth Pain. But, WHY?

It is no fun to have tooth pain. But, did you know that pain or swelling in your mouth, face or neck can mean several different things.

But what makes having tooth pain or a toothache the NUMBER ONE reason you need to see your dentist? Let’s discuss the Top Ten Symptoms or reasons why you are experiencing tooth pain:


Top 10 Symptoms of Tooth Pain:

Symptom 1: Toothache

If you are experiencing pain in your mouth or jaw, it could be because of a toothache. A toothache usually reveals a cavity, but they can also indicate gum disease. It could also be the sign of an impacted tooth or abscess. A toothache should be evaluated by your dentist right away to find out the cause of the problem and prevent the tooth from dying. 

Symptom 2: Sensitive Teeth

You may have sensitive teeth, if you experience pain or your teeth hurt when you drink cold or hot beverages.

This can be the result of:

fractured teeth

tooth decay

worn tooth enamel

worn fillings

gum disease

exposed tooth root due to receding gums

Treatment will depend on the source of your sensitivity. See your dentist for a diagnosis and to discuss your treatment options.

Symptom 3: Sore or Bleeding Gums

Sore or bleeding gums can be a sign of gingivitis, which is an early stage of gum disease that can be reversed. Or simply, the result of beginning a new flossing routine or brushing too hard. If your gums regularly bleed, schedule a dental appointment, as it could be a sign that something else is wrong.

Symptom 4: Mouth Sores

Types of mouth sores include cold sores, canker sores, leukoplakia and candidiasis. They vary in their severity and causes.

Mouth sores could be the symptom of:

disorder or disease

bacterial infection

viruses or fungus

simply result from irritation caused by braces, dentures

irritation caused by the sharp edge of a filling or broken tooth

Your dentist should examine any mouth sore that lasts a week or longer. 

Symptom 5: Bad Breath

Bad breath can be caused by

what you eat

not cleaning your mouth

dry mouth


other medical conditions

Persistent bad breath can also be one of the warning signs of gum disease. Brushing twice a day and flossing daily are essential to reducing bad breath and preventing gum disease. Brushing your tongue can help too. If you are concerned about what’s causing your bad breath, see your dentist. They can determine the cause and treatment plan.

Symptom 6: Jaw Pain or Popping/Clicking in the Jaw

There are many things that can cause these symptoms, which can make it difficult to diagnose.

Possible causes include:

sinus problems




teeth grinding


problems with your jaw, like TMJ

Your dentist will conduct a thorough exam, which may include X-rays, to determine the source of the pain. 

Symptom 7: Dry Mouth

Saliva is the mouth’s primary defense against tooth decay. It washes away food and other debris, neutralizes acids produced by bacteria in the mouth and provides disease-fighting substances throughout the mouth. If you have dry mouth it may be the symptom of a medical disorder or a side effect of certain medications. Your dentist can recommend ways to help moisture. 

Symptom 8: Oral Piercing Infection

Oral piercings can create a wide range of problems for your health, oral and otherwise. Your mouth is home to huge amounts of bacteria, creating an ideal place for infection to start.

If you have any signs of infection:






red-streaked appearance around the site of the piercing

contact your dentist or physician immediately. 

Symptom 9: Broken or Cracked Teeth

A broken or cracked tooth can happen for a variety of reasons:

brittle teeth

teeth grinding


The crack may be invisible to the naked eye and even X-ray, but they can be incredibly painful and create bigger problems if left untreated. If you experience pain when chewing see your dentist. They can diagnose the cause and develop a plan for treatment.

Symptom 10: Stained or Discolored Teeth

Over time your teeth can become stained and change color.

This is often the result of:

eating certain foods, such as coffee or tea





certain medications

Whitening options can include over the counter or in-office treatments. Check with your dentist about your options for stain removal that are both safe and effective.

by Adams Dental

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Sore in Roof of Mouth: Causes And Solutions

Mouth ulcers are not uncommon but developing a sore on the roof of your mouth can still have you concerned. Nevertheless, the location of this oral sore has many possible sources, so you shouldn't immediately assume the worst. In fact, if you have a sore on the roof of your mouth tissue, you may have one of these four conditions:

1. Burns

Bumps on the roof of your mouth are sometimes just a burn, particularly after a hot meal. This phenomenon is known as "pizza palate" because fresh slices of pizza are usually the cause of irritation in this part of the mouth. However, pizza isn't the only food that can burn your mouth; any hot food can have this effect. Hot drinks, like coffee or tea, can lead to similar burns.

A burned palate usually heals by itself within three to seven days. To ease your discomfort in the meantime, stick to soft foods and cool drinks. If the pain is severe, your dentist may recommend using a product to ease the sensation in your sores and promote quicker healing. If the area is still sore after seven days, don't hesitate to see your dentist.

2. Canker Sores

Canker sores can always develop on the inside of your cheeks, but don't be surprised to feel them on the roof of your mouth as well. Canker sores are round, sensitive masses whose origins depend on the case. Researchers think these sores may be caused by problems with the immune system, and are therefore triggered through factors like stress, certain foods and hormonal changes.

