4/18 Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, can be a significant problem for many people. If you are concerned about the health of your gums, it would be our pleasure to help you. At South...
4/18 Keeping up with dental exams and cleanings is a vital part of your oral health. Even though you may be regularly brushing and flossing, it is not always enough. It is easy to miss a...
4/17 Toothaches can range from mildly unpleasant to downright nasty. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell whether a tooth is infected or if something else is causing your tooth pain. Our team at Troy Bartels, DDS is always available...
4/17 Do you notice tooth pain when you get up each morning, but then as your day goes on, the pain subsides? This could be due to sleeping with your mouth open each night. Not only...
4/16 We all have our favorite brands and flavors. It's crisp, refreshing, and zero calories. And that makes us feel good about our beverage choice. We're talking about sparkling water, of course! It's popularity right now...
4/16 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 31% of US adults aged 20-44 have untreated dental cavities. The prevalence of tooth decay and gum disease is largely due to poor oral hygiene practices....
4/15 A complete dental exam is an essential component of preventive dentistry. It allows your dentist to get conversant with your oral health. It also helps them set a plan to improve your oral health going...
4/15 Having healthy, strong teeth is one of the many benefits of consistently practicing good oral hygiene. It makes teeth less susceptible to chips, breaks and fractures, and it promotes good overall dental health. A person's...
4/14 Your body has a way of sending you signals when it needs help. A headache is often the first indication of dehydration. Fatigue could be a sign of sleep apnea. As long as you pay attention...
4/13 If there is one thing you need to be clear about to preserve your dental health, it is that you must carry out a daily and thorough oral hygiene. However, this type of cleaning, although necessary, is not...
4/13 There is a common misconception that you only need to go to the dentist when you have a problem. Unfortunately, that is the worst tactic you can take when it comes to dental care. It...
4/12 Dental hygiene has a significant effect on the overall well being of a person. Not only does unkempt oral hygiene makes one look unattractive, but also can lead to major problems like tooth decay or...

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