4/26 Healthy eating habits are an important part of good oral hygiene. Your body will be more healthy if you eat well and limit the intake of foods and drinks that could damage your teeth. Is Vitamin...
4/26 Sodas are packed with sugar and acids, which can damage your teeth. One soda a day can also add up to almost 1,000 extra calories per week, contributing to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart...
4/25 If you're experiencing abnormal bone growth in your mouth, you have what's called an exostosis. The term sounds a little frightening, but don't worry – in most cases, these growths aren't a cause for any...
4/25 Wisdom teeth, are the third set of molars that emerge between the ages of 17 and 25 and usually become problematic – even for those who have the best oral health. These teeth are supposed...
4/24 Regenerative therapy is an innovative approach to dental treatment — and it’s revolutionized the way we approach various oral health conditions.  Regenerative methods harness the human body's natural healing abilities, and they’re rapidly becoming the preferred...
4/24 Toothaches can be a minor tinge letting you know that something is wrong or they can cause crippling pain… that’s why we wanted to share some common toothache causes and their symptoms. What is a...
4/23 If you have recently asked why can I see my teeth through my gums, you should book yourself an appointment with a dentist. Changes or abnormalities in your gums can be a sign of periodontal...
4/23 If you’re one of my El Dorado Hills braces patients, then I know you’re well aware of how important it is to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy throughout your treatment. While plaque...
4/22 What are dental restorations? it’s type, benefits, and more. Dental restorations are treatments used to repair damaged, decayed, or missing teeth. They are designed to restore the health, function, and aesthetics of a patient’s smile....
4/22 Trauma to the face often results in damage to the teeth, the soft tissue of the gums, and the hard tissues supporting the teeth and gums (bone of the jaws).  Tooth damage may involve fracture...
4/21 During these unprecedented times of COVID 19, people, on average, are experiencing a higher prevalence of stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety may be caused by social isolation, inability to see friends and family, loss...
4/20 Gum disease affects 47.2% of adults over the age of 30. Unfortunately, that number skyrockets up to 70.1% in adults over the age of 70. In other words, gum disease is extremely common, but thankfully, it’s something we...

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