Generally, people will get one to three canker sores per instance, but some may develop upwards of 10 or more sores at one time. These sores usually hurt for a little over a week, then disappear completely after two weeks. While you wait for your mouth to heal, you may benefit from eating bland foods to avoid irritating your sores. Of course, your dentist could also prescribe a pain-relieving gel for you to apply to your sores during the recovery process. If your sores haven't healed after these two weeks, they should be checked out by your dentist.

3. Cold Sores

Sores on the roof of your mouth – particularly those that don't dissipate right away – may ultimately be cold sores. A common growth caused by the herpes simplex virus, cold sores are usually found on the lips, but they can also be found on the hard palate. These sores present themselves as painful, fluid-filled blisters; the blisters later rupture and crust over as less-painful lesions.

Cold sores usually become crustier within four days of appearing and will heal completely after eight to 10 days. While they're healing, avoid touching or picking at them, just as you would for a scab. If the sores don't go away by themselves, as you know, your dentist is happy to help.

4. Oral Cancer

Although some of the sores that form on the roof of your mouth are harmless, not all of them are best left alone. Sores on the roof of your mouth can sometimes be a symptom of oral cancer. And if you have a sore on the roof of your mouth that hasn't healed after two weeks, you need to see your dentist as soon as you can for an evaluation. Oral cancer is most treatable when it's caught early, so it's important to bring suspicious sores to your dentist's attention right away.

If your dentist suspects a sore is cancerous, they will send you to an oral surgeon for an oral evaluation and perform a biopsy of the tissue. If cancer is found, treatment can start just as quickly. This treatment often involves surgically removing the cancerous sore, and afterward, radiation or chemotherapy to be sure it doesn't affect other cells.

If you develop a sore in roof of mouth tissue, there's no need to assume the cause is out of your control. These sores can have many drivers, ranging from harmless to the more invasive. Many of them go away on their own, but a sore on the roof of your mouth that doesn't heal within two weeks is the perfect reason to see your dentist for an evaluation – and a regular check-up.

by Colgate

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White Spot on Tongue: Causes And Treatment

You might notice a white spot on the tongue after experiencing discomfort or when checking inside your mouth after brushing your teeth. Most of these spots or patches go away by themselves, but it's worth visiting a dentist to have them checked out if they linger. Oral thrush, canker sores and leukoplakia are the most common causes of white spots on the tongue. Here are a few conditions that can cause white spots on your tongue, and when it's time to see your dentist.

Oral Thrush

Oral thrush, an overgrowth of a naturally occurring fungus, often appears when the immune system is depressed. Babies, denture wearers, patients with cancer, HIV and other immune-compromising conditions, anemia and diabetes patients, smokers and dry mouth sufferers are all at a higher than normal risk of developing oral thrush. A course of antibiotics can also trigger an attack.

It's rarely serious, but a long-term infection may require treatment. Creamy white lesions on the tongue are one sign of thrush; other symptoms include:

White patches in other areas of the mouth

Lesions that look like cottage cheese

Red, cracked corners of the mouth and lips

Loss of taste

Cotton mouth or dry mouth

Scraping oral thrush spots usually removes the white coating, but this can also cause slight bleeding.

Apthous Ulcers (Canker Sore)

A white spot on the tongue surrounded by a red, inflamed halo is probably an apthous ulcer, more commonly referred to as a canker sore. Aphthous ulcers is a painful inflammatory condition that occurs in the oral soft tissue and on the tongue - often as one or more oval/round or well-defined, grey-yellow ulcerations surrounded by redness..

These common and recurring lesions can be small or large and appear on their own or in groups. Canker sores are often painful, and scraping doesn't remove them.

Viruses, bacteria and immune system issues are some suspected causes of canker sores. Trauma, allergies, stress, cigarette smoking, medicines, hormones, iron and vitamin deficiencies make you more susceptible.


White or greyish patches called leukoplakia usually appear on the gums, the bottom of the mouth or the insides of the cheeks, but sometimes they appear on the tongue as well. Wiping or scraping does not change their appearance or texture, which may be thick or hardened. You would usually not have any symptoms from your leukoplakia.

Chewing or smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol cause most cases of leukoplakia, and about 75 percent of smokeless tobacco users develop leucoplakia. The condition also carries a small risk of developing into oral cancer - it is therefore important to see your dentist regularly for check of the leukoplakia.

Hairy Leukoplakia

Fuzzy white patches that appear on the sides of the tongue as ridges or folds are symptoms of hairy leukoplakia. These patches result from infection with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which lasts a lifetime but remains dormant in the body until a weakened immune system sparks an attack.

When to Visit Your Dentist

If a white spot on the tongue doesn't go away after a week to ten days, visit your doctor to have it checked. Some conditions, like thrush, may go away on their own, but it's always wise to go see your dentist or doctor for a consultation to make sure it's not something more.

To help keep your mouth fresh and healthy and reduce the risks of white spots and other problems, brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and quit smoking. We also recommend using a medicated alcohol-free mouthwash such as Peroxyl Medicated Mouthwash. This mouthwash facilitates healing and alleviates discomfort caused by minor mouth and gum irritations, such as aphthous ulcers, pericoronitis and trauma from fixed orthodontic braces. Most people experience white spots on the tongue at some point in their lives and for many they're a common occurrence. Though the spots are unlikely to be harmful, they could be a sign of something more serious. If you're concerned, a check-up at your dentist can put your mind at rest.

by Colgate

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