1/9 While sleeping, you’re jolted awake by a sudden pain on only one side of your jaw. Although the situation can be alarming and confusing, don’t worry – it typically isn’t a cause of immediate concern....
1/9 Many are aware that flossing is a vital step in your oral care, but fewer know what tools are available to make it less of a chore. Floss threaders might be what you've been looking...
1/8 A loose tooth can be very annoying and discomforting. Your oral hygiene, gum disease, teeth grinding, hard food, mouth injury, anything can result in a loose tooth. You can let your tooth come out on...
1/8 Dentures do not technically cause you to have “dry-mouth,” but when you have dry mouth and wear dentures, the affects can be much more noticeable and irritating. Dry mouth can be frustrating and can cause issues...
1/7 Did you know that along with the other parts of your smile, as you’re striving to keep your smile health in exceptional condition, you should keep your tongue in mind along the way? If you’re...
1/7 Few things feel more satisfying than finishing a good meal. But this positive feeling can sour if you are left with bits of food stuck between your teeth. It may feel hard to resist trying...
1/6 If the filler isn't permanent, such as Restylane Silk or Juvederm, the lips will return to their original shape, according to Dr. Howard Sobel, founder of DDF Skincare. Permanent fillers, such as Silicon 1000, will...
1/6 Dental technology is a branch of the dental sciences that includes dental technicians, lab scientists, metallurgists and other compound specialists who work to recreate dental anatomy. Whether the natural oral environment is disrupted by disease,...
1/4 It’s officially chapped lips season. And let us tell you, we feel your pain. One of the worst side effects of dealing with cold weather is dealing with dry, cracked, painful lips. Sometimes, it feels...
1/4 Toothache can disrupt your comfort in several ways, as the pain can be unbearable and affect your ability to eat, drink, speak, and even sleep. It can cause significant discomfort, leading to poor performance at...
1/3 Lips are one of the sexiest parts of the human body. It is one of the first things we notice when looking at a face. Do you suffer from dark areas around the edges of...
1/3 Nothing is more refreshing than a tall, ice-cold glass of water. It’s rare for anyone to dispute that a simple glass of water can provide more satisfaction than a coffee, soda, or even a can...

